*blocks path*
*blocks path*
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck are they purple?
grape juice
*Moonwalks away*
Ashy skin
They ashy af
Because Grove Street mamas suck their dicks!
Doba dee
Zombie cure.
The looks like blue to me. And they some ashy ass hoes.
They ashy.
"Bitches LEAVE."
*unsheathes katana*
bix nood muhfugga
The only likeable characters in this show were white. Was that the creators intention?
Kanker sisters vs. Gross sisters
Who wins?
I can only find two porns of them., and they're both the middle one.
*unzips dick*
>turn 360 degrees
>walk away
It's over.
I don't have your wellfare check or your food stamps.
Get. The fuck. Out of here.
>Turn 360 degrees
You do realize you just made an complete circle and ran back into them.
It's like the people on this board keep getting dumber.
People into multiracial lesbian porn.
Prove him wrong.
I fucking hate you. You post this shit all the time on Sup Forums and it's dumb as fuck.
That's funny because this post makes me want to turn 360 degrees and walk away.
They are beaten up so bad they're a different color now
What people on this thread mean with Ashy, im not from USA?
> (OP)
>Why the fuck are they purple?
They're ashy, which is vaguely explained in the episode where Penny joins them.
You don't seem to get it, do you? You're not blocking me, I'm blocking you!
Nah, it's just him.
It would have been racist to have them black
Nice try satan other people in the show were black and the latinos in the show too that always bothers me as a kid
>Ashy skin is simply dry skin. It is usually whitish or grayish in color. It gives the skin a dull, chalky or flaky appearance. the term is often used in reference to African Americans or those with dark complexions.
So is this like a skin disease that just affect black people? because it can be normal for you skin to get dry
i think youre wrong because i just did a 360 from your post and walked away
Penny, the main character, was likable.
Sticky was always cool, pretty much never did anything offensive, and rejected Dijonay's overbearing advances.
It happens to everyone, it just is more apparent on darker skin because the dead skin flakes are white (no more melanin?). Just like everyone can get dandruff, everyone can be ashy, whether it's due to a disease or just because you're not hydrated/moisturizing your skin.
a thank you i didn't know that, people usually don't have that kinda problem from where i came from
So black they're blue.
I think the Kankers have a higher power level due to slapstick logic. I'm pretty sure the Gross sisters have jacked adults, though, so that translates into some kind of hidden power. I don't think I've seen either group of sisters lose, so it could go either way.
Penny could be kind of brat sometimes. Everybody in the family treated her father like crap.
Where the bloods when you need em?
She was a teenager, and she always meant well and apologized when she did something wrong.
And Oscar was kind of a dick. I thought it was pretty heavily implied that the household was supported by Trudy's job.
*stands ground*
I think you need to have your dick checked out, user.
Oscar was the most based character on that show, he didn't deserve that bitch wife of his.
Oscar was an asshole. Pretty much everyone in the show was an asshole.
>Being this astonishingly new
People aren't getting dumber, people just keep getting newer like you, newfag
Would you care about her bitching with an ass like that?
It's unsafe for you here, scrub.
but they weren't villains
Drop those sick lunar beats
Marie is city level easily,may punched through a meteor with lee dashing to collect the shards while they were falling (hypersonic).The gross sisters don't have nearly the same feats.
He kept chimps as slave labor and abused the fuck out them.
>turns 360 degrees
>moonwalks away