>white senior citizen peacefully watering his lawn
>two dindus bike by
>return a minute later, throw the old man to the ground, shoot him, and steal his wallet
Just another day in Chicago, soon to be another day in any western country. You cannot, by any means, relax around blacks. At any time, you can be assaulted.
Caught on Camera: Elderly Chicago Man Shot, Robbed While Watering His Lawn in Broad Daylight
Do you expect niggers to act like humans.
Around black never relax
Niggas stole those bikes, too
>black cop blaming it on poverty and not having "hope"
Just remember, Avoid the groids
Poor whites and Asians are apparently full of hope
Shit man I'm moving to the Chicago area soon, (Gurnee) should I be afeared?
North side isn't too horrible, south side is 3rd world
Orlando, FL here.
Yesterday, a Turkish roach vacationing here on his honeymoon was shot and killed by niggers trying to rob his wife's purse.
Please beware of your surroundings, use situational awareness to always avoid the groid.
poverty and not having "hope" are just symptoms--the real cause of all the problems in black communities is low average negro IQ. The racial IQ gap, as shown in The Bell Curve, means negro dysfunction will never go away, no matter how much money you throw at the problem. The only fix would be to tinker with genetics, but we don't have the technology for that.
Is Chicago the most depressing American city at this point?
He's wasting water.
>Fredrico LaGuardia
Are you a fucking retard?
A close second behind Detroit
You have to understand crime in its sociological context. This is the result of having highly concentrated pockets of poverty in a community where the politicians and police don't have the best interest of the people in mind. I can't really blame the criminal but instead blame the society that created him, which is one in which structural racism exists and the White majority refuses to do anything about it. It's all part of Conflict Theory, which I learned in my Intro to Sociology class in college.
He was a spic, can't wait till the spics wise up and start killing chimps like the homies on the west coast do
Every fucking time
This makes no sense. Why would you take someone's life when all you wanted was their belongings.
You know what, I agree.
But what I think needs to happen is we tackle the actual tangible cause of crimes: criminals. Maybe when society is generally less shit we can start to have a look at the complex socioeconomic factors.
KeK that was beautiful m8
No, you'll be fine. Maybe I wouldn't walk around at midnight in some neighborhoods but its generally a nice area with a lot of white people. You will come to hate the Mexicans a lot more than groids.
Some Mexicans were arrested for trying to ethnically cleanse some blacks in LA.
First line of the article
>Two men
Whatever you say man.
Ausbro, this is why pro2a Americans get so frustrated when anti gun, especially European anti gun, commentators state things like, "they usually only want your belongings".
1. That's an insanely pathetic way to live.
2. In the hood here, there is a level of predation that is hard to explain if you've never experienced it. It's barbaric. And many do it not because they have no "hope" but because they can.
The Great Depression was far more hopeless and crime levels stayed low. My grand parents didn't Jordans and x box equivalents, and they never did this shit.
Chicago is just beyond saving at this point. We're better off just burning it the ground and starting all over.
if blacks aren't raised properly they act like wild animals.
You or I, in a fight, wouldn't stomp the other person's head in on the ground. We don't see life as a videogame.
We have honor in our very blood.
I'm moving from Las Vegas, I'm used to the mexicants. There's also tons of flips around here.
Nah. It's their ignorant shit tier culture. Low IQ doesn't inherently equate to violence. It's often seen to together, but can exist without each other.
This. It's a culture of zero responsibility and constant predator/prey hierarchies starting with their "family" life as a baby. You're crying when mom brings Pookie home to bang? Shaken and or beaten.
It goes out from there.
Dude had a spanish sounding name, sucks though the dude got shot by niggers who do not value life. If you value your life, I don't care if you are a mexican asian or white, Do not relax around blacks if you want to keep on living.
Big ass fuking 2kg surveillance camera 1999 dumb phone resolution
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Most of the videos from this expensive pice of shit tech look like random pixels
i wonder the same thing man.
What would happen to society if you made it law that all black children must be raised in institutions run by white educators?
>Why would you take someone's life when all you wanted was their belongings.
In New York earlier today a nig started randomly grinding on a woman, she told him to back off and he immediately pulled out a gun and shot her in the head.
They're not people like you and I know people, and they're not animals as we know them. Look up the warrior gene. Blacks are many times more likely to have antisocial behavior in their very genetics. Coupled with the intelligence gap, they are literally orcs.
For what it's worth statistics show that black children raised by white families only perform marginally better on the SATs than the average black.
The old man survived, but you're right. People seem to think it's a poverty issue, the same people that defended the obviously-racist motives of the South African farm murders (where little white kids were sadistically tortured and raped before being murdered along with their families) as having "economic causes".
I wonder when we will nip this problem in the bud and finally wake up.
bingo. the robbery is just an excuse for the murder. they went to kill him, they just happened to rob him too.
europeans dont get this. they dont realize niggers arent out robbing people. they are out murdering people and then tsking their shit just for the hell of it. they do it to each other for fucks sake. they think niggers must be robbing to survive kek. delusional as shit.
The niggers would need a full tank of gas to get to you.
>nip this problem in the butt
That's code word for genocide! Shame on you!
how likely are niggers raised by white families to get arrēsted for violent crimes?
because they are not people.
Excellent news!
Appalachia would like to have a word with your debunked theory.
he's liturully apart of the racist generation
WHOoo the Hell cares
I know there is a distinction between a black man and a nigger so where do I move to to avoid niggers? In USA or out doesn't matter
Daily reminder that the race war started decades ago and we still aren't fighting back
Yeah bro. That narrative is getting super fucking old, especially because you nailed it: they fucking do it to each other far more than to anyone else.
