Mattress company airs extremely offensive 9/11 commercial- LMAO THIS IS REAL

This is great. So some guy in San Antonio owns a mattress store and he got his landwhale daughter to produce a commercial for him.

She came up with a "Twin Towers" sale for 9/11:

At first I thought this must be fake but TIME wrote an article about it:

And if you look up Miracle Mattress on fb you can see they made an apology

Jesus Christ how did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

hey I live there kinda close to this store want me to go in say something stupid and record it

The only offensive about this is the shit quality of it.

How tasteless.

This is hilarious. Stop bitching like a SJW.

>Jesus Christ how did this happen?
Western women

Top kek

It's finally happened. Years of Sup Forums's edgy teen population has started to seep into the broader culture.


Honestly I think its really tasteless, but they should sell and advertise anything any way they want. I just hope the bleeding heart lefties dont come in with their cancerous "shut it down" schtick.


I don't find this funny.
Like, I understand the joke, but its soooo hugely overused and stuff. Also I fucking hate hamwhales.

This is what happens when you let women outside of the kitchen and delude them into thinking their opinions and ideas matter

That was good shit.

Not that I have a problem with 9/11 jokes but if you are a buisness operating in TEXAS of all fucking places, you might wanna keep the 9/11 jokes to yourself. Just saying.

Hanlon's razor.

All I ever wanted to do was meet a nice girl and have a family

But i just can't see it happening anymore, it saddens me deeply. But at least I have enough time to pursue my interests.

>implying texas gives a fuck

Meh, she has her right to free speech and being a retar. Consumers have their right to not shop at her shitty fat mattress store. That place will go out of business soon. Nothing to see here.

pretty funny that it's always mattresses with the scummiest business practice

that was cringey if anything, but less offensive them some other mattress commercials i've seen.

>Meh, she has her right to free speech and being a retar.

And this is where the West went wrong

This is why we have so many coalburners and open borders race traitor whores now

Western women are below dogshit.

Texas is the most super patriotic and super conservative place in the US, of course they'd give a fuck.

Lost urine laughing at that one. 10/10.


Just try to figure out who thought this was a good idea

They've all got shit tattoos. What a disgusting fad.

>Mattress company

stopped reading

notice how it was all shitskins in the video?

Shitskins have no empathy.

Only if you buy a mattress while you're there.
I hear they have a good sale going on

those deals are explosive

I saw someone point that out earlier. They are probably Mexican.

Convert to Islam.
You'll get a wife or two who will be eager to bear you many children.
Hitler himself said Christianity is weak, while Islam was strong and should have taken over Europe.

Those mattresses look comfy. Makes me want to fly right into one and crash hard

I don't know if o believe this to be real. How on Earth could any person with any brainpower or social awareness whatsoever, think this was even a slightly good idea? Let alone 3 or more people

Man, this really hooked me, I would go and get a matress.

yes perfect if they have matresses up ill jump on them and make them fall while recording

>How on Earth could any person with any brainpower or social awareness whatsoever, think this was even a slightly good idea?
This is how the modern Western woman is. Completely braindead and incapable of thinking beyond themselves. The owner's daughter made the ad.

Bleeding heart lefties only care about minorities and anti American values, if anything they would praise this for being "progressive"

So tasteless it's funny

it's like post irony or something

based Texians

Ask yourself truly: What's the difference between this and any given Memorial Day sale? At least these people are upfront about their intention to shamelessly hijack patriotism and remembrance to sell you something. But countless companies do that all the time by slapping an american flag behind a tv advertisement, and no one makes a fuss because they're less upfront. I respect these mattress retards for their transparency.

>read thread title
>see image
>instantly think company faux pas involves 9/11 jumpers
>landing safely on mattresses
>continue reading

See now THAT would've actually been funny.

Pretty funny.

"Abloo bloo bloo, the six gorillian, abloo abloo abloo the nine erevens!"

No longer disappointed. The inscrutable "we'll never forget" at the end carries the whole damned commercial.

Considering San Antonio is like 85% mexican that's a pretty safe bet.

>Trading jew worship cuckdom for arab worship cuckdom.

Also, for every man who has two wives, another will have none.

