If you don't think this is acceptable

Well welcome to 2016, a women is allowed to do what she like, when she likes! Sexist morons don't think women should be allowed to feed their children in public! Honestly they should probably be locked up for wanting to see a child starve!

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Tell them girl friend!

Yeah but check this

thats a nice titty!


If she has to sensationalize it to that degree then yes she wants attention.

nobody objects to breastfeeding.

I think women be allowed to nurse in public no problem, but this is just ridiculous. Pure attention whoring/virtue signaling.

In my country it's okay but still have some decency, use a blanket or something.

Or even better, do it at home

I have no problem with women letting a tiddy hang loose, as long no transfaggots try to pull some shit

>mfw if a transfaggot try to pull some shit

Not only do I think it's acceptable, but I think it's pretty fappable and I'd like to

Yes, yes very nice bait.

I don't mind people breastfeeding if they do it discretely (rarely see anyone doing it public anyways) but the latest attention whoring is pretty annoying.
I guess I could walk around with a plastic bottle and when I feel like it I pull out my dick and piss in it, in public. It's only natural and if you feel the need to stare then you have a problem not me.

>i'm not doing this for attention
then cover it up or go where it can't be seen
>i shouldn't have too
then don't complain about me whipping my dick out and making some milk for my gf
anytime. anywhere.

There is nothing wrong with nursing, its natural BUT there is a time and place for it and I am pretty sure they can find another place to do this

It is not wrong, it is just uncouth

It's cool as long as I get the other titty.

Women showing bare breasts is usually a good thing. I've seen young mothers so hot that I've had to force myself to look away.

I'm talking about total MILF ALERT situations.

these same attention whoring retards want to invite mudslimes into their countries

>Implying I don't wanna see titties.

Only if i can have a turn.


the ultimate contradiction

can you imagine a pack of Muslims coming upon a woman breast feeding her child without a male guardian present? total slaughter.

Fuck that, the only problem I have is that other people don't respect the fact that I have an opinion. I listen to everybody else, and don't fucking whine whether or not I agree with them.

It's not illegal to breastfeed in public, what the fuck else do you need? Validation from everybody in the whole fucking world?

Don't get me started about the attention whoring...

can i fap


Probably in a whole foods or trader joes, from the looks of it. Rich grocery store, entitled college brat here. Been told what to think her whole life, Pathetic

As long as it isn't sexualized and the chicks cover up while feeding their kid.

Cover the kid and your tit with a cloth or something.

Who the FUCK honestly gives a SHIT about these attention WHORES "ooo look at me im so edgy i have my tit out in public" FUCK OFF I DONT GIVE A SHIT

tbqhwy famalam that looks like a nice tit, we should encourage this for more casual voyeurism.

holy shit i had vertigo the entire time my hands are drenched

It's not illegal, you stupid cunt. You can do it if you want to, it doesn't mean I'm not going to stare at your titties and then make a snarky comment about how you should "get a room".

At least she's taking care of her (male) child.

Women can orgasm while breast feeding.

If the woman is moaning and acting like she's enjoying it... come on.

She needs to cover up and hide whatever her sensations are.

Literally the only people in the world who give a shit about this are inbred yuppie retards from Dallas, Texas. Nobody else on the planet gives a shit at all. Feed your fucking kids. What do you want, a cookie?

Sage this shit.


Look at her

She just thinks shes being rebelious in a desparate grab for attention

Its ok to breast feed in public but not when you HAVE to make a spectacle of yourself

can't people just do shit that they need to do and not demand attention for it?

literally no one would be talking about this if these attention whores would just fucking breast feed and then put their tits away and live their life.






You even dubs?


Virtue signaling while saudis chop heads off and stone women

I gladly allow it.
Breastfeeding is my fetish.
I would prefer if it were my mouth, but just seeing a titty pumped is good enough.

Would be hot if the baby wasn't in the way.

Do you think anyone is against nursing? Are you retarded? How else would babby eat?

I don't think it's acceptable for a drunk mother to nurse her baby

fucking NOPE

Your bitch belongs to you. You can use her whenever and wherever you want. That's what bitches are for.

>walk up to her
>pull other tit out
>take a drink

It was my privilege.

>not cumming onto the city below


Pretty nice tata's ... I wouldn't mind taking a drink or two from them

Everyone has front dubs. You aren't special.

Does anyone even object to breastfeeding? I've never seen anyone ever care about it. I saw someone post about awareness or something, and there was a sit in at some fast food place but no one gave a shit. Do they just feel like they need a "movement"? How about they all take a bunch of x-lax when they feel like they need a movement.

Gross. Except for my gf tits are disgusting. Keep it out of my sphere.

Sir you didn't pay for those IgE gammaglobulins you must return them

Dumb bitch

Baby is totally not buckled up, can fall and die..

I think the problem with breastfeeding in public is that the people who do it are doing it specifically because it makes other people uncomftorable, not because it is a necessity.

God gave women breasts for a reason.
A mother should be allowed to breastfeed in public. Babies need all the nutrients they can get and are very vulnerable to disease.

