ITT: Fictional redpilled characters
ITT: Fictional redpilled characters
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>ITT: muh japanese manchild cartoons
Where the fuck do you think you are, Mongol?
This guy, Longrimm, Yang and pretty much anyone else in the show except for a select few.
he names the jew and get killed for it
Please point me to where it says that the entire site is for anime, I'll wait.
What makes her red-pilled?
Mio is the definition of redpilled
anyone got the post explaining how the thalmor = jews
I've always thought this, I didn't know there was an explanation I just thought it was subtly implied
We must embrace this pain, and burn it as fuel for our journey.
Mah Nigga.
>implying zaros isnt best god
This. Too bad they fucked up his voice actor and cucked up the rest of Mankind Divided.
Who are the patriots?
La Li Lu Le Lo
>Give me omnipotence so I can control all of fate
>I'll let you keep free will, just trust me
>All my human rights violations in the 2nd age were just accidents, I'm better now
Gas the Vagans race war now
Loved that show
the whole German team, really
That whole show is leftist propaganda to make right wingers look as stupid as possible.
If you noticed family guys progression has led toward a more liberal bias the further the show carries on, in the first season it focused on subtle and clean humour like the simpsons, which was pretty funny and innocent, now the structure of their jokes are basically just shock humour, political and strawman humour.
I am fully convinced that Fox is controlled by a group with a leftist bias that purposely employ and speak about exaggerated and outrageous "right winged" views so that people will hate right winged views out of spite. It sounds paranoid but if you look at the shitty shows they have you can't tell me that some of them aren't fucking close to satire.
How can anyone even compare
>griffith took the ultimate blue pill
Just an example
> A fox show [Family guy] making satire out of their supposed views
>Outrageous strawman satire
>Conservative guy is an idiot and is outspoken
You can't tell me that fox isn't doing this shit on purpose.
>tfw everyone is conspiring against you
>you are now aware of it
>time for you to either continue being a NEET or become a soldier and fight back
The ultimate redpill
Best boy. Nothing in particular makes him redpilled (or bluepilled), he's just amazing.
I love my Colossal Aryan Coconut.
>he didn't read the dossiers in the embassy
>he didn't read the books about the war
Actually, I take that back. Here's why Armin is redpilled:
>acts like a beta but has a strong alpha heart and mind (and a six pack)
>is the bravest of them all
>never gives up
>considers things from every angle, tries to be unbiased and consider the biases of others
>is not afraid to cry or be affectionate or show emotion
>BTFO the colossal titan
>is highly empathic and highly logical; the best of both worlds
>cucks Micucksa eternally
>is a qt3.14
>wants to see the world
>is extremely selfless, willing to die for the cause of humanity's freedom
>did i mention extremely fucking smart?
>15 year old squad leader, next in line for the position of commander now that erwin is dead
>extremely adorable and pretty, crossdressed and easily passed as a girl
>main character is canonically gay for armin, and armin probably feels the same
Really, the only downside is his stupid haircut, his constant need to prove himself worthy, and that he cracks under moderate pressure. He's also a manlet but that's fine because I'm a lanklet femanon who likes really short boys. And girls.
>Implying the lesbian fish bitch is redpilled
Yeah, right.
Who is that? your description sounds like Keiichi, from Higurashi
mankind divided was fucked up BECAUSE they kept the same cast. they should have just gotten a whole new crew.
NEET in space faggit
>Asuka not first post
Id say pico from boku no pico is the most redpilled out of all of them
The Mr. Robot part of him anyways