Tampons and pads in public bathrooms should be free

Tampons and pads in public bathrooms should be free.

Women can't control that they menstruate. It's like if we told men to either bring your own toilet paper or just stop shitting.

How can we as a society in 2016 justify free loo roll and soap in bathrooms but not Tampons?

Answer me this without mansplaining if you can.

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I've seen a couple places with free ones but mostly I have seen them for sale for 25c a tampon.


>Asking me to subsidize somebody's vagina
How about you fuck yourself?

We should probably provide free adult diapers and catheters for people who are incontinent

Women menstruate at roughly the same time every month, so they should know when they're going to flow and act accordingly.
Hell if I was a woman I would carry 2 tampons with me wherever I go at all times.

This is one of the few times I agree. Condoms and birth control definitely no, but tampons are toiletry so I think its justifiable.

I'd like to add that the number of times I've had a girlfriend over and she freaks out because she's started bleeding and didn't bring a tampon is ridiculous.
You'd think they'd learn eventually, but they don't.
What do they even store in their handbags if not tampons?

if the taxpayer is subsidizing that vagina why does i as a tax paying citizen not have a right to use that vagina as a piece of public-use property?

Yeah sure why not, less money for dem programz

Just roll up some toilet paper tightly and insert. It's basically the same but be careful you don't rupture the paper.

As to why it shouldn't be free: there are many necessities in life. I also can't control when I want to eat, sleep or need medical attention. All public restrooms must therefore provide free buffets, individual hotel rooms and a fully staffed medical clinic.

Besides, women can 'control' their menstruation. Many use contraception and if not, it's not called 'time of the month' for nothing. Just carry a few with you, it's not like they're made of lead

No one asks to bleed from their vagina,Alfred.

No, fuck that. If women want a tax-funded menstrual solution, suggest menstrual cups to them - watch how quickly they dismiss the idea. Why?

Because they want the best shit for free.

Cherokee women made tampons with their own hair. Why are women so lazy?

It's funny because you know if men menstruated we'd have an entire cottage industry devoted to including that shit in EDC as compactly and efficiently as possible.

Why is this more pressing than installing urinals in female bathrooms? As a male-to-female transvestite I find it humiliating that I'm forced to use a stall when I use the bathroom that I identify with as a woman.

Bring your own in your purse.

This. Not to mention pads, tampons and menstrual cups are all inventions made by men, at least in their modern form.

How do we control people taking a handful and stocking up on them?

I can't control when my facial hair grows so razors should be free. Same with body odor, bad breath, ear wax, and any other type of personal hygiene.

This is such a bullshit non-issue that makes feminism look fucking retarded. Not that they really needed any more help with that.

I'd be all for it as long as only women's taxes pay for it.

You don't.
I worked with a horrible cunt who used to stock up on toilet paper in the ladies restroom. Went over her house (trying to get some play), her bathroom was full of stolen rolls. Also didn't own a handtowel, told me to use my pants, I left soon after.

Public toilet paper is usually terrible. Do women really want terrible tampons?

Think about the cost of a shit ton of tampons compared to a roll of single ply toilet paper. Why would it make sense for anyone want to provide that for free. Do you realize how many people would just steal the tampons for later use?

I agree, also there should be free razors in public bathrooms because men can't control when their beard grows.

I want to kill all liberals. WHY must their brains be so dumb

I don't think it should be government mandated by any means, just a general consensus by businesses to begin to put them in women restrooms for their public use. Vaginal blood is gross and can spread diseases. It would demote those freaky "free bleeders". Also, businesses don't charge you for napkins or first aid, so why not?

>women will complain about this


Holy fuck just give women everything for free


You're not entitled to anything for just being a wymyn

if i carried a purse everywhere, i would 100% bring my own toilet paper


>I pay for condoms that I don't wear

Because you get fucked by them without fear of getting pregnant or catching an STD.

>pads vacuum sealed with all the air sucked out so they fit in packages the size of condoms, fit three in your wallet
>hipsters who only use ecologically responsible cotton pads
>manpons with silica dessicants that can absorb eight times their volume of liquid
>manpons in old styles cigarette cases for the fogeys
>hey nigga it's that time of the month can i cop a pad
>no worries bro take two

both genders use toilet paper (women actually use more than men). only women, poor women at that, would benefit. All people shouldn't have to pitch in to afford you a first world luxury.

