Really makes you think!
Really makes you think!
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe we will join forces with libshits and blame the 1%.
*1/10th of 1%, good sir.
Conservitards can't handle being outclassed by minorities
Muslims make up 1% of the population yet 10% of physicians
Blacks are larger smarter and more desired by women
And Hispanics work harder and work without blaming Obama
Yet small white boys cant get a job as a garbage truck man without crying about affirmative action
Sad cucks of a dying race
Hoping a close national poll means their billionaire savior might win
Too bad whites generally have low IQ's and dont know he has a 12% chance of winning with current electorate
If Hillary wins Pennsylvania (80% odds she will) and loses every other swing state she still wins
Same with multiple other swing states
While trump needs to win minimum 6 of the 8
I'll enjoy their tears when hillary wins
When you think how white people are a global minority it seems really funny to read this.
Wew lad salty nigger detected.
It would be more subtle If you simply said blacks were "larger" (even that's wrong) but smarter? Rofl.
Try again mongoloid
Your time is coming soon nigger
>blacks are smarter
stfu, nigger
Wow, you really convinced me with all those well cited opinions.
Now I'm a #cruzmissile
>Cucks angry
>Can't dispute facts
>Better say nigger for an argument
See if we get rid of all the minority groups no one would have to hear white people complaining.
Minorities blame their lifes failures on white people, it's easier than admitting to themselves their complete jokes.
Its the jews, muslims, and nigger blacks
How is that even an argument when Sup Forums is 70% support poor trump financially threads
Wanna know my favorite Hillary Moment of the Commander in Chief Forum?
The part where Hillary forgot about Benghazi.
Or maybe it was the part where a Veteran just got added to her kill list.
Which was your favorite Hillary moment?
Except your "facts" are all blatantly false.
Even liberal snopes debunked the muslim doctor bullshit, im sure someone has the okcupid stats about blacks, and that last thing is basically an opinion.
Fun fact: If USA didn't have any blacks, we would be third highest IQ country in the world after japan and south Korea with a crime rate similar to some of the eastern European countries.
That is anti semitic.
if what you say is true why isnt interbreeding more common. seriously stop reading vogue or vanity fair and go look at census figures on interbreeding in america
if black men were sought after i would expect their mutts to be all over the place but they are not even 1% of the country. no mixed result is when counted as only its mixed result not all mixed people
My record is corrected!