Masses of single men in their 20s with nothing to live for except allah arent exactly good for developing advanced societies.

This is called outrage marketing. Its cheap and easy to do. Its more effective then regular marketing because now everyone knows about them. Many companies do this and you keep getting played. They want you to write those articles because thats free marketing for them.

That guy died at like 28 of a blood clot

First time I've been proud of my city after the Spurs bombed last season.

Depends on who you're talking to, I don't know anyone who would actually get offended by this besides my cunt of an aunt.

I thought exactly the same thing.

You guys rely too on that french frog for fuck sake

who cares. mattress companies only sell shit when they have a going out of business sale. this is their stepping stone to that dream

dont ruin their dream of cat food dinners and living under a bridge

Not funny but nothing to cry about.
The "never forget" at the end though was a bit disgraceful, like she knew this was a bad idea but went through with it anyway.

This user knows his mattress companies


do americans use the word jumper? as in the clothing item?

Because if so someone needs to have a 9/11 Jumper Sale


Last years Halloween costume.
Most parents laughed hard as fuck.
Which was a little disturbing haha

>posting a picture of yourself on a Appalachian nazi frog trading forum


That was funny as fuck OP

Stop being a fag.
Finding great women is easy if you're not a fucking complete retard or loser.
Have a job, car, house etc. and they flock to you.
If you don't have those things no father is going to like you and think you're good for his daughter.
Be a person other people admire and life is easy as fuck.
Your only excuse for not attaining this as a western man is being lazy and stupid.

Who is it?

Like they give a flying fuck about some dead yankees from 15 years ago.


and the sarcastic way the fat one says "never forget"

but trump is literally satan for saying her illegal criminal cousin cant be here.

prove it


>"What better way to remember 9/11 than with a Twin Tower sale?” a woman says moments before two men fall over backwards and send two towers of mattresses tumbling to the ground.

Oh lawd

Reverse image search it you fat fuck

>america is still triggered 15 years later
>they can't take a simple joke

Jimmy Savile. He was a pedophile who worked for the BBC.

Funny as hell 2bh

Isn't it like 75% hispanic now?


It left a mark mentally for anyone who was old enough to see and understand it. It's become a meme to the younger generation which is unfortunate but the people who lived the events and experienced that immediate post 911 america don't have the option to disassociate. I know i don't.

just fuck my business up senpai

That's actually pretty funny.

People lose their lives every day, get over it. It was only three thousand people, multiples of that died that year in slip and fall accidents.

The tragedy of 9/11 was the aftermath where we tore up the tiny bits of our constitution that we pretended we still had and then funneled trillions to the military industrial complex to wage a never ending "war on terror" that is now the longest shooting war in American history and continues to this day.

What we should have done is find those responsible and nuked them tactically with all of one to three modern nukes costing maybe a few billion to deploy and cause 100x the deaths then told the rest of the world to fucking come at us and see what happens.

Of course that's not realistic what with it very likely being an inside job and if it actually wasn't it was almost surely the doing of one of our "allies" Israel or Saudi Arabia.

Anyone who bitches about this doesn't have a sense of humor.

>How did this happen.

Well you see, women don't actually understand humour or offensiveness. It doesn't offend HER, so it ISN'T offensive. See?

The fat one? All the people in the video are fat, burger.

> "super"

Fucking milennial

Depending on how big this story blows up you will know whether or not it is a stunt by the Clinton campaign.

>how is it pro-Clinton

Doesn't need to be pro-Clinton. Just needs to be bread and circuses to keep the attention off of her.

those are some pretty good deals desu

I kinda laughed desu.

How young are you?

why people seriously think the jews are behind everything?

that is quite the qt. is the show good?

reverse imagine search, lesser russia

already have; I know english may not me your primary language, but if you were to try harder to read you would see that I have not asked for the source.


>is the show good?
it's a decent sol

>Have a job, car, house etc. and they flock to you.
>wanting a fucking gold digger who will leave you and take all your shit with her

Paranoid Schizophrenia and the belief that smart people are "tricking" them. When you are really fucking stupid to the point that you don't realize it, you buy into boogeymen.

No need to be racist here. Racism should only be confined to stormfront

can you show us some examples?


lmao people nowadays are too sensitive