Gamergate leader arrested on 2 felony counts of assaulting a police officer

>One of Gamergate’s most notorious harassers has been arrested and charged with two felonious accounts of assaulting a police officer. Depending on how prosecutors proceed, 30-year-old Virginian Ethan Ralph could face up to five years in prison.

>My hope is prosecutors will finally take his threat to public safety more seriously.

>Most members of Gamergate, the alt-right movement best known for harassing women in the game industry, operate under a veil of anonymity. Ralph is one of the rare exceptions, running the fringe blog “Ralph Retort.” Much of Gamergate’s reputation for spreading private information about feminists in an attempt to intimidate them is due to Ralph’s actions.


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We all know the cops are out of control so Im sure the guy is innocent. #blacklivesmatter #staywoke

>Most members of Gamergate,

>the alt-right movement

what do we do now guys do we bust him out? How will we ever go on without our glorious leader?

apparently being a contrarian is now "alt-right"

gamergate is autism

everybody involved should be gassed


what happen?

Seems like anything liberals dont like is now considered "alt-right".

>alt right

I know an SJW-lite type that was a notable Gamergate supporter. That's bullshit.

Got went out, got drunk, and interacted with cops /end

It's amazing how whenever a single member of non-narrative friendly group gets arrested it's always a high ranking leader to the media and a literally who? to everyone else.

People who punch police officers get arrested. it doesn't matter if they're neckbearded twitter trolls or not.

holy shit, is that bitch part swamp hag?

>interacting with cops

Just walk away. Don't say anything just start walking until they say you're detained.

Then ask if you're under arrest.

Then ask if you're free to go.

If no and no, tell them you won't say another word without a lawyer present and stop talking.

Wait 10 minutes (time it on your phone) and then walk on your way and don't stop until they say you're under arrest.

Or call your lawyer immediately and put him on speakerphone. Make sure you have a lawyer on retainer for just such occasions. It's not that expensive.

She looks like Dr Seuss character.

>I will not play your sexist game,
>I will not play it on the train,
>I will not play it in a van...
>If it's created by a man!

Obviously. Hillary turned it into the new meme.
Shouting racist lost its charm, so now they shout alt right. It's new enough to confuse people into going with it even though no one's even defined what the alt right is to begin with.

Ralph was a fat fuck anyway. He was 8ch's GamerGate boards sockpuppet

>ethan ralph
Who? Is this someone I should I care about?

It's a disgusting tranny.

Well being drunk in public is technically a crime, so they had a right to confront and arrest him. We'll see what charges stick. Ordinarily it might be a night in jail and a fine.

top kek

Jesus Christ, you'd think with all the money Brianna Wu has, she'd get a plastic surgeon to fix that ridiculous looking mug.

If swamp hags are men that pretend to be women despite having a penis, then yes.

good god wu is so fucking ugly

what on earth made wu think they'd make an awesome chick? was it the boxjaw? the bulbous chin? the receding hairline? or the stringy hair, for that matter?

if only daddy had taught wu about the importance of identifying core competencies

they'd still be an OK looking guy rather than a hideous woman, and revolution whatever would be too busy not existing to be as painfully shitty as it is

>centrally organised
>has a leader
>leader attacks police in public
wow wtf i hate gamergate now!

Very disappointed Wu wasn't the one in handcuffs. Please choose a more relevant image next time, OP.






Please don't humor John Walker's fantasies of being a little asian girl.

I am still amazed this thing has a husband. Anyone got the gif's/webm of her twitchy zoned out facial expressions?



They can't tell if you're drunk in public if you just stop talking.

Non-participation is also de-escalatory, which means less likely to result in an argument or fight. So he'd have avoided the assault charges.

how can you be less passable than john cleese yet think yeah this is a thing I need to do


Not only do drunks smell bad, but they can't walk normally too. Very easy to tell.

"She" kinda looks like Al Yankovich

Unless they open their mouth or have an open container no charge will stick.

You could be puking yourself blackout drunk and if you just keep your mouth shut the worst they'll do is call an ambulance for you (actually that's pretty bad those fuckers are expensive, don't ever call an ambulance).

like, i've seen transgenders that epic fail at passing before, but that thing looks like it stepped straight out of a monster manual.

>having a leader

Also dubs!

Is Gamergate like an actual movement or something?
Like literally other than being used as a lefty boogeyman for oppression olympics types I thought its existence was just a meme at this point?

She's just mad that no one's buying her game on Steam.

Maybe he'll finally realize he has a drinking problem and stop it.



>people gave him money to make a game

It was a label applied to everyone who didn't side with the SJWs.

Of more practical import was ShekelShoah which continued on Sup Forums for about half a year (?) after GG lost steam on here. They did all the heavy lifting chipping away at Gawker before Thiel put them in the ground for good.




