When has Sup Forums lost you the opportunity to get a gf or laid?

You guys are gonna be mad at me for this one:
>be 5'6 manlet
>be 22
>NEET who lives with grandparents but things are looking up, spent all my saved money from last job to go to a legit coding bootcamp in a month where 80% of the graduates get bigboi jobs
>Used to be pretty /fit/ but got /fat/ however ive lost 25 of the 50 pounds i put on.
>go to aunts house in alabama for cousins wedding
>Aunt has a 24 year old housemate who is 5'10
>First night, start drinking and when drunk im not autistic, housemate starts hitting on me and i respond not autisticly but i think she's joking cause imma manlet anyways
>second night, Dont drink cause dont want to do that in front of grandparents, family etc.
>third night, think she actually likes me, get weirded out and give her cold shoulder
>fourth and final night, Im sitting studying getting ready for a coding bootcamp while everyones getting hammered outside
>Cool Aunt (tm) walks up me
>user, WTF are you doing, theres a woman outside getting drunk who wants to fuck you, are you retarded???
>tell her i would need to get drunk to even go back to nonautism levels, and i dont like wine or scotch&water (only drinks in the house)
>She gives me money to go the store
>Get craft beer
>Get hammered and talk to tall qt
>Later on im in the kitchen
>she walks in
>We are all alone
>She starts getting closer to me and puts her and around me
>Start making out
>she grabs my kek
>Grab boobs, bite her shoulder etc
>user im coming into your room tonight
>fuck yes
>go downstairs we act normal
>later that night
>She goes to bed
>looks at me before she goes in
>My grandpa says something about trump
>have heart to heart with grandpa about Sup Forums related shit, he's happy im not a liberal cuck
>go upstairs, wait in bed for a minute
>qt doesnt come in
>walk into room of qt, she's passed out
>nudge her, doesnt wake up
>go back to room and jack off

I cucked myself by talking about right wing politics, baka. Could have had sex with a tall qt

Other urls found in this thread:


You absolute retard. C'meer you, you need a hug

Fugging a qt is a nights worth of pleasure

But your talks with grandpa stay with you forever

I know, I was drunk and thought me and my grandpa only talked for like 15 minutes, but it turned out to be 45 kek. Its whatever I have many more opportunities to get laid now that im getting /fit/ again.

>virginity status: protected

thank god

You sound like a dirty Italian. Don't bring your playground middleschool tier autistic stories here. You're as bad as the people that post a facebook conversation they had with their brother and yell Sup Forums btfo. Complete cringe.

a girl whos not politically aligned with you is a girl not worth your dick, you desperate permavirgin. fuck off to /soc/ or /r9k/

Nice blog, faggot. Reported.

>be 5'6
Just be yourself :^)

Stop fapping, idiot.

Never. On the contrary, my success rate went up. I think its because you got fat, not because of Sup Forums.

>meet with non-White SJW fairy gay faggot and his feminist SJW faghag
>discuss politics
>BTFO them
>at some point he says "With your logic Hitler did nothing wrong"
>"he didn't"
>throw lots of redpills
>take him back home
>assfuck him five times during the night
Feels good man.


Sup Forums has only gotten me laid
liberal chicks love hearing about Trumps policies and the idea of a great nation, even if they disagree they love passion and a man who says he wants to take care of a woman without handouts.

Women are instinctively judgemental on a man's height. Cruel.

It goes back to our primal days where the tall man picks the fruit from the tree. Where as the manlet can not.

It's a cruel world. Let that be your motivation and determination.

Lol you are living in your gpas house lol and trying to fuck slut


>sister says she has a friend thats super in to me
>"can i see a pic?"
>shes asian

I WONT RACE MIX Sup Forums!!!!

Asian is fine depending on the region

Dubs of truth

Keep your bloodline clean brother.

just bang her you cuck. you dont have to raise a family, this race mixing meme is going so goddamn far that you nerds are cucking yourselves?

9/10 server i liked told me im the first white guy shes been on a date with as a "joke" decline staying over cause coal burner and immediately switched to a still pretty cute but super short server who makes me cookies all the time. Thanks Sup Forums i probably avoided a disease

I hate women every day more and more. I have turned down the opportunity to have sex with a woman that I know is a whore. I have had sex with her before. Not again.
She is also very fat.