>The birth rate of whites in western countries is falling like a rock! We need to do something fast! >Single mothers are worse than cancer, those degenerates should have gotten abortions >what? You want social programs aimed at taking care of single mothers and providing their children with affordable pre-k education? BERNOUTS LEAVE RRREEEEEEEEEE
>>what? You want social programs aimed at taking care of single mothers and providing their children with affordable pre-k education? BERNOUTS LEAVE RRREEEEEEEEEE
Yes because state can substitute a loving family
David Roberts
Yes because that's all preschool is, a place where you send your kid for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, until they're 6 years old.
Angel Green
The issue is larger than that. The notion of wanting a higher national birthrate is so the country's culture doesn't get washed away as well as its race. It's not about who's better by race, it's nationalistic identity with nothing attached to it other than culture and identity. The women who are poor mothers, and often times (in America) single mothers to mixed children don't show that promise or desire to keep any form of cultural or nationalistic integrity, it rather shows selfishness and poor decision-making. One should not gladly accept scraps given to him which might even go against his cause for single mothers are nothing noteworthy and are instead leeching from society like any person on welfare, in prison or other benefits, as well as it indicates towards the culture she's a part of, the hedonistic, consumerist and largely liberal culture, which again is against the ideologies those who wish to keep national identity disagree with.
3/10 because I replied, but replied for the sake of others.
Jacob Green
The white birthrate is fine. The fact that shitskins are over-procreating is not relevant.
Samuel Baker
>no birth parents taking care of you until you are at least 7 Its like you want your kids to be retarded drug addicts Population booms and crashes naturally Sooner you realise it sooner you recognise that governments are using the birthrate thing to abuse their power. Look up mouse utopia experiment High birth rates lead to low birth rates later, because theres too much old people that drain resources
Brandon Torres
What do you think would happen if you went back in time to when the filthy, degenerate, poor, race mixing single mother was 4 years old, and put her in an affordable preschool which taught her vital social skills and traditional values?
Parker Murphy
>goverment teaching kids useful values and not indoctrinating them into communism
Lincoln Ramirez
The probability of her being a degenerate member of society would be lower. I agree with you, I don't blame people directly nor attack them, being a single mother is a tough thing, and one cannot be reasonably faulted for being created like they are by the system, the media and other influences.
Mate, I've read up on my fair share of it all, I understand it. The birthrate of white people is currently low, and the reason its low it's because other races are reproducing faster, and all of us are interbreeding at a great rate.
I don't disagree with it all, I am just arguing for national, ethnic and cultural integrity. I'm fine with all other races having their culture, and for that same reason I don't want other cultures to collapse, including the ones I am a part of.
Adrian Hill
Do you know what preschool is? you drop your kid off for seven or so hours a day while youre at work, where they learn to socialize and function as a member of a group, etc, and then the parent picks them up and does parent-child things with them. I think you're under the impression that if such an institution started getting government funding it would magically tranform into a nu-male cuck breeding factory. What are you smoking and where can I get a gram of it?
Nathaniel Wilson
single mothers are worse than cancer. yes i actually believe that.
single mothers are worse than real life lung cancer
Dominic Smith
Prove your claim
Wyatt Butler
Single mother is codeword for coal burner or baby mama.
>Kids today we will teach you about the loving importance of diversity! >Kids today i will teach you that not all boys are really boys inside, do you feel like a girl Timmy? Do you want to be a girl Timmy?
Jose Ross
I would inspect a preschool for negroid dolls.
Nathaniel Smith
All the govement schools >Diversity quotas >No tolerance laws >Groups boys with girls and expecting boys to act like girls >Affermative action >Ourtright indoctrination Do you think the gov will not abuse its power in pre-k schools? Suddenly there are laws that you kid should go to this schools mandatory to "not fall behind" How would you feel if you coudnt take your kid out of the school in my pic
Thomas Brown
Yes, that might be the case if it were RAN by the government, and the curriculum is set by the government. That's not what I'm proposing. All I want is to have private preschools which teach good shit like traditional values and critical thinking and whatnot in or near shitty areas receive government funding in order for them to be more accessible to poor kids.
