Service guarantees citizenship.
Are you doing your part?
Trump says immigrants who join the military could become legal residents
Can this be instituted for shit posting Australians also?
Would move to the states to live under the glorious rule of trump.
The beast need feeding!
Send them all of to a war and kill em
Good plan
One step closer to Emperor
That's always how it's been.
i'm ok with this.
we'll make an exception. maybe a few brits as well
Great more lazy welfare recipients and gangbangers in the military, just what we need.
This is only a good thing if the military tightens standards (it won't).
they should only get 3/5ths salary
>mfw Trump sends them all to the middle east to fight for freedom
>mfw they will cry when they find out they can't leave when trump declares war
>mfw this is Trump is just using them as pawns to do his dirty work
>mfw they will all die fighting for a country they hate
>mfw this is trumps plan all along
Man wouldn't it be great. Montana looks like a great place away from niggers. Would rather some place more 'American' but those states are infested with niggers.
would you like to know more?
You are missing the obvious.
Military tend to vote republican
Trump will convert hispanics to republicanism.
Montana is all America friend.
Trump is an universalist, it's old news.
The european specie is doomed, deal with it.
They're perfect for Operation: Human Shield.
If I can get a green card il join the military and happily go the middle east to remove kebab.
Correlation doesn't equal causation.
We're going to make the middle east great again
and Mexico is going to die for it.
>mfw he increases taxes on the poor to pay for his war.
The two-party system is a shit meme that needs to die.
To my knowledge, no one has had been able to enlist without a at least being on track to a green card. I think officers have always had to be full on citizens.
Can someone clarify?
He means illegal immigrants
But this is already the law.
t- milfag
>Illegals can become citizens through military
>Declares war on Islam
>Sends all taconiggers to the ME
Came so hard I have a hole in my roof.
Foreign Auxiliary to earn citizenship! We Byzantium now and im okay with this.
Im glad I am not the only one not phased by this news
N-no goy! You'll just be throwing away your vote if you don't choose our goy!
>came so hard got double dubs
>people willing to show they will work for the community instead of leeching off it
not bad not bad at all. weed out the undesirable ones
Trump is now an official retard.
I was going to vote for him, but after hearing him say this shit....fuck him. hes a fuckin jew.
That actually makes sense. I believe military service should be mandatory for those who want to run for an office.
Oh, wait...
they never actually faced deportation if the didn't join though
This already exists. I see it on /k/ all the time. homos going to the US embassy to try and enlist.
isnt there already a problem with military men raping women?
He has a jew grandchild, what did you expect? He isn't white man's hero as you might want.
That is stupid
You people are so naive, you believe everything your govt tell you
Most of the mexicans I knew in the army came out of it right wing, Old Glory flying Ultranationalists.
Its truly a thing of beauty watching an angry little murdermonkey reveal his power level and BTFO out libcuck college students who cant call him a fucking white male
Unless its been completely cucked to hell and back in the last 8 years, the army's pretty damn good at programming young men how to think.
I always had the feeling that the northern states would be like Canada. Anything notable happen in Montana during America's history?
No retard, it's not that way. You clearly know jack shit about the military.
>Unless its been completely cucked to hell and back in the last 8 years
I'm in DEP right now, and the chief recruiter was talking about how much it changed. The gas chamber is now called the panic room, and you have some cards to pull out called panic or trigger cards if you get too stressed.
He then told us if he hears of any of his guys pull that shit, he'd find us and stick his boot up our asses.
Half of Africa and Asia is going to enlist in the US Army, fun times.
Citation? Because it isn't.
It allows citizenship. Citizenship and being in this country legally are two very different things.
I had a Russian in my squad in Iraq gain his citizenship this way.
I'm all for it, the commitment isn't short
>America now has the largest military in the world
>steamrolls the rest of the world
>American Empire now controls the Earth
Cannon fodder for the upcoming wars desu.
Theyre talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, most likely those who were brought to the US as children. So no, not just any illegal would be able to join
You do know what happens to Byzantium, right?
America already has to many gang members in there military
And then they all move to your country. Look what happened to London and Paris.
Byzantium didn't have nukes
So were do i sign to join the marines?
I would never join a military that uses mini-14.
Still illegal, anchor baby.
They need to pay back taxes
>anchor baby
I wish. Actually, Im a DACA beneficiary. I would benefit from this
>spotted the buzzkiller
You must be fun at parties
Lighten the fuck up, you are on Sup Forums for fucks sake
I pray to god you're shitposting
Lot of Indian killing, Custers last stand. Montana is sparsely populated, a lot of wild country still. Beautiful place, I may move out there some day when I get sick of Minnesota.
Yeah it just seems like a place I'd love to retire to. Around Missouri looks nice.
so basically this;
old news, also, American Foreign Legion when?!
panic cards and stress cards have been rumors for fucking years. Its all bullshit. basic has gotten easier but not that bad.
Service should guarantee citizenship. I have no problem with this.
Just like Rome- fuckin do it. They can be our minesweepers
Not going to be the largest while China and India exists.
Also, if you are spending what you are now just try imagining how much such large standing forces would cost.