Why is this allowed to exist?
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Give it some time
Drought + large earthquake will destroy Pedowood and San Gaycisco for good.
tfw not king of california and making it great
Because it's the biggest economy in the country?
Just crumble and fall into the ocean already faggots.
also the most debt and non-whites
the harder it will fall too
Arizona Bay when?
Cali is a shithole quit fooling yourself.
that comfy california garden
not for long now that hollywood is dying. it's going to be great believe me
Stay mad poorfag
They really are beautiful this time of year.
Thank God I live in Orange County. The rest of this state is shit.
barking up the wrong tree, chaparral fire is a natural part of life and good for the ecosystem
Because god hates us.
Who are you going to be voting for senate?
California is objectively the best state in the country.
this. the landslides are my favorite
>mfw people literally build their neighborhoods up to the bottom of cliffs
they deserve much more than they are given
many of the ones were started by an arsonist
>good for the ecosystem
wasn't good for the people it affected.
>t. flyover and/or texan
Sorry bud, but there's no shame in being second ;)
CA is great if you have enough money to enjoy it. If you can't afford to live you, you should definitely move somewhere else that's more affordable
about to move to santa barbara or san diego, go to a 2 year college and try to get into berkeley or ucla for a physics degree
I can't take living in the midwest anymore. Shootin fishin muddin stumpin muh football. I don't give a fuck. I can't stand this cultural wasteland anymore. Every time I've been in california it was great.
>tfw live in red part of California
Pls nuke SF and LA (Sodom and Gomorrah)
As someone who lives in Los Angeles I feel its my duty to make this clear. California is
>wasn't good for the people it affected.
don't build/live in a house in the chaparral
>implying they aren't overdue/havent been subdued beyond the natural rate
Definitely go with San Diego, bud.
Far better than Santa Barbara.
no joke, when someone talks about california, they are talking about this person
California is named after the Caliphate.
kys you liberal shitcuck
Probably, but I really don't like where I live. I looked into housing and the costs of living and I could afford it, for sure.
big earthquake isn't going to do much to us lol clearly you don't live in a prepared area where there are quakes
>cultural wasteland
>oh man i cant wait to go to those mixed race twerk nightclubs where you can buy whole dimebags of culture
lmao you are a cancer
>cultural wasteland
Well, enjoy the Mexican and degenerate liberal culture of California. Good riddance.
nah man, I just don't feel at home in the midwest, heroin addicted wasteland just isn't my thing
people like different things, no need to get mad buddy
I wonder how many of the "californians" moving to texas are actually born and raised californian
Lol you want culture so you got to CA? It's all suburbs, stripmalls and spics here. There's no culture here unless you want to look at post modern "art" in San Francisco and LARP as a 1920's white with the hipsters.
The drought is a hoax and there's so much retrofitting protocol these days that a 7.8 mag earthquake is nearly a joke now.
Riverside county is the biggest shit I've ever seen.
Emerald triangle is dope
Palm Desert is based though.
>drought is a hoax
>having all the rivers drain directly into the ocean and having all the permeable land that was once a literal marsh and turned it into a desert totally didnt do anything
This place would be beautiful(and many other states) if Los Angles would get its own fucking electoral college (and preferably state). Literally 10 million people deciding the elections for 30 million people. Same thing in New York and Michigan but not on such a retard level.
>inb4 hur dur that's wer them people are
Orange county has 3 million, San Diego has 3 million, Riverside has 2 million, San Bernardino has 2 million, and so on. While this wouldn't garantee California would be republican but it would definitely be fair game if a candidate tried. San Francisco is completely fucking retarded. The politicians basically pass laws that would benefit(not really) only san fagsisco since guess where the money comes from. California itself is fucking overpopulated. Like fucking Kern county has 800,000 people like Wtf I've never seen a civilized part of kern county that didn't wasn't a station town.
Guys Im from Sacramento and it's fucking awful
I want to move to a EU country and leave peacefully and /comfy/
angelino here, I agree
>all the permeable land that was once a literal marsh and turned it into a desert totally didnt do anything
where was this?
That's also a myth when you think long and hard about how seismic activity actually works.
OC really is based. I wish I could move there but it's even more expensive.
Deserts aren't my thing but the dste shakes are pretty good.
Have you seen Japan? CA should be taking notes from them.
oc isn't based at all, south oc is just a bunch of rich sheltered cunts, huntington beach is a mixture of rich dickheads, surfer burnouts and tweakers and anything inland is basically a barrio or little saigon
>The village of Artesia was established upon the completion of the Artesia School District on May 3, 1875. It was named for the many flowing Artesian wells in the area, which made the village ideal for farming and agriculture.
there are tons of subsurface structures that collect water all over la metropolitan, and virtually all of the south bay and the port up into compton was historically marshland. all the old people who talk about farms in their childhood aren't lying. all the suburbs were built on what was previously farmland
this is true, when people say oc is based its only because of it voting red, and it is going blue at breakneck speed
Sometimes I just tune out the people and feel the surroundings. It's much cooler than LA 365 days a year, best and cleanest beaches right behind Ventura, Disneyland, God-tier dining, there's an entire shopping list of reasons to at least visit.
California is half shit half godly perfection in many ways. Its a lie and a truth. The greatest oxymoron in U.S. history that only functions because people still believe the lies.
Rofl. I love threads where people who have never been to California shit on California.