Imagine that, the ability for little kids to be equipped with important social and critical thinking skills to help them escape poverty instead of continuing the rigorous cycle of poverty, what a fucking communist clusterfuck
William Kelly
That will never happen it will be considered racist and curriculum will be set by the gov
If you want schools like that why dont you make one and offer it for free. Instead of demanding money from other people Open a charity offering that. Why do you instantly want to give more power to the state Get of your fucking ass and do it
Robert Nelson
>public school >preschool >learn all races are equal, to pledge allegiance to the jewnited states. >learn about how Obama is great.
School is a brainwashing camp. Your kids will be hanging out with dumb nigger and burrito children.
Oliver Long
Wow... you're a dumb nigger.
>I want avoidable and mandatory preK, that way kids can socialize. ok, so you need government subsidi.....
>It won't be run by the government How do you plan on paying for it dummy?
Don't you get it. If we got rid of all public schools, all welfare, all social services. You know what part of the population would be culled and shutdown in the streets?
Ill give you a hint faggot, it won't be the family's that have 8kids and homeschool them.
Ryan Bell
>mandatory no, i said accessible >something is subsidized = it will automatically do nothing but advance the illuminati jew SJW multi culti agenda, any original benefits form the thing no longer exist alright i guess
Nicholas Hall
>rich people always have your best interest in mind, goyim
Angel Taylor
>rich people got rich by hard work and not by being parasitical, murderous, backstabbing oxygen thiefs
Connor Thompson
go suck on marx's boils commies
Anthony Powell
>government Lets pay women to break up with their husbands lets also pay them to go to college even though they are inferior at most jobs. Lets give free or subidized daycare the masses.
OMG, white families are dying!!!!! The government isn't doing enough!
Don't you getting pinko. Women shouldn't need to have free daycare, they should stay in the fucking kitchen. The government has replaced the father and does everything it can to replace the family unit, the church, the community.
If their was no public school, white people would make community run schools. Meanwhile, niggers would be culled.
Also listen to yourself. School doesn't teach you shit. 14yrs of public school gets you a job at mcdonalds. If your not going to kike school later, you are better off learning basic reading and math, and focusing on a trade.
Connor King
>People with education score higher in test meant to measure things taught in schools
Jackson Nguyen
>IQ measures things taught in schools Back to tumblr
Brandon Rivera
I hate seeing these I have an iq of 130, where is my 100k
Xavier Edwards
>what is the flynn effect
And back to school
Julian Gomez
Maybe your IQ isnt 130 if you cant understand statistics
Iq is actually dropping (1) Look up IQ heritability (2) Nobody said population as a whole cant get smarter with natural eugenics (3) suck a dick
Aaron Turner
>Nobody said population as a whole cant get smarter with natural eugenics
Not at that speed. Humans have way too long reproduction cycle
Blake Williams
Fuck the white race I'm white but fuck it. We're done. Cucked beyond repair. Feminized. Just let the world go to shit who cares...
Angel Turner
Yes at that speed And what you are advocating for Socialism, redistribution of wealth to low IQ population is dysgenics on a massive scale
Isaac Perez
It's the daily thread of stormweenies are an-caps and minarchists so lets start the strawmen from that.
Cameron Hall
>Socialism, redistribution of wealth to low IQ population is dysgenics on a massive scale
...And now your argument has gone a full circle..
Kevin Davis
No im perfectly consistent
Blake Carter
>Lynn and Harvey have argued that the causes of the above are difficult to interpret since these countries have had significant recent immigration from countries with lower average national IQs.
oh gee lets not let facts get in the way of a good argument :)
Jason Price
And you realise you incentivise them to breed more by subsiding it
Carson King
On top of that Obesity is rising (linked to IQ loss) So no dont tell me its just the immigrants
Jayden Moore
Thats why open border immigration should be stopped at once.
Julian Hall
I can also make an argument that the flynn effect was only happening because of the high IQ cream of the crop immigrants coming to USA And now its going the other way because of regression to the mean
Brody Wright
>muh communism
Austin Lopez
most single mothers are niggers. we don't want to feed the problem.
Connor Butler
That's not taught outside of horror stories from tinfoil-hat-wearing Daily Mail readers.
Camden Turner
Not an argument.
Jackson Wilson
stormfront is libertarian?
isnt yellow/black libertarian u fuckcing dgenerate