Just woke up from a almost two decade long coma

just woke up from a almost two decade long coma

who shot mr burns?

You did.


...aren't you more interested in...literally anything else you missed?

The fat oaf who works in Sector 7G of the nuclear power plant.
What was his name again?

It was Apu. Illegals are ruining this country.


Do Sonny and Cher still have that stupid show?

How did you find Sup Forums?

Holy fuck really user? Tell us about your Cima

>Apu becomes a legal citizen of the united states of america
damn simpsons predicted Trump's one true weakness

i miss classic simpsons

But Trump loves legal citizens of the united states

even ex mexicans?!?!?

He's fuckin' an ex-mexican.

Of course....unless they're trying to help illegal ones.
Does Mileena know?

But they only found one bullet in burns, that's a machine gun

Homer Simpson, sir.

Really?! The baby?!

No! Sonny crashed into a tree and died. And their daughter became a man!

Good! Night!

Tito Puente!

The Oswald shot him...he was hiding in Bushes car...