How old were you when you grew out of libertarianism?
How old were you when you grew out of libertarianism?
Seems like a fun bunch
This is autism on steroids
Christ almighty
What is Aleppo? - Gary Johnson 2016
When I started seeing the hypocrisy in everyone's rhetoric.
I blame P.Diddy with his vote or die campaign
Now everyone thinks they're an economist or political science major
About 19.
Looked at the NAP and asked "why do I take this for granted?.
Then stopped taking it for granted.
1:50 gets me every time. dude is on Sup Forums every day i'm sure.
meant for
Never was, never will be. A five year old could tell it's a facade only supported by someone with a loser mentality to excuse themselves of real responsibility. Fuck Lolbertarians.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h L1b3RtAr1An oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
When i realised that those who weren't just weirdos were actually statist shills and provocateurs in disguise
Ayn Rand was right, Libertarianism is a joke, just be an Objectivist and vote for someone who's in the moment suits your interest best.
>actually spouting muh roads meme on stage
what an embarrasment
>I want to live in a world where gay married couples can protect their marijuana fields with fully automatic machine guns
i went from the NAP to the NSDAP
I'm a fucking late bloomer
Baby-19 good shabbos goyim, the gov is my best friend and always looking out for me
19-23 government get out reeeeeeee
23-today we need a small but firm and no bullshit government and a society that stomps out degeneracy
A couple years back when I was 14 to 15
I flirted with it a bit when I first started using Sup Forums in the Ron Paul days, but I realized it's all useless fluff.
Hey message me in private :) I'm 46 and my name is Chris. I like being friends with fun random people, preferably girls aged 7-13 :)
r u virgin?
There needs to be a 5th stage where the traditionalist stops LARPing and accepts that he can't reverse time.
17 just about to turn 18.
Is that fucking Tony Soprano sniffing the armpits of Zach Galifianakis
No dude, that's Danny de Vito giving Connor McGregor a handy
Wtf I love big government now
Never had, never will. I grew disenfranchised with it for a few years but when I started actually reading some libertarian works and learned some economics I realized that it was the only thing that could truly bring prosperity.
You just bring the best ideas back, not bring back the dead you stupid kangeroo
I was 19, I'm 21 now.
My friend is 37, he grew out of it last year...
When I started actually learning economics I.e. taking economics classes when I was 17.
I got b& last time I posted the penguin of d00m pasta
lol u tk him 2 da bar|?
Not an argument. You're just a bunch of LARPing faggots with no sense of individuality because you are extremly weak.
Nice dubs senpai also project more and tell me more about myself.
>I am non aggression. Therefore, marijuana
>this was a violation of the non-agression pledge
this is what you support
Why'd you post your own video you bootlicking faggot
i don't live in America
Around high school I think.
I realized people aren't rational and can't regulate a free market through their demand alone, otherwise things like fad diets and fat people wouldn't be a problem.
Currently on stage 4. Left Natsoc because they were socialists and their economic polices are too reminiscent of communism.
That's why you don't have the capacity to understand Liberty.
ok :^) whatever you say my dude
When I realized that almost nobody actually wants Libertarianism aside from some super-autistic basement dwellers with too much time in their hands and too little understanding of reality.
Grew out of liberalism but 20
Libertarianism by 22
Conservatism by 23
Now at 26 I guess I'm more anti-establishment and anarchist. I want to see change for the sake of change to see how people react in the media.
>appeal to majority
>it's not even true
>The Radical Right
"I'm a LARPing faggot"
Lightning bolt!
Appealing to the majority is obviously relevant when you're talking about VOTING SOMEONE INTO OFFICE.
Who here /absolute monarchy/?
The free markets of liberalism with the strong nation identity of facism
I changed from cumunism to libertarianism and then to conservative in a period of 1 year.
Having a comunist destroyng your country is such a ride that you guys can't even imagine.
stop using larp, especially when it has no context
go be an MGTOW somewhere else
>Not an argument
Retaliates back without an argument.
>this thread
I can't do it anymore.
All political opinions are fucking memes.
Politics was a mistake.
I'm glad I wasn't here when Sup Forums was libertarian. I would've shot myself.
Hopefully queen Hillary makes this nonsense illegal.
>be Lolbertarian
>accept leadership
Fucking retards don't know what they want and have contradicting ideas.
>libertarianism is anarchy
there must be a mod out there that really hates it, even if you make a reference to holding up sporks he gets rustled
I'm more libertarian than modern USA Republican. This site and this board are too.
Aha! You seem to know about arguements, and I am eager to learn from your wisdome, so could you tell me what the nature of arguements is?
I think I was around 26. I realized that what we think of as "libertarianism" is an exclusively white phenomenon. No other society or race ever in history has conceived of the notion of extreme individualism that is now so prevalent in the United States and to a lesser extent in Europe.
It is now to the point that I believe quite strongly that the other races are actually psychologically incapable (as a voting body) to bring about and maintain such an ideal society. They will INEVITABLY vote for more shit for themselves and more restrictions on everyone. Pure libertarianism is borderless, and therefore has no ultimate way to prevent millions of these people from flooding in and overpowering the native populations through legislation.
The Libertarian argument against this is basically nonexistent. They maintain that newcomers to a libertarian society would inevitably come to see our values and way of life as worthy of emulation and protection. All of the evidence points to this being the opposite of the truth. Nonwhites are not capable of such reflection, inevitably they see a free, fair society of prosperous white people and rather than emulate the behavior of those people, they grow embittered and demand that a slice of the pie be handed to them instead of carving it themselves. Asians are a minor caveat to this rule but there is not a single Asian society anywhere on Earth that is not a totalitarian dystopia, so I'm not hedging my bets on them.
Many of the things Libertarians want, I also want, but I am not one of them. Some of what I believe is utterly incompatible with the ideology, and as long as retards like Johnson represent the party I will not even consider myself a fellow traveler to them.
>grew out
Hoppe allows for the most extreme nationalism you can possibly imagine, as long as you've made an agreement.
Why would I want boundaries like I'm NatSoc?
>literally MUH ROADS
There is no free movement in any libertarian thinking. (Unless you're dumb enough to join such a covenant which would quickly perish). Any more than property right suddenly vanishing.
(((I wonder who could be behind this ideology)))
should've just stayed cuckservative.
About 22, after I realised it means gays and trannies can roam free.
Haven't you heard? The height of libertarianism is living in an all white gated community headed by a king-landlord.
Around 17
Libertarianism is the opposite of communism. You're all cucks attacking it.
Right now minorities are voting for ever bigger government for gibmedats and safe spaces. In a libertarian world the government wouldn't be big enough to