Why were Nazi's such embarrassing failures?
Why were Nazi's such embarrassing failures?
in manpower
>be soviet union
>Even a rickety empire with an economy based on unworkable 19th century bullshit still managed to beat the living snot out of the "superior" 3rd Reich
you're forgetting the part about the massive resources and manpower
So the Communists took a bunch of shitskin countries huh, that's impressive. Germany literally fought against the whole world, their kill to death ratio was far superior to URSS', Stalin literally killed everyone of his own country he could to "win" the war. Plus France, UK, US and all the invaded countries. France had lost and UK was losing too, until the US entered the war.
If germany had like 130 milion people they would've won against the whole world. It was just a matter of numbers. Historically the supeior one not always win, when the other part has huge numbers.
>wow it took 3 of you to kill me
>Is the world Communist? Do white people survive? Does Christianity endure?
>You're welcome.
Because they didn't remove Hitler when he went full retard
He made some really bad decisions during the war without which he could've probably won
>WAAAAAA ITS NOT FAIR WAAAAA THE WHOLE WORLD WAS AGAINST THEM! (even though Germany was allied with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Japan)
keep crying bitch ass LARPer
Nazis are a embarrassing failure, but so is communism, one piece of bread in a supermarket isn't success
>shitskin countries
>is Brazil
Oh my.
Yes, but germans still remain the biggest victims in ww2 even less kikes died then aryan bros, its awful, I wish they actually did hunt down 6 gorrillion kikes and that that myth was actually true... rest in peace aryan bros
>implying that French revolution is not the worst thing that has ever happened
Don't retreat, comrade, or I'll gun you down with my PPSh.
After WW2, a lot of Nazis fled to South America
>Encryption of Enigma by the Brits helped the Soviets win against the Germans.
>The only war without any other country assisting the soviets (against Finnland) has been lost.
>Yes, but germans still remain the biggest victims in ww2
No, that would be the russians
Maybe germans should've kill more jews instead of attacking USSR then
Optimal time for invading USSR would've been end of a spring, meaning they had around half a year to build some bunkers on border with USSR and gas more kikes
Too bad they had Hitler as a leader and now West is dead
And the best part of it is that most of the western kids think that communism is good
Soviets dindu nuffin
I loved the way russia fought in ww2, i want to buy a mosin nagant and some rounds as my protection weapon for the coming race war, its sucha badass rifle
ITT: people forget that we literally created and shipped the majority of machines russia used. the war was germany and a little bit of japan vs the (jewish) earth
>implying the ussr wasnt jewish controlled land after the death of tsar nicholas II , check the protocol about supporting communism
they wouldn't be able to utilize those resources and man power if the communist system didnt work at some level. Ppl forget it was the 2nd largest economy before it collapsed, which it only did bc it had to fight the cold war and went broke. capitalism is way more efficient at producing capital so the ussr couldn't compete is spending. Wish we knew more about soviet society.
>we literally created and shipped the majority of machines russia used
I will never forget how your country helped us defend jewish power over the world my friend
>poland lost 1/3 of it's citizens and become a gommie state
>germans are the biggest victims
American education strikes again.
sage faggot threads and hide fags
where do I buy an obrez for home defense?
At least we killed some of them too
>Optimal time for invading USSR would've been end of a spring, meaning they had around half a year to build some bunkers on border with USSR and gas more kikes
Thats what he wanted to do, but Italy got into shit in their invasion of Greece, so he had to bail them out so his flank wouldnt be exposed (since the Greeks were closely tied with the UK) and had to put off his invasion of Russia by a whole year.
Best part is even while he was amassing the gigantic army on the Nazi-Soviet border in eastern europe, paranoid fuck Stalin refused to believe it and thought it was all eternal anglo lies to trick him into attacking Germany.
Shut up poland, you are rightful german clay, lol jk keep up the good work poland
>actually bringing up the memeocols of the memers of memeion
You do realize this was bullshit from Russia in the early 1900s, and that Tsarist Russia was known for its hatred of jews, right?
And Stalin wasnt a jew, neither was Lenin. Trotsky was, but he of course got killed off
Rip based germans, you will be missed the modern germans wont be missed tho they are degenerates
??? explanation?
>charges you on his horse
>cuts your panzer to million pieces
"Nothing personal, Hans."
Honestly i don't think that invading USSR was a good decision too
Making Soviet-Finnish war 2.0 on border with Germany would've been better for germans
USSR lost the Cold War and the collapse, too. But Russia is still banned gay-parades.
It still doesnt change jews are a threat to modern world
not saying they didnt, but more russians died out of everyone in the war.
And its not like the germans dindu nuffin either like most stormfags try to claim
>Commies in charge of war
TRUMP 2016
>all our Muslim sisters and brothers
Surprised that didn't come from Jeb
I'm from southern Brazil. I've got EU citizenship. You probably have chinese citizenship. Nothing against that though, but no need to be mad.
>Honestly i don't think that invading USSR was a good decision too
It wasnt, but it was all part of his plan. He talked about it in Mein Kampf ch 14, about how russians are a dumb ape people ruled over by jews, and they would be better off being ruled by Germans.
