Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?
Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?
me on the left
I thought you were all white
A.) Everyone who unironically posts on Sup Forums is a virgin. Yes, every one. Many are gay, but being gay doesn't count as losing your virginity.
B.) Niggers are the most sexually desired men in society and they're resentful about that
It only triggers you
Im black so that doesnt trigger me at all
How many times do I have to say this in threads? Sup Forums hates niggers, they couldn't care less about black people. That guy seems like an alright dude.
how disgusting is this slut?
Hey Tyrone. Shouldn't you be in bed? You have an early meeting with your parole officer tomorrow.
its like being able to see a crime before its already happened
wow... so this is the power of bbc... wow...
When you going back to Africa?
take this meme back to rebdit.
I learned my olympicfu Melissa Bishop is a coal burner. She probably got fucked by tons of negroes in the athletes village
i wonder how long until she gets a black eye
Because as white society gets cucked and deteriorates, we see this unnatural pairing pushed in MSM and Hollywood at every possible turn. It's never any other pairing always this one. It's subliminal, a psychological warfare ploy that has been in our subconscious for over 100 years.
It triggers betas like nothing else because it's claiming niggles are preferable to them.
robin bone > melissa
It doesn't
only asian with white trigger me
because it isn't any of my business and deep down I find Mediterranean/arab women way more attractive than any other race so I'm just as bad as anyone else.
>Everyone who unironically posts on Sup Forums is a virgin. Yes, every one. Many are gay, but being gay doesn't count as losing your virginity.
I'm gay and also not a virgin, even by your standards.
>Niggers are the most sexually desired men in society and they're resentful about that
nope, pic related
whitebois be jealous
It doesn't, I give no fucks about white women, specially not the ones who fuck niggers.
Personal achievements > women
t. neo-Sup Forums redditor
stop memeing so hard kiwi
Because it's fucking SICK.
>it isn't any of my business
You live in a coiset structured in such a way that you have internet and electric if you are shitposting.
If you destroy that race and replace it with what the Jews are doing here, you first get south africa and then zimbabwe levels of living.
I hope next Olympics I make a better decision and don't make the same mistake
>white people are colorful
>white people are beatiful
>white people are taller
>white people are smarter
>white people are calmer
>blue eyes makes me melt
>"hurr fuck these non-whites, guys dont race mix we're being oppressed"
>save the white race don't race mix mmk
just go for Latinas or Asians tyrone
Maybe because there is a 90% chance that if a black man and a white woman have a child, that child will be supported by the tax payer.
If niggers and coal burners could support their half-breed spawns, then I wouldn't give a shit desu. But there is hard data otherwise.
Holy shit 10/10
Mcfucking kill yourself.
So many assmad whyte bois ITT
You should drown yourself in a bucket of water.
Have kids with a negress that isn't a retarded hoodrat, and raise those kids to be good people that don't get suckered into gangbanger hoodrat shit culture
It's the best thing you can do
>literally 0 big cockeroos
jews pls ur not even trying now
ya it's retarded, if you're gonna want to fuck a nigger atleast make sure he's as hung as the myth says
pick one you stupid fucking subhuman garage heap
I’m going to be straight here. I am a cuck, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti-biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. There's no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
u and the nigger should an hero together for the betterment of the human race
Reverse search this OP's image RIGHT FUCKING NOW. I dare you.
Reverse search the image. Look at the results.
used to, but not anymore since I found out I'm 10% negro
white puss is where is at, can't hate on a brotha for wanting to cum inside one.
Nevermind she is a porn actress anyway :) and filed a restraining order against him.
>filed a restraining order against him
Like fucking clockwork.
>filed a restraining order against him.
like that's ever stopped a nigger before
toll payment commencing...
>porn actress coal burner
>restraining order
It's another example of white supremacy -- white women are just prettier and more desirable than black women.
>that flag
At least you got some tasty dubs.
porn actress -- probably molested by her white racist stepdad
getting revenge against da patriarchy so she does porn then fucks niggers
gets beaten by nigger, filed restraining order against nigger
nothing new here
leafposting fail at its finest
Jew detected
At least iOS actually works.
Android is fucking garbage.
its the future before the great culling. a society of identitless little niglet halfbreeds to work and die as technology advances to the point where the massive population we have now is completely unnecessary.
Maybe we should do testicle transplants for blacks-- give them the testes of genius guys who can't score, so that even if they fuck our women, the kids still come out white.
I mean, that's like meta cuckoldry-- who's cucking who!?
