But what did he mean by this?
Really gets my synapses firing.
But what did he mean by this?
Really gets my synapses firing.
Other urls found in this thread:
Come out Mel, we know you're here.
Mel is based as fuck.
Based Mel.
God, I love Mel
Kek. Gotta love Mel. Gives no fucks about showing his power level
The most redpilled of them all
thanks for the HH Kek, praise be
Mel should make shitlib Jews' heads explode and go on the daily shoah
God I love Mel. He's the best man in jewywood.
>Mel returns
this is how I know this year is the year.
Glenn Beck is a despicable guy with a failing media company, I can definitely see him saying some shit to ingratiate himself with wealthy Jews.
Really makes you think
THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN!!! He's done it! He's fuckin' done it!
Say what you want but Mel Gibson made Braveheart, The Patriot, and Apocalypto.
plus he's pretty well known around these parts
Jews killed their Messiah and got Jerusalem destroyed.
Okay this looks like what all the stories are referring to.
He means that jews ruin everything!
mel is the best
Glenn Beck stirring drama, fuck him, let Mel Rise up.
I love mel gibson
haha, shit
Yes, Jews run rackets, and the Italians have always been their muscle in this country. Is that not common knowledge?
i hope he resurfaces man
He is starting to look more and more like Andross
youre right ; )
It's well known that the Jews run hollywood that isn't even a conspiracy.
Based fucking Mel holding fast to the real Catholic faith.
>SOS, Save Our Synagogue
more like Synagogue of Satan amirite?
May the memes guide you my brother
Isn't Mel being forced by Jews to make a movie about a fucking pacifist not firing a single shot?
Mel only starred in The Patriot. You can tell too because it doesn't feel like the films he's directed. His films are darker and more visceral, less sentimental.
Please Jesus let this happen.
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
Someone made a good observation about this in a post I saw. The pacifist was American. As in, he was a pacifist in the face of Nazism, the Axis.
>fedora detected
The film was very popular with Catholics (like Mel) who tend not to be rednecks.
Literally the most popular religious film ever made in the modern era.
so glad Mel is from my town :) makes me love him more
So much butthurt kikery.
Is it physically impossible for Aussies to not talk shit?
Emulating makes me sick to my stomach. What are you doing with yourself.
This will be first movie I've seen in an actual theatre in 5 years.
source he was apologizing to jews
Based Gibson.
Hey its the same reposted kike bullshit.
why the fuck is Gibson talking to this anti-Trumper. The fuck are you doing Mel
He's saying he hopes they get raped by a pack of niggers.
He's just getting the Mormon audience for his new movie, he;s been talking to Evangelicals and stuff too.
This is purely business.
>do you have a dog in this fight?
That jew thought he was talking about actual dog,
"According to Gibson, the movie was stolen before its release - by Jewish people."
Does this make sense to anybody?
The story reported everywhere was that Gibson financed the film himself, and hence reaped far more of the massive profits the film generated than if a studio had financed it.
So how was it "stolen"?
Is Beck paraphrasing Gibson here in a somewhat, or perhaps very misleading way? For the clicks and the eyeballs.
I disagree. He knew exactly what he meant. He reacted as kikes react. Sniveling cowards the lot of them.
Holy shit, Mel caught this kike by the back of his neck.
Are you mentally challenged?
That question by Mel was really unexpected, pretty sure he visualized a dog in his head at first.
Hahaha, best parenting advice ever.
Glenn Beck the rat
God damn, his beard looks phenomenal
Mel's red pilled because his dad has been for decades.
I believe his father was on InfoWars years and years back.
stay comfy and warm mr porker
What's with the surge in Mel Gibson threads in the past few days?
Mel, is that you?
Eastwood and Gibson are Legends in this era. I also thought the Perfect Weapon was badass. Someone write a movie about destroying American corruption
>as a human and a Jew
Top Kek
>tfw Jewish but love Mad Max
what do Sup Forums?
He directed and was lead actor of Braveheart as well. Amazing movie
hes anti gun
so really hes only 9/10s redpilled
>Was watching Apoclipto on the Abbo TV channel last night.
> 4th time its been on this year.
>Suddenly have a revelation
This is the Abbo equivalent of watching star trek, an advanced civilization thousands of years in the future they can aspire to be like.
your lucky i cant type well. Id throw a tomahawk at your forehead. Its nice being American cuz i have so many bloodlines. Careless to scalp you careless to nuke you. Just kidding need taco.
To be Honest Mels made some of the best movies ive ever seen. Hes a Hollywood Hero and id back him up before any kike or stupid bitch.
He was Aussie when he was young, as he got older he became angry and American.
I know one thing you deserved to be scalped.
Hmph, truly leads you to ponder...
After Rosewood i have zero remorse.
underrated post
so based, i love mel and i don't even like white people
Top kek! I can see them watching this and seeing slightly sharper sticks while whispering to each other "one day". Then they take another huff of gas.
Wait what happened that his movie was stolen?
Apocalypto was good? I remember there being some weird controvercy when it came out
Im jelly of his gains tbqh
>he didn't see Fury Road in theater
but yea that will be the 2nd film for me
not gonna lie, I was immediately motivated to workout when saw that pic goddamn i love his physique
The current year was 2015
2016 is the year of Sup Forums, don't you know?
>Trump budding with Putin
>Rise of Milo
>Rise of Breitbart
>Late nigger Show canceled
>President Duterte
>Europe getting fucking sick of Muslims; reactionary right political parties rising everywhere
>more and more white people dgaf about being called racist
>MSM being rejected all the time
>SJWs turning on each other
>SJWs getting louder and louder and more obnoxious because they know they are now losing ground
>University of Chicago has now become totally uncucked, the first of many
>Mexican President agrees with Trump on the wall and he's not even fucking President yet.
>Black crime finally being called out; same with Democrats keeping blacks on the plantation
>More awareness of zionism
>More people aware of Holocaust myth
Kek Mel fucking knew right away I wasnt even certain he was one
Is it some kind of Aussie bushman technique he uses to sniff em?
Convert fampai
He's prolly juicing though so I try not to idolize that far
He looks like that badass grandpa everyone wish they had. I'd love to have a beer with him. Either hes batshit crazy in person, or hes cool as fuck. Either way, its a win win for me.
Can't wait for the sequel to The Passion.
I don't even believe in God and you're a faggot.
But user wanting to beat your enemies to death with your bare hands is the ultimate redpilled, Gibson still based!
How do you steal a film?
Also favorite Gibson film? I like Blazing Saddles.
if you beat your enemies, they win!
Dude he means exactly what he said bref
I've been wanting to watch Passion of the Christ for a while now, but haven't read too much of the bible yet. Do you think I need to do that first? I mean, would it be sacrilegious to see the movie before reading the book?