It's legitimately the best state. They may be trampling all over my rights, but honestly ask me if I care. I don't. It's the nicest place in the country to live, bar none. You can choose whatever American climate/biome you want and make your home there.
inb4 "MUH GUNZ." Fuck off. We have counties where the sheriffs don't enforce any of the dumbass regulations.
Japan is on a subduction zone. They also have to deal with tsunamis and bigger magnitudes.
it's funny because the people building these housing projects
are from east asia
We need a new constitutional amendment limiting the percentage of electoral college votes a single state can have.
No state should have more than 1/6th the votes needed to reach victory in a presidential election.
They either have to split their vote proportionally or shed the excess votes to smaller states.
>shed the excess votes to smaller states.
Hahaha what? Fuck off, flyover pleb. We will never share our importance with you.
>highest taxes
>fucking regulations out the ass
>horrible place to start a small business.
>self righteous bay area liberals.
>absurd housing prices
>absurd gasoline prices
>absurd prices of fucking everything!
What is the tech industry and agriculture again?
>tech industry
moving to texas
>ag industry
1. shadowed by hollyjew
2. corporate owned
3. depleting resources
Tell me how any of those things impact the quality of life for people who can afford to live in California.
You can't.
California is paradise.
then split your votes proportionally with how the popular vote went.
you love democracy don't you?
then giving the republicans their votes, is more democratic.
7.8 million democrat voters shouldn't determine how 38 million people worth of electoral votes are spent.
>tell me why i can't be a godless hedonist >:^)
wow nice one
Yes, fuck LA in its ripe liberal ass
It's been scientifically proven time and time again that the San Andreas fault can't culminate anything bigger than an 8. The self-loathing Jewlywood wants you to believe otherwise with disaster movies like 2012 and that Dwayne Johnson one, but with an earthquake early warning system like Japan has and I believe Chile as well everything will be daijoubu. Those hundreds of deaths will be retarded newfags who just moved there and have no knowledge of where they live nature-wise.
>California is great
-t. Average Californian
>it's a California thread
Who /ucsdorsandiego/ here?
>California itself is fucking overpopulated
le this. who brings them here and how and why? like its hard to figure out
Arizona is true paradise.
>sheriff that doesn't take shit from illegals.
>no gun laws
>4 day school week. which actually made student performance go up.
>weather keeps the all but the hardest yankee and Left Coast scum away.
>taxes and cost of living are reasonable.
The Yolo were (rofl) a tribe of Native Americans.
AZ is CA without the beaches, bitches, weed, and 10 degrees hotter in summer. And maybe if it were a little more Republican.
northern california is on the Cascadian Subduction Zone.
the big one won't hit the bay area or LA. It will hit Eureka
Haven't you heard? We're a state of peace.
we can't all be marylanders, but many of you can take solace in the fact that at least you aren't commiefornians
but it's in a Tool song and it's what we want. No need to bring your crackpot seismic activity theories into this. Kek is all that matters.
>mexicans can get guns and fucking kill you on the 10 or 40
>literally no law on the roads leading into of from phoenix
>seen people drink 6 packs from Bullseye to Cali because they claim "nothing out here man but MUH GUNZ LOL"
Yeah it's red neck vs mexicans central no thank you
reasons why it sucks, but I will say ASU and NSU have some fine females. but they get cucked by mexicants
Im starting to wonder if we are getting blamed for shit these salvadoresn niggers are doing in america.
Ive seen a ton of salvadorean pictures of gangbangers on Sup Forums
You're STARTING to wonder??
Nice trips though
Actually it was originally made up by some Britbong(?). Tool just used it as a reference and so did one of the Deus Ex games.
If you sit and think, there's truth behind it. Also it seems just a little silly to want hundreds of millions of innocent people to die just because a percentage of them are retarded lefties.
The bay area is the worst. I live there.
The cost of living is ridiculous.
What I like about it is that it has a lot
of natural beauty. It's probably one of
the most beautiful places in the U.S.
and if you avoid the big cities in NorCal
you can kind of pretend to like it for a bit
I grew up near a farm and it has a very
farm like feel
If it was Republican it would be alright I think
Southern California has some really
attractive women but you can get
almost the same quality in Las Vegas
or Arizona. Also Southern California is a lot
more Republican and jobs are everywhere and the cost of living is WAY better surprisingly
I just fixed it
Is Conan a good emperor?
lol the north would literally die
better than slowing dying of taxes and the erosion of basic freedoms
at least it is exciting.
California just wants a bunch of good goy debt slaves. To live a long boring life of paying taxes and debt payments.
I'd rather be a poorfag who can get a girl than someone cucked by gringo faggots constantly moving in
you are gonna get ass raped with out of state tuition. Finish up your flyover BS then apply for grad school if you must here
like this.
everything west of the green line gets to remain California.
everything else is the new state of Sierra Nevada.
I dont think the north has any colleges or anything.
Its all tree and wee nigger and the population density is like 5 people per mile
based Orange reporting
Grew up in an 80% asian neighborhood in the silicon valley and it was pretty great honestly. kinda stressful but it was nice, like a classic american suburban feel. no one commited any crime or anything.
probably because there were no spics or niggers anywhere to be found since the gentrification from the chinks and curries scared them all off lol
>dat autismal squiggly line
just fucking do down the sierra nevadas also why do you hate SD