It's savagery. There is no other word for it. If they were committing crime to "survive" and "feed my chirrens", they would sling weed all fucking day quietly. Dude in places like Chicago, you're out the next day on a gun arrest; weed doesn't exist as a criminal offense. But they don't. Oh sure, they sell a little weed, but that's almost just because they think they have to. Gang life now has almost nothing to do with selling drugs. It's simply narcissism fueled by social media with a violent tinge.
It's a hyper accelerated reflection of Americas narcissism as a whole.
And if you adjust that to reflect that blacks are 13% of the population and whites are 60%, that basically means:
>10 blacks murdered by whites
>600 whites murdered by blacks
Meaning their murder rate is 60x higher than whites. Unacceptable.
So make it a law for us to raise those little niglits. Thanks but I'll pass
Don't forget that black men are an even smaller portion of that 13% and commit the vast majority of those murders
Nigga u gud at that.
>Marquette Park
>near Midway
oh yea that place is a total shithole.
another day in the southside quarantine zone
Eradicate nigger culture, not necessarily niggers.
Agreed. I truly believe there are plenty of black people out there who despise this shit but between their own people and the media both calling them uncle toms AND making it seem like white people will never accept them, they are in a terrible position.
Send all of them back to Africa. Every "African" American should be deported *when* they commit a crime.
If a nigger commits a crime send them back to Africa. There's your eugenics programme that would improve the African American situation in the USA.
I don't get the image. What am I missing?
(I'm assuming the moment you tell me I'll hate myself)
you can go even smaller with young black males 16-22 accounting for the lion's share of murders
Humor is found in the comments section
Bill very much enjoying the image.
John approves Bill to save the image.
Bill takes the credit when Lori exclaims "great pic"
In addition, the niggers literally brag about killing people "swiping" peoples cars etc. Its COOL and FUN for them to commit crimes especially if they can get away with them.
I heard about that story on the radio today. My first thought was "a nigger did it."
Though he removed kebab, so I can't exactly condem it
He either voted for this to happen or fought in a war to allow this to happen.
Watering his lawn in broad daylight? That's a waste of water. Always water your lawn in the evening.
poverty is a bad thing.
>avoid the groid
I like that kek
You just dont understand their rich culture, racist.
You'll be extinct before the 22nd century
Deal with it goyim
>It's their ignorant shit tier culture.
It's not though, the blacks are just inherently more violent. It's gene expression.
good thing those melanin rich environemtal warriors were on patrol to stop that evil whitey stealing nature's resources
>Always water your lawn in the evening.
So the water can sit overnight and cause root rot? Confirmed for knowing fuck all about grass.
Optimal watering time is between 8-10 a.m. assuming no niggers present.
Imagine if you lived in a jewish majority society?
How nice would you be?
this is a great image, but the layout is abit shit. If you worked on presenting it better it could be a winner.
Surveillance cameras often operate at low resolution to save storage space. They run 24/7/365. How many terabytes of storage you want to have to use? Older model surveillance still runs on either erasable tape or rewrite dvd tech. Sure you can have a high Rez camera, but why?
>but can exist without each other.
Name 1 low IQ society which isnt a hell hole. I'll wait.
Include a few easy to look up sources also and I'll jewbook that shit
>Federico LaGuardia
Beat me to it.
When you've only got 60%, every beaner counts.
>Though he removed kebab, so I can't exactly condem it
But user I think we can rank turkroaches higher than nigs. They like to shitpost like fiends but at least they dont steal your shit and shoot you
Too many orcs, not enough elves.
They don't have the capacity to reason.
We look at this and view it as pure evil because we could never imagine ourselves doing that.
They can't even think past the point of stealing the wallet (which would likely at most have $50-100).
The only way blacks can function is if we have a fascist society that holds them to different standards because that's the only way they respond.
Giving them "freedom and liberty" is just a bunch of BS as most of them (90%) can't handle it.
>Optimal watering time is between 8-10 a.m. assuming no niggers present.
Well that's a big problem for people in chicongo
Not really, most of them are asleep till at least 2 in the afternoon.
Fucking black walkers.
>pol teaches gardening
>optimal watering time between 8-10, assuming no niggers pres
i smiled and couldnt not for a second or 2
>literally orcs
Good one, will remember
Yeah, you water at night if you like fungus. People who want a well hydrated lawn without fungus water before the sun comes up, the water not absorbed is cooked off during the day rather than sitting on the lawn helping the formation of lawn-killing fungus.
Just sayin'. I actually did lawn care for a living.
Ahhhh, that's what I thought, but then I overthought it.
Did they fly over the Sentinelese island?
If we weed out the bad nigglets through deportation and genocide, the decent ones may have a shot at making America Great Again.
Politicians are Nazgul
You kill 1 and they just come back stronger
Gotta inflate the statistics somehow.
>Look up the warrior gene.
Interesting trivia for you.
The "warrior gene" used to be called the thug gene, but people (jews) thought it sounded too negative.
Its a gene which is strongly tied to poor impulse control and increased aggression/criminality.
Warrior brings to mind images of noble heros. Dont pollute our language by attributing positive adjectives to what should simply be called dumb nigger behavior.
Niggers don't really sell weed except for the one nigger who realizes if he buys a pound and sells it to all his friends he can smoke pot for free.
No one buys weed from niggers except for other niggers.
There are easier ways to apply boot polish to your lips.
Why should police protect the black community instead of the law abiding CCW blacks?
Allow open carry with rifles after extensive background checks and permits acquired.
There is nothing good blacks want to do more than legally defend their community from violent niggers. Give the good ones the opportunity and wearing body armor is already legal too.