Go shove a handful of hay up your vagoo if you need to. look online for DIY tampons made from potpourri and shit.

I work for a ground handling company at an airport that also had cleaners that would service airplanes at night.

We once hired these 3 mexican girls.

in the space of a week our entire seasons worth of tampons had disappeared.

needless to say all three mexicans were fired.

40 For like $5, just looked it up, thats not buying it in bulk with a name brand. You can find free bread, free soap, condiments, toilet paper, ect. Will people abuse it? Yeah. But they aren't that costly. Buy the cheapest you can get, and people would use them mostly for an emergency because they aren't comfortable. Also, people use far more toilet paper because people shit more than they bleed. Its once a month. Im not saying get the "Super lubricated pamper sport 3000". Just do something as a convenience for the customers. Also it brings in more business

Just shove some toilet paper up there.

>public toilet bog roll is single ply and generally terrible
>it's also usually in that stupid casing to stop people stealing it or flushing it down the toilet
>or else the roll is oval shaped instead of circular and trying to get enough off to wipe because it's fucking single ply is suffering

pretty sure you dont pay taxes for condoms at a university.

>mfw I heard one of my co workers talking about manpons tonight literally as I was finishing up work.

>bog roll
What the fuck Australia?

>bring your own toilet paper or just stop shitting.
I'm an American in his late 20s. I had an active childhood, went to public school, went to college, but I have never once shit in a public restroom.

The newest feminist crusade
And they wonder why no one identifies with them

Yeah faggot. Just shell out YOUR cash, and I'll be totally fine with it. As long as the acquisition of funding for this garbage is limited to just retards like you, then I won't have a problem with this at all. I'll be more than happy to allow you white knighting cucks to throw your money away on more female-pandering lunacy. Otherwise, gas yourself.

Are you a poof or something?
Yea, your a poof

This. It's. Not about shyness it's about being able to control your fucking body like an adult.

Why don't more women use those reusable cups?

That's not the same thing m8, a period is a natural process that all women will go through for a good chunk of their life. It's not like they can even hold a period like you can hold your shit and piss. I don't really see what's so wrong with this, its necessary for them to do this and it'd be gross for women to walk around with bloody twats.

I'm not sure what men would do if tampons were available in the men's restrooms but I don't think it's a good idea.

7 dollars for 30. And it is more costly than toilet paper that's why women are whining that they want it for free.


You are already expected to buy toilet paper, they aren't handing it out for free in the supermarket. Something being "essential" does not mean said thing should be free. Otherwise fucking everything would be free, from food to housing.

Something being gender specific does not mean it should be free in order to be "fair" either. This isn't communist fucking Russia.

Feminists are really the fucking niggers of genders with all their fucking handouts they as for.

It's like 20 cents for a tampon how can they not afford that?

This. Its not like a government mandated thing. Just a courtesy like having bathroom in general. Shits not that expensive and might save a lot of awkward moments. Besides, who wants to have women bleeding all over their establishments anyway?

Women desire disposable things
Why should their cunts be any different?

Nothing should be free

I started with nothing, now I have more money than I know what to do with

They sell them dirt cheap in public bathrooms.

Women are also very particular about hygiene products. Some don't even wear tampons, they only use pads. Brand loyalty is actually huge with this type of thing.

>You'd think they'd learn eventually, but they don't.
fucking this. i remember back in HS for senior trip me and my mates had the girls over in our hotel room and we got to playing truth or dare and i end up naked together with another chick under the covers. why's my thigh wet and warm? reach down and investigate. who spilled syrup in the bed?
>sorry, user, i'm on my period
freak right the fuck out. she takes a shower and then i do too. walk out with the towel on. everyone's laughing. look down and see it's covered in red stains

tl;dr women are disgusting

Maybe you should check on amazon. From what I could tell there is free shipping too. I bet if you dug around you could find some shit super cheap in a mega pack on some shitty chinese website, they would be really uncomfortable which would stop most stealing.

Because they are disgusting and unnecessary.

You sound like a woman.

What is your point?

>implying women would use government grade tampons

Women avoid the most practical option every time even when it's most prudent for them to do so.

Typical of women to suggest we need to give them free shit. Just another example of women trying to marry the state.