>his parents were so financially loaded they gave their 18 year old kid 6 figures to utterly waste on his FIRST attempt at being a game dev
>then they paid to have his dick hacked off and pumped full of drugs

GamerGate went the way of occupied wallstreet

I don't blame Jim for disavowing and disappearing

You're on Sup Forums man, not h8.chan.

No redtext here.

>you will never have rich parents to pay your degenerate ways

del Toro memed Mama into reality

(It was my idea of a joke.)


First thing that came to mind

GG is such a fucking abortion.

What started out as a broad yet cohesive collective working towards ousting shitty click-bait and calling out bloggers for their bullshit has turned into, at the behest of the media and their shoddy narrative, a big pissing contest with endless "NUH UH!"-ing from both "sides".

Fucking nigger, you got me excited thinking that this faggot tranny assaulted an officer

When people talk about Gamergate as a movement or a group, they're actually talking about a collection of random people who use the internet to discuss a variety of subjects tangentially related to game journalism being a joke and social justice taking over the industry. The people who discuss these topics tend to do so in subreddits, imageboards, and hashtags dedicated to the subject, so it kind of looks like a tightly knit group orchestrating a well organized movement, if you're a moron who is new to the internet. If Gamergate is a movement, then so is Sup Forums.

There's no secret club, so anyone using the word "members" in this context is being either stupid or deliberately misleading. Same goes for the word "leader" because there's no such thing as the leader of a hashtag. The "leader" of Gamergate is as real as the "leader" of people who like cats.

It's almost like they're using it as a label to define anything they don't like, how interesting, if only there were people on Sup Forums who were constantly trying to stop faggots from accepting the label because they saw exactly this coming.

"anything I don't like is alt-right"

I've never been ashamed of my university until I found out that OP's pic attended.

why is this shit still a thing

plus I thought GG was done forever a fucking go
[spoiler]At least with new Asian Moot we can talk about it[/spoiler]

Why does Wu continue to list a bunch of meaningless credits when all he has done is be a whining trannie?

He looks like a jew, don't care what happens to him.

Already didn't care knowing that he got drunk and assaulted an officer, faggot should've been in control of his functions.

>dispersed organization


>dispersed organization


Quickly, someone call an ambulance before is kill!

The GG subreddit KotakuInAction still gets a fair amount of traffic considering GG should have been dead in the water long ago. From what I can tell all the popular proponents of GG on Twitter are still at it all these years later to, as well as the detractors.

Still haven't a clue what the fuck gamergate is

it's that fork my dongle thing isn't it?


Hell I thought Kotaku was dead

I'm guessing that's less to do with gaygate and more to do with Kotaku is still a fucking shitrag

Bullshit, I've been drinking on the job for years and no one knows.

>plus I thought GG was done forever a fucking go

It kind of is.

But people still use the hashtag, imageboards, subreddits, etc., as a convenient way of discussing how SJW game journalists continue to be retarded. I guess there are probably some people who are still trying to accomplish things, as well, but most of them have probably accepted the fact that history will never see "Gamergate" as anything but an "alt" "right" "hate" "group" anyway.

gamergate was so unsuccessful yet all the marxist scam artists like zoe quinn, phil fish and leigh alexander have no careers

It's unfortunate nothing actually happened to that disgusting tranny / professional victim

Hotty Toddy. Ox is alive again.

Wait. Why was that thing on Syfy? Has my favorite channel been compromised?

Got like a 4:00 am slot when literally nobody is watching.

They gave it its own show?

is globalist narrative to justify controlling free speech

a fabricated talking point

It's embarrassing just like PUA and MRA but functions as an entry point for normies into this world. Anything that appeals to them would be embarrassing to us, but it's serving the purpose.

If you look closely enough at OP's image you can just barely make out the title of the show.

What the fuck is the "alt-right"?

Some kind of indie bookstore? nahir madrid

>nahir madrid
whoops. that was the captcha.


simply put, people who disagree with SJWs but too generalized to be put in a solid camp of people. literally anybody can be alt-right for disagreeing with Hillary or Wu

My bad, I just thought it was an autists edit. I never thought you could make a show about that.

Has CWC gotten on yet?

I bet your parents called you dumb.

not an argument lopez

The one about the asian girl who did that "cancel colbert" thing is pretty hilarious, especially at the six and a half minute mark.

I want to know what goes through the mind of the chink that hooked up with this abomination

Don't you mean "Berniebros?"

Hold on, I'll go dig something up.

Serious - it'll be like five minutes.

Didn't she turn things around and get the hell out of 'social justice?' I vaguely remember reading her referring to social justice as a phase she was going through in college.

Welp, at least they got the tv channel right.

Wu's whole career now is being a victim.
She and others always push that gamer gate is some kind of organized gang. They would sound silly if they said "oh, it's just a bunch of bored faggots on the internet giving me shit for legitimate reasons".

OK, read these accounts from people who went to college with him and see if it isn't possible that some guy was basically just intimidated into going out with him due to crazy behavior:

Note that these forum posts pre-date Gamergate.


Hardest I've ever laughed at a post