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Uncomfortable Implications Edition

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>Gem Harvest
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Formally requesting a redraw of this with Ruby and Sapphire

ew, gross

Do not bully Becky please. The past few weeks have been hard for her because of all the drama. Please be nice instead!

This is literally made for Lapidot fuck off

would becky let me pour cement into her nose while she flogs my balls

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Is Lapis actually, for real in love with Steven? Feeling some Pearl-level vibes of obsession.

>this is literally made for a relationship!
So why not the best one?
It's the best because it's one of the few that's canon.

How do you think SU will end?


Pearl WILL NEVER get over Rose being trapped inside of Steven
She internalized it as being part of Steven, and then as Steven being a new form of Rose
It'll never truly be just Steven for her

With the words "Executive Producer: Rebecca Sugar"

Even though Zuke did not act nicely recently, please do not bully them either.

This is another page from Becky's new book! I hope somebody will scan it so we can all read it!

>rewatching the test
steven best gem

How would you feel about someone who freed you from 5000+ year imprisonment where you were partially blind, deaf, and mute. Then he indirectly saves you from a toxic relationship where you had to MIND MELD with someone you HATE.
Lapis loves Steven on a couple levels above what we normally associate with "Normal" not even in an /ss/ capacity. If Steven said help, Lapis would drown the world to help him.

I want to finger Bismuth's gem-hole.


Sucrose is a super qt!! This is another one from today!


He treated her like a friend rather than an tool, then released her from her prison against the CG's wishes.

Pearl's is a weird mix of motherly love and love/hate for the haunting ghost of her past. Lapis's is channeling her innate passion/energy into fighting for a person she adores, so kinda like a pre-Steven Pearl.

Both are totally gonna bone him if he becomes a professional beach hunk for an extended period of time.

Ian is a qt pie too!!!!

>had to MIND MELD
>had to
Retard alert

I want to fist it.

>none of my friends want to hang out with me this weekend

what are you doing this weekend?

>Implying Jasper had a choice

what's the book called again?

Working on a take-home final and playing vidya
Christ I need more friends

When will either lapis or peridot meet connie


how did she go from this to
this in less than 12 hours?

Neither parties are in enough episodes to ever cross paths. I don't know, maybe Lapis gets a TSTR type episode where she hangs out in Beach City, but instead of with Amy it's with Connie.

Peridot . . . sorta met her in Steven's Birthday
Peridot disappeared a minute into the episode, but details, details.

maybe if she was convinced it would help her skin

>comes out Monday
>only 8 dollars
i might get it

The first picture is using filters, see how blurry it is? The last picture has no filters.

that girl she's next to sure makes her look pretty

I wish connie actually went on more missions. She's honestly the better protagonist than steven but she just gets SoL bullshit. Actually, we don't even get missions anymore

Please do! Take pictures if you do buy it!

What went so terribly, horribly wrong?

What does her can say? I can't read the text.

>Connie's computer
Why would Connie's desktop wallpaper be Steven hugging Lapis?

Those and the humor. I don't know why they keep pushing townie episodes as the SoL of the series when missions felt a lot comfier.

Pretending I am remotely prepared for finals.

Connie would actually ask questions and get shit done. She's only in boring episodes just reading and shit so we only see the boring parts of her. More fucking gem missions or else I don't give a fuck about stupid filler shit.

Is there a version of the Her picture with Lapis and Steven?

It's Not!Skype

We got Gem Hunt. I'd love to see the CG, Connie, and Lapis/Peridot go on a mission together.

I imagine it'd be difficult to write in satisfying dialogue banter for everyone. Probably easier to focus on two or three characters at a time for just 11 minutes

"Consult an optometrist"

She's secretly a cuck and acknowledges the superior ship.

cider, I think

>Empires & Eras
>Colonization V


When's the next episode?

I think you've been trying drinking too much tonight user,
pear cider


in case you're just a moron, it's the one of the shorts that aired a few months back.

I always hoped for B-team mission episodes with Steven, Connie, and Lapis/Peridot but look we never got them. Good thing we got Onion Gang and The New Lars.

>When's the next episode?

>I'm a moron just because I don't eat, sweat, breathe, and shit "Pastel Space Lesbians"

I liked Onion Trade and questionable Onion in general. You'd think having multiple Onion-esque characters would be super chaotic, but nooooo, it's just a bunch of mute kids introduced to humanize Onion.

nursing my fucked up knee and playing Alien: Isolation in between bouts of Twisted Metal. God I love that game.

I'm not even memeing, I've been busy. Only watched the last episode earlier today.

So I'm assuming we're back on hiatus?

but connie sucks, user


Most likely early January, like what they did with "The Answer".

Neither am I.

Connie b good tho user

>Rebecca Sugar is a cartoonist, writer, and ukuleleist currently living in Los Angeles. She is the author of the comic serial "Pug Davis" as well as a number of short comics. In her free time, Rebecca also is an Emmy-nominated Storyboard Artist, and creator of the television show, Steven Universe

>in her free time


No I mean below the cider on the top. It says something but I don't know what.

>he thinks she actually does work for her own show
Why do you think she's so abusive to her crew?

It's a fucking joke nigger

Yo that's some good shit, got any more senpai?
Is Colonization and Empires and Eras canon?

hiatus for sure but I forget when the next ep airs

next year I think

>Dougy Woughy
>Duggy Woah-wee
That is how Indians interact online.

If no one else does then alright.

Holy shit its finally going to snow, post Christmas stuff.
I mean Christmas dosn't exsist in show but still post art

Snow sucks

yes but is it like spring next year or january next year? next year is less than a month away

What kind of fucking language are you trying to pronounce that in?

It does, but you get an excuse to stay inside and shitpost

Wtf was with the last episode, bad animation and like the 5th filler episode in a row? Is the SU crew melting down?

is that true?

I requested that edit and had no idea what the doughy woughy shit meant

I assumed it was some kinda sex thing


fuck you christmas isn't for 3 and a half weeks and snow does NOT mean christmas you GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING WALMART DICK SUCKING CVS ASS LICKING CORPORATE FUCKING WHORE.

I don't need any excuses to do that.

die in a freezer

daily reminder that Rose is evil and Steven is a weapon

You're sure getting upset about a "holiday" that was only created to replace pagan traditions in the first place.

who is that on the left?

your mom sucks

Advent started user and St Nicks day is only two days away
Nether do I but its nice to have one if anyone asks why I'm wasting hours of my day
Normally Wisconsin is way colder then this, we just got lucky.


Your other left, retard.



I am upset that christmas started this year literally on halloween fucking night. Fuck christmas it's only fun on Christmas day and the day before. It does not require two goddamn months.
So fuck off with your bullshit.

If the show isn't back by January with a bomb then I will literally end myself. You've been warned CN.

Your other left, retard.

I believe you mean the "far" left.


But how will you do it? If you don't show up on the studio's doorsteps and spray your own blood all over the front door you're doing it wrong.
Unless you go to Iraq to fight ISIS with a sword, that is also acceptable.