>much older kid beating up younger kid
HAHA that sure teach em WHITEBOIS
Too loaded with bs apps. But iPhone is a fucking pain in the ass to transfer files with itunes. Next phone I'll probably consider Windows.
Seriously, why can't they make this easier? I hate having to open itunes, a program not made for file transfer, to transfer file to and from the various apps. Cloud services are tedious to use and require a bloated ass client I don't want to bother with. Just let me fucking get at my files god fucking damn.
Blacks have bigger penises, longer legs, and generally higher testosterone levels.
Also, I know it's not really a legit source, but I've seen a shitton of amateur homemade porn and while there are some overweight blacks, there are definitely more black casually fit muscular ones like pic related. Meanwhile most Whites are skinny fat or at best slim with tight muscles but never big muscles unless they're obviously /fit/ type enthusiasts.
>It's a "I'we researched amateur interracial porn post"
How the fuck are you ALWAYS from the Anglosphere, i do not like this joke
They were also kings in ancient egypt before the evil sorceror yakub created the white man to bedevil them with our caveman ways.
>dating porn stars
He can keep her desu
White tax payers have to pay for the inevitable single mother's low IQ future criminal nigglet.
they're payed to have sex on film as pornstars, why would that trigger me, that's pretty lame
There are plenty of white men with bigger penises and plenty of black men with smaller penises.
Don't burn coal god damn. It's not hard.
>>Study Claims 92% of Biracial Children with Black Dads are Born out of Wedlock
No reason really, op is a FAGGOT.
you're just ignorant af
Stay away nigger
Find an all black safe space at your local college and find a mamoosa to leave after you impregnate her.
she is not white, look at her hair
she is latino
You assume they are "casually" fit because you're a cuck. They work out, you self-loathing worm.
It must be amazing living in a white country that doesn't have any baggage from slavery or colonialism.
Thanks. Going to fap to this later.
As long as he doesn't beat her I'm cool dude. Not the kind of guy to really give a fuck anyways.
She'll take him back. Again and again, until he either kills her, or gets so close to it that the stark reality of the horrible decisions she's making finally sets in.
Because women are raised in this society to not be introspective at all, nor to ever deny an emotional urge that comes over them. They are coddled and insulated from the consequences of anything they ever do, and never ever asked to improve. In a way, beta whites are to blame for this, but not the ones who might've been their suitors, no -- their fathers and mothers are to blame.
No accountability, no responsibility, no foresight, no wisdom. Just listen to your vaginal tingles-- because nobody's ever told you different.
>stop right there criminal scum
Looking at this, we have the same feeling some would have if somebody was to start smearing shit over a Rembrandt painting.
Come on man "black genetics" is not a cuck meme, it's mainstream gym bro lore.
See, she thinks she's in an emotional bind, she thinkns she's "trapped" in a bad situation, but you know what the really easy way out would be? To dump his ass. Stop thinking with your god damned clit.
When a guy keeps fucking a crazy hot girl who constantly calls the cops on him after attacking him like an angry chicken and scratching his face up, stabbed him one time for ignoring her hysterics... Who do we blame for the fact that they're still together?
Not the girl, I can tell you that damned much.
>until he either kills her
You may be right. I also blame the welfare state. Women see the government as their cuck father and their nig pets as sperm donors.
Cuck. Blacks work out a shit ton because of their inferiority complex that they must flip into a superiority complex. They literally have nothing else.
>I also blame the welfare state.
That might be a part of the coddling thing. They don't know they've made a bad decision, having to sign up for welfare-- they think it's normal and acceptable. "Oh, I just had a rough patch back there, heehee, happens to everyone from time to time, right?"
They show no shame because they've never been taught it.
>body fat
Highest rates of obesity are among fried chicken eating niggers (especially in the southern states). I'm not going to deny differences in genetics though.
its because he had to run sevral miles from the scene of the crime
Because she is throwing away any genetic chance her children have. I garuntee that mans iq is sub 100, meaning even if she has a 120 iq her kids are going to max out around 94.
It's basically child abuse, and if she has any halfie daughters its essentially dooming them for life.
It doesn't tho
It really shouldn't. The whole point of Hollywood pushing diversity was to promote judging a person on their personal merits not where they came from or what they inherited. In a lot of places this ideal has become perverted and now liberals are putting black people on a pedestal and treating then like collector's items. This is fucking up racial relationships way more than just fucking ignoring race all together and giving everyone blind interviews over this affirmative action bullshit.
Yeah because they eat fried carfish and chicken for breakfast. The food culture is fucked.