Its all just bullshit though. the Molotov-ribbentrop pact also secured a trade deal, where Russia was supplying most of Germanys raw materials. And Hitlers whole great idea was to colonize eastern europe and russia, take all the resources, and then make Germany into a completely self sufficient global super power. If He actually got to the A-A line, you guys would have been more fucked than the kikes
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Suck my dick
>haha fuckign stupid germans got beaten by drunken russian retards
To hell with hillary! If she wins this election war with russia is bound to happen, vote Trump he wont war with russia!!
Jews hail to satan
hes warging into an ATM
It's not a matter of fair or not, Hitler did some bad decisions, but if Germany had 130~150 millions of people we all have to admit they would've won the war. It's simple. Imagine if they had the same population of the US, it wouldn't even be fair.
The US itself is only great because it has probably some 200 million white people, but outside of having niggers and latinos pushing their potential down many of the white americans are low-tier white (like irish and other weird people from the UK). All that mess takes some cultural identity as well. Then again. Imagine a white homogeneous contry with 150~300 milion white people. We could conquer the Universe.
America would have fucked them 1v1
Too bad we got to the party late and were fighting Japan too.
>war with russia is bound to happen
I guess that WW3 will happen anyway
Russian Empire was quite serious power in the world's politics and Soviet Union threatened to nuke everything
Now it's time to launch those nukes
You buy a mosin from basically anywhere, and a hacksaw from the hardware store.
It was the first step in removing the only high enough authority that could stop jews from taking over.
>1 post by this ID
Into the >>>/oven/
>We could conquer the Universe
If only we could band together and nuke israel, :'(
>many of the white americans are low-tier white (like irish
Our biggest WW2 hero was a paddy. Fuck off naziboo
Why would you want to saw off the barrel of the mosin tho? Doesnt the barrel give it its long range capability?
>Is the world Communist?
To a certain degree, lots of communist and Marxist ideas are the only socially acceptable ideas. That women are equal to men for example.
>Do white people survive?
No, white people hate making children with eachother.
>Does Christianity endure?
Not at all, more people in Europe go to the mosque this week than the church. Even most Christians don't even go to church every year.
I rode on the highways built by the nazis and my father owned a Volkswagen. They did OK outside of chimping out against other Europeans and the kike controlled Soviet Union.
I didn't say where we'll launch our nukes
>Do white people survive?
this was never what they were about
>taking the entire planet to defeat a ideology in its infancy
>not even man enough to face the consequences
>literally kills himself like the three bitches he died with
Looks like he did plenty wrong, the pussy.
Nothing particular against Irish people, but they seem less organized, more loud, etc. Its pretty much objective that a country composed from people only from germanic countries would fare better.
doesn't russia have 130 million whites?
>Nothing particular against Irish people, but they seem less organized, more loud, etc
and they, along with the subhuman russians, BTFO the german master race.
>Its pretty much objective that a country composed from people only from germanic countries would fare better.
obviously not since they lost 2 world wars in a row
lol no. Americans consistently got thier shit kicked in by germans on the battle field. if it was america vs germany 1V1 on the 1st day Germany wins hands down.
America has a ton of german genes in it
And don't you forget the 5%
You're missing the part where Napoleon got his ass kicked twice and the monarchy was re-established in France.
>Implying the USSR was a failed state
We should range ban Australia
>still managed to beat the living snot out of the "superior" 3rd Reich
They didn't. Germany only failed at taking out Russia due to a combination of being unable to make the UK submit, and America suddenly barging in on the war.
>Americans consistently got thier shit kicked in by germans on the battle field
first to invade Germany bitch
Patton should have been raped by the Russians he hated for winning the war for him. Fuck Patton and fuck you leaf
t. negro preto da silva
how about you shut up, nigger.
Stop believing this meme that Russia would have surrendered because they were inexperienced. The Russians won the Eastern Front because of tactics and skill over the Germans in the battlefield. Also the casualties in the Eastern Front are exaggerated and I think the Russians had a higher K-D than the Germans.
>fought germans so bad that America had to use nuke against japs to not lose it's position in world
>i could've taken Berlin
Are you retarded?
You literally have no evidence to back this up. The Americans kicked German ass
>wow slavs are so great at warfare
>amazing human wave tactics
Stalin basically used his troops as cannon fodder, 8-10 million dead, Patton was a true commander
>Human wave tactics
Filtered and reported.
>tactics and skill over the Germans in the battlefield
It was solely due to German inefficiency and ineptitude.
By 1943, Germany controlled 2/3rds of every Soviet coal mine and half of every steel mill. Yet German production only rose 2%. They literally squandered their resources, and the Soviets just flung themselves at the Germans until there was nothing left.
And no, Soviets didn't have a better k:d ratio
America lost more people than jews in Holocaust while fighting for a fucking beach
>I think the Russians had a higher K-D than the Germans.
>Stop believing this meme.
>Believe my pure speculation instead.
>used his troops as cannon fodder
Nope. Soviet veterans can testify against that, that is American propaganda. Leaves and Aussies should be ranged banned for spewing this stupid fucking bullshit
Yes they did, only German reports say they didn't