Get over it Sup Forums, melanated people are superior
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Yes I agree thanks for the red pill
You know black adults have the average IQ of an 11 year old child of any other race right?
Before liberals cried about how racist the accepted IQ for retardation was, over half of all blacks were considered mentally retarded. They moved it down 10 points and now it is only 1/3 of blacks.
Be proud, my friend
Eheh, what?!?
even if this were true, technically royalty is in everyones DNA since all cultures have had kings and despots in their histories. why not look up to mansa musa or something?
It's obviously a conspiracy created by white "historians" to keep the melanated ppl down
nah, the conspiracy started with the egyptians, the cunts tried to look whiter when everybody knows the wuz black
Superior at athletics yes, but as history shows lighter toned people's seem to be better innovators. Now I'm not saying there aren't outliers, I myself am a mutt yet have an IQ of 138, but the data shows the vast majority of melanated people's were unable to innovate. The subsaharan African is the best example, over millennia they achieved nothing but being hunter gatherers, and their bodies are adapted to that lifestyle. This means that they are fast, but they are also more harsh tempered for better survival. North East Asians and Europeans had to find ways to survive their climate it wasn't as simple as just building a fire at night, they had to build structures and design clothes and footwear for survival.
That's part of the reason why it's so fucking ridiculous. Even if Egyptians were black, every other race has had there own kings/emperors/royalty/whatever, but they are too stupid to realize it.
no they fucking arnt.
I thought they were giants
This actually is true in some sense. One in every 280 East Asians are a direct descendent of Genghis Khan due to the amount of women he raped. Geneticist found this after finding a common ancestor in many of the subjects they were testing all originating in the same time period. I found this really funny when I first heard of it.
Literally platforms used for more efficient farming. Not surprising that blacks are drawn to it.
It's truth that people of African descent are faster than others. Now like I said there are outliers of course, but on average they are faster. But Europeans on average are stronger in muscle mass.
I can't even be mad at this. Black people instinctually understand that they're not very smart, so they that feeling of intellectual inferiority causes them to overcompensate with shit like this. Can you blame them? Imagine living life knowing that you need affirmative action just to make it in a white man's world. It's like living with a handicap.
Funny how if you saw him walking the streets of Cairo, he'd look totally normal minus the eyeliner. Same with old Greek and Roman portraits. It's ... Almost like the same genes flow through them.
the egyptians found the megalithic structures and graffitied them. no niggers had anything to do with this process. the works are thousands of years older than dynastic egypt. our past is a lie no longer able to be concealed.
That's one of the problems of multiculturalism, it only works if it is peoples of different cultures but the same genetic stock. When you have different races living together who adapted to different climates and lifestyles trying to be the same it ends in disaster. You will have one group smarter than the rest and they will be resented for it. If this group ever becomes a small enough minority the dumber people's will destroy the smarter ones. It's just fact of life.
this is funny but the shit quality of the edit ruins it.
Jesus christ....
Zeon is a Mix of American indepence/patriotism + Rebel alliance (star wars) + Space Nazis
The Coptic peoples of Egypt claim to be direct descendants of the Egyptians of antiquity. I don't believe this, although they were Caucasian over time Egypt became home to many different Caucasian people's. Mesopotamians, Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, the mysterious sea people, Phoenicians. All these people lived in that area at one time or another and became part of the Egyptian people's. Just like in Greece today less than 2% of Greeks are decedents of the Hellenic Greeks of old.
Hispanic people have a slightly lower IQ than whites and Asians, yet the vast majority of them don't behave like this. It's a problem not just of having disparate groups of people together, but of having one particular group that's so inferior to the rest that any overlap is virtually non-existent.
They DNA tested the mummies, though
OP meme once again "HIDE THE PROFILE" because the simple profil of the simian black species is so strikingly different from the caucasian profil.
>Different profile
>Different bone structure
>Different Species
These monkeys belong in a zoo.
Please tell me this is some sort of elaborate ruse or ironic shitposting for the lolz. I refuse to believe somebody out there is this retarded.
We all know what group that is too but we are not allowed to say anything or do anything about it.
So superior they got the shit beat out of them and oppressed by a ragtag group of uneducated cavemen who had only two sticks and a rock.
is she sniffing him up? what is she doing
She is ready to become in touch with her ancestors.
Africa is a hugefuck continent. Do all American blacks think that everyone in that continent are black?
Africans fucking hate American blacks anyway.
Are you coming on to me?
Watch empire of dust and tell me how they are superior
>ust like in Greece today less than 2% of Greeks are decedents of the Hellenic Greeks of old.
superior would mean better than us...that is obviously not the case
Yes, all American blacks do think everyone in Africa is black.
I remember in public school when we had a white South African move there sophmore year. The blacks would tease him for lying because he is white. Also probably the most racist dude I have ever met in my life, he was a cool guy haha.
We WUz
Whitey "scientists"
>we wuz
What is it with black peoples need to lie about the past? Why are they ashamed of their present circumstances? It's the equivalent of trannies saying that they're really women.
Kenya is not in Egypt
can't even geography