There's no such thing a super cheap tampon. Do you think a woman would stick something low quality up their cunt that's supposed to make sure not a single drop gets on their underwear?

Most prudent to take the practical option I mean.

I'm going to give you some red pill advice about women.

Don't date one that inserts anything to prevent bleeding.

If private businesses want to supply tampons or pads at their own expense, that's fine, but the government does not need to be paying for this shit


What's so disgusting about them? They're reusable, they're not visible, they're small and last for years.

Would you rather buy tampons and pads every month, make a mess in bathrooms and remember to carry these all the time?

Why do women love inefficiency and spending os much in unecesary hygiene products?

I'm a faggot.

Idk how many women have you slept with? All jokes aside, if they have to yeah. Or they will just bleed in their clothing.

Because some bitch would steal all of them.

Ugh, you are a man you just wouldn't get it.

There's not a market for low quality tampons, they don't exist.

Because some sheboon would steal them all, nip.

she's being silly calling it taxes, but I'm sure a portion of tuition goes toward the health department of a school, which offers condoms for free.
they don't get those condoms out of thin air

you realize they are to be inserted in the vagina? Some women don't appreciate showing foreign items into themselves. Even tampons are often painful. Now your talking about shoving plastic up there. No thank you.

Pads are the most convenient option.

That's a valid point.

Isn't it easier to avoid periods all together for the most part then?

Yes they should be free, but from what I have heard is that many women just stuff their greedy ass purses with dozens of them, leaving none for anyone else.

What a bunch of fascists these women are. Whatever happened to the #FreeBleeding movement?

Nah. It's not that big of a deal for the most part.

the toilet paper in public restrooms is singleply and completely horrible, if women want free tampons we should give them shitty tampons that match the toilet paper quality, it probably wouldn't even stop the blood from creating a stain in their jeans

Wait I thought feminists and SJWs were all about the free bleeding thing or whatever the fuck they called it because tampons and pads were things made by the patriarchy to keep women in line. Or have I officially gone insane at last?


T. liberal

We all have a vagina

Bleeding and having to clean their laundry over and over was supporting the patriarchy.

You can get liners and tampons cheap, especially if you use coupons

>Tampons and pads in public bathrooms should be free.

No, they should not.

>Women can't control that they menstruate.

No, but they're aware of the general time it will happen, and if they don't keep a fucking tampon in their purse, they're being irresponsible cunts.

>It's like if we told men to either bring your own toilet paper or just stop shitting.

No, because women shit as well, and use more toilet paper because they wipe their twats after pissing, too.

>How can we as a society in 2016 justify free loo roll and soap in bathrooms but not Tampons?

Because, retard, everyone shits, but not everyone bleeds nasty junk out of their snatch every 28 days or so.

Since you're a woman, I figured you needed it explained in simple terms, but then again, your brains typically are formed with a giant void where the logic center would be, so maybe I'm not being clear enough. Let me know if you need things broken down a bit futher, Sheila.

They should be free for the sake of public safety just like soap, water and toilet paper is offered in public restrooms. Period blood is a huge health hazard, and anything that can keep it from being spread around should be done. As a former janitor, I can say the "use toilet paper" method is not effective and just makes it harder to clean a stall. Tampons and pads can be easily wrapped and hold their contents until disposed of.

Stop bitching just cos you have to use a stall to take a piss, part of the territory

That's tampons on sale, not low quality tampons.

No one cares if you're bleeding from your "boipucci", faggot.

Gas is essential for people who own cars. Is it free?

Tampons are essential for women with periods.

If the gov't made tampons free, do you know what every woman in America would get? Shitty, thin, panty pads. No tampons, no thick liners... just bare minimum government service.

Women that think the gov't would subsidize Tampax Pearl Ultra Thin Easy Application Tampons are just plain stupid.

People would steal the shit out of them they are more expensive than toilet paper, or if they were free would be absolute shit quality. What's next for free can I get free shaving cream, favors and deodorant, I don't control when my facial hair grows or when my armpits smell!!

>women require more privileges

When will it end?

Get linears, or tampons on sale, as I said there are deals and ways to get them next to nothing.

Then they should provide me free rape victims just for being a man. It's just a natural occurrence for us to rape anyway, right?