What is truly degenerate are the mothers that feed their babies formula. Breast milk not only provides nutrients but also antibodies from the mother that protect the child from disease. A mother that has been vaccinated against various diseases will pass her antibodies to her child when she breast feeds. While not as permanent as a straight up vaccine shot, it provides the same relative level of protection to the child as one.

I feel like everyone is fine with this as long as the woman doesn't draw attention to herself, and takes a care not to flash her nipple to the entire restaurant.

i breastfed everywhere in the late 90s and early 2000s with no problems. babies cry when theyre hungry or tired and breastfeeding fixes both of those for the most part so unless you prefer screaming babies breastfeeding is the better option

Most of the people who complain about breastfeeding mothers are other women. Most men don't mind, for obvious reasons.


I don't give a shit what they say, anyone that honestly tells themselves their is no alternative to whipping their bare tit out in the middle of a restaurant is only doing so for attention.

It's fucking unsanitary. Pissing is essential, but you don't see me whipping me dick out and pissing on the sidewalk when I can't find a bathroom.

Prepare bottles beforehand.

Step out and go somewhere with more privacy.

For the love of God, at least use a cover. That's the bare fucking minimum we could ask of you.

i hope she brought enough tits for the whole class
she clearly has no problem with another human being suckin on them in public so she has no right to be surprised when i'm latched onto the other one IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING GROCERY STORE LIKE SERIOUSLY YOU CLEARLY DROVE THERE ITS NOT LIKE YOU WALKED TO THE PARK YOU COULD HAVE DONE THIS IN YOUR FUCKING CAR

Maby you should try to sound less like a raging cunt and not use your child for a bullshit political stunt so that you can virtue signal about it. No body but you cares. Whipping your saggy fat tits out in public just makes everyone else uncomfortable good job with that you really stuck it to the patriarchy. You wouldn't happen to be a single mother would you?

I'm jealous. When did women start expecting praise for this tho?

you've clearly never had a baby

If women can breastfeed in public, I demand to be able to receive blowjobs in public.

at least the baby is white. im not complaining. got to get strong for the race war son

>Haha you have to look at my boobies!

Just take their right to vote for fuck sake.

Like I said, when did they stary expecting praise for this and feel the need to take pic breastfeeding in public like it's an accomplishment.

when the collective echo chamber of the internet and modern """"""political"""""" (((discourse))) got into their heads and told them that there are hordes of angsty men ready to behead them for exposing their tits in a restaurant or whatever. Another pointlessly politicized issue that would be a total non-issue if the left would have just shut the fuck up about it in the first place.
I saw a billboard the other day that said "make breastfeeding the new normal" like faggot when the fuck wasn't the normal? I was breastfed and so were my siblings and all of my cousins, it's the correct way to raise a child, shut the fuck up and do it, stop using your kid for virtue signaling.

>In my country it's okay but still have some decency, use a blanket or something.

This so much. Breastfeeding is fine, in fact, some speculate that formulas actually damage the child's digestive system. Which might be a reason why autism rates have gone up.

So yes, keep your kid from being autistic, give him titty milk. Just don't be autistic yourself, and blatantly show everyone in the room what you're doing.

It's funny how she acknowledges the fact that women do this for attention and just dismisses it with a NUH UH!

There is literally no damn reason to do it open public unless you want attention. Women see other women getting attention for it, there are tons and tons of Youtube videos of this, and so they do it themselves.

It's about respecting privacy too, your own and your child's. But hey, if people are looking at her, she feels validated so she's gotta do whatever possible to get that feeling. Right after pregnancy is when women feel the most unattractive.

Women shouldn't breastfeed in public, just as a man shouldn't publicly urinate. If it's not okay for a man to whip out his dick and take a leak, it's not okay for a woman to whip out her tit and lactate.

Can men start to do this?

>Digestive tracts
Hoo boy, this is about as unhinged as vaccines = autism

I think that's an insanely impractical way of doing it...


This is my fetish





Why the fuck do women egg each other on like this?

mommy has FAT titties!

yummy yummy!

If it isn't sexualized why cover up?

I have twin two year olds. You are just making up excuses to cover your poor planning.

But it's Daddy who plays with it.

I can see an angry cunt's response to it being "But one is about the the health of the child!" or something to that effect. 24 hours in her day and she decides to feed them in the 3 hours she's out in public, not the majority of the time spent in private at the house.

Agreed women need to be liberated. It's worked great so far

>It's fucking unsanitary
How? You're not getting sprayed with it.
>Prepare bottles beforehand
So it can spoil? No, bottles are noy good. There is no reason for babby not be fed from the tap.

>people actually get butthurt over women breastfeeding
lmaoing @ your life senpai

:3 you're porn is the best you know that my friend look up pregnant french and have a good fap do french women and boys (hehe) like having a go with americans

who cares about this shit

>You can stare, I don't care.
You wouldn't make a scene out of it then, big milk.

Praise to him