I can feel it in the air, something is about to happen, there is a dark force acting upon us, we'all part of it yet we can't escape.
I can feel it in the air, something is about to happen, there is a dark force acting upon us...
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...or it's just you inhaling too much of the shitty air in your smog trap of a capital. Lel were you even allowed to drive today?
I cant feel it, bro. I think you just took too much. Ride it out
We have surpassed the edge.
the fuck you on about?
You mean can feel it?
Coming in the air tonight?
Oh lord?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.
Same OP. But I felt it earlier, 2 hours before now.
bunch of shit
It's just CTR shitting up the place again.
Or maybe some nukes.
Mah nigga
Based Genesis britbongs
>kek has yet to show the world his final form
Holy shit OP was right. Asteroid hit. RIP brasil
Kek will preserve us. Trump is his paladin.
>Those fucking dubs.
Kek is coming to this world
praise him, praise the one who gave me dubs
Did you ever stop to wonder if we should?
He'll use the nuclear blasts in NK to come into this dimension.
Thread theme
Brazil shall have no dubs