Politifact is unbiased and truthful

There's absolutely no way that (((Politifact))) is full of shit or anything guys.

Other urls found in this thread:



Post more """unbiased""" facts

Orwell would blush at this shit.

Like... What the fuck.



How can they even say this? Is it a shoop? That's simply a lie, because the exact OPPOSITE of what she said is the truth.

It's amazing that disinformation like this is even legal.

>the numbers are valid
>still "mostly false"

>a binary state
>narrowly accurate

"when she said literally no one died, she was only off by 4. that falls within the margin of error. ill meet you half way"

>transgirls are not boys
this is my favourite one

Is everyone on the left aware of how horribly tainted and sinister their cause has become or are they honestly in the dark about it?

What the fuck does narrowly accurate even mean?

Now compare that to what a Republican action looks like and you'll understand why only uneducated people support Trump




Every fucking time.

Where the fuck do you people come from?

Is Trudickhead paying you? WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON?

>Narrowly accurate

What happened, did someone die and then be resuscitated back to life again, so it didn't count?

I guess living in Canada makes you less dumb...


It means she's full of shit. Anything other than 100% true about a democrat on that site means they are full of shit,

It also makes you a sucker of canine cocks, which you conveniently left out. Keep on progressin', Canafags, you sure showed us.

WTF is an "unconventional cut at the data?"


Ooooh, quality wordplay there. First day I take it?

>We didn't loose the American embassy in lybia guys

what a joke of an establishment if they think they can keep getting away with this

Are we living in some weird twilight zone?

u want facts ill give u facts

Nope, this is the real world. I know because Canadians are being retarded in this thread too.

>Melburian thinking he's remotely funny.

You wouldn't want to waste all your bandwidth on one photo, now would you?

Fuck nigger slow that shit down I'm trying to fucking read.

>implying facts are truth
>implying facts aren't relative
lol, the establishment

Get fucked, semi-country

>transgender girls aren't boys
>majority of rapefugees is female
>the comparison is questionable

You lost more than a single American, so it's kind of a true statement.

>this thread status: PANTS ON FIRE

>fuck the shit up out of Libya
>arm """moderate""" rebels
>later lose American lives in an attack on an embassy from these same """moderates"""
>we didn't lose anyone in that action :^)
My record has been corrected.

It depends on what they consider "that action"...
In the military action that ousted Qaddafi, America was leading from behind... However, if "that action" also includes the followup american activities in Benghazi, Americans did die... it always depends on defining the parameters of the statements... Politifact tends to define the parameters in a way that favors liberals... They are obviously biased...

Actually most people think they are on the moral high ground when they post ridiculous opinions like you can't be racist to whites if you're black because you gain nothing out of it.

Years of indoctrination makes them think that their opinion is the most modern, morally acceptable and righteous, add in the fact that they think right wingers are literallyHitler and the historical stigma (you're the party that owned SLAVES), and you have an entire nation of people numbering in the millions who are willing to ignore obviously Marxist propaganda as minor speed bumps on the way to a utopian society.

I'm not saying this as a right-wing conservative who was born to hate liberals, I'm saying this as a former liberal myself.

But democrats owned slaves...

They still do, only instead of cotton their slaves produce votes for them now.

im mad


>Trump says he opposed the Iraq war
>what he actually said was "yeah, I guess so"
>Hillary lies about actual human lives lost
>nothing to see here, goyim!

this is an edit.. r-right?

There are several states where it is legal to have sex with animals

I guess Obama "organised" the hell out of them...
One gang in Chicago, Gangster Disciples has as much as 100,000 members nationwide, and all the media can do is scare us about ISIS with their 15,000... Chicago has 12,000 police officer, maybe 2000 at most on the beat at any given time... cops are outnumbered 50 to 1, but
MSM still make them out to be the bad guys, cause confronting gang culture is racist, and they dindu nuffin...

>Iraq war

Didn't Hillary vote in favor of that war? Hmmmm, leaf? Hmmmm?

>the numbers are valid
>mostly false

What the actual fucking fuck am I looking at?

>mfw you can find literal memes on the front page


In the civil war, she might be correct.. IIRC we only made airstrikes helping rebels. In Benghazi after the war, she is entirely wrong. Kinda hate to admit it but they got that right.

Let me put a check on that.... it depends on how you view journalists and what what time frame you're talking about

This is a good image, but I wish the direct contradictions lined up so normies could compare them easier.