A society without women

Let's face it, women have been a pretty big drain on society. I don't think that feminism, Marxism, social justice, or anything else of that nature needs to be explained to all y'all. Everybody here knows about how women have negatively effected our society. I propose a solution: Just don't have women.

It simple:
1. Harvest every women in a country for their eggs and then dispose of them.
2. Ban women from entering the country without special reasons
3. Use the mass of eggs collected to breed the best and brightest generation possible.

That's basically everything. Any questions or criticism?

Other urls found in this thread:




Women exist to keep men happy, interested, and driven towards creating value in society. The problems only started when we started treating them as equals

Test tubes

>A society without women.
>Let's face it, [omega rejection intensifies]

Women are better singers.

Men, obviously, are the best in the field, as they typically are, but if I had to pick one gender to listen to for the rest of my life, I'd pick women.


t. homosexual

My one tiny problem with your idea is that I wouldn't get to fuck who is in that picture.

She has man-face. Seriously, her face is a dude's face.

This guy gets it.

>Seriously, her face is a dude's face.
a very pretty dude


Who would I have sex with?

I was about to post this.



>Who would I have sex with?
qts with feminine benis

kek, beat me to it

Just take their right to vote away.


Beat me to it, I'm glad people spread those Black Pigeon Speaks videos here.

We are to blame for women's nature. They are capable, in the wild, of doing what they have to to survive. But fathers, husbands, brothers and all other male bystanders do everything they can to keep them in a fog of delusion.

They've been told they're special so often they think something is wrong when they haven't heard it lately.

They've never had anything bad happen to them-- ever. Having your boyfriend of three months break it off with you doesn't count princess-- you've never had to live in the back of an isuzu trooper, moving from parking lot to rest area to small graveled area under a freeway overpass (seriously I'm not bothering anyone here can't you just leave me alone!?) to avoid getting thrown in jail for loitering and just generally "being sketchy". You don't get kicked out of the house on your 18th birthday because you refused to hand your paycheck from bussing tables at Denny's over to your mother to spend on freezer pizzas and boxed wine.

Yes I am mad. Ree, motherfucker.

I've only known three good women in my life, and all of them had parents or other family members who didn't give in to their genetic programming to put them on pedestals, and they fucking hated being treated special for no good reason (as I would).

We are ruining our girls. They could be human but we're making them monsters.

But still a man, Mr. Bond.


I enjoy getting laid too much.

Sorry OP, back to your basement.

>implying I wouldnt just bareback doggy that ass while shitposting on Sup Forums

I agree with you on their role, but it seems like youre saying that women are naturally "lesser". Sure, they might not be able to create value in society as well as men, thats what men are supposed to do.

I like nikola tesla's explanation:

"I had always thought of woman," says Mr. Tesla, "as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in these respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshiped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.

"But all this was in the past. Now the soft-voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies in making herself as much as possible like man--in dress, voice and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind."

A generation without women but then those born in the next generation would be 50% women

How would you stop females being born?

You are absolutely correct - women have never contributed any kind of advancements to our societies. However, there is more to that. Women are an essential part of society, and when I say "essential" I really mean it.

I like to think that men are the thinking, logical and ambitious gender, and women are the caring, emotional gender. When you raise children, they need both sides: emotion and logic.

I still think that women have no place at the office, but that's how it should be. Men "bring the food to the table" and women make sure that "the food stays there"

This is how all animal societies work, and deep down, us humans aren't too different. There's a reason why female mental illness has skyrocketed in the past two or three decades, as we are entering a society of forced equality and totally unnatural ideas.

Women are gonna be obsolette soon anyway thanks to VR waifus, sexbots and artificial wombs.

FPBP, /thread


>I propose a solution: Just don't have women.
What a faggot.

You just want a world full of men only, faggot

I like eating pussy though and having my face ridden.

we could just be muslims.... youtube.com/watch?v=zMGZtkMS3sQ

That was brutal bantz in that screencap.

>any questions or criticisms
yeah you idiot why dont you join a monastery if you dont want to be around any women?
learn to appreciate the spiritual fulfilment that a woman gives a man

came here to post this


I don't think its as easy as "take their right to vote away". Our system of government is based n the idea of egalitarianism between all mankind, which women happen to be a part of. Rescinding the vote of women is a slippery slope backwards. As has been said, we can;t put the genie back in the bottle once its out.

What we can do is try something new. For millenia we have repeated the endless cycle of civilization. Rise. Fall. Rise. Fall. And it's always the same things that precipitate the fall. Changes in values, lower production, the breakdown of the family, the introduction of socialism, the rise of an aggressive challenger willing to take down the decadent empire. This has happened countless times before, as has been written by John Blubb in his book Fall of Empire.

What we have to do is curb there natural tendencies. Know what our inherent weaknesses are, and work against them. I think we can have egalitarianism, as long as we stay our focus on the family. We can unwind our genetic programming, but we have to be proactive.

I agree Feminism puts women on a pedestal. It's just misogyny of low expectations. For all the talk of equality feminists give, they are treated like children. We laugh at their jokes when they aren't funny and give them attention when they don't deserve it. We need to treat them like people, and they will act like it. But this requires men to think of women differently. Its our fault. We allow women to have power over us.

Pretty much this.

The worst of the bunch are the ones influenced by devisive media.

If told to be whores for our approval they become insecure.
If told they are unique femflakes and should somehow identify with that. They become distant.

I am European, and only the chicks with their noses deep into western jew culture become assholes.

Luckily the majority in my life are just "people". Some of them confidants, friends and even a few inspirations.

Yes, women should be done away with but girls should be kept around for fun or what you're describingis a world of fags.

>it all makes sense now

Is this your way of coming out?

>Women are better singers.

What is Andrea Bocelli?

>A society without women.
one day
but not this day

great bantz

>muh sex
>muh dick

nah, there are many smart ones that know, how good they have it, and they re thankfull

You guys talk about a time where women weren't abusive and manipulative as if it ever actually happened. You fell for the meme women made about how women used to be oppressed.

Women were never oppressed. There is no evidence for this anywhere ever.

Women selectively breed men for their own interests, data tells us all what their interests are. They like low iq brown men who obey them. It is necessary for the survival of humanity that we she'd women as a means of reproduction.

Making a female egg from a male somatic cell is a few years away, it's part of the whole stem cell problem. Artificial wombs have already been created and have successfully incubated several lambs.

Even without women men would have the drive to earn money and innovate because making kids is expensive. The gov't can regulate this in order to prevent to megarich from taking over completely.

This is not theoretical anymore, this will be possible within 5 yrs.

We can become masters over ourselves.

i don't think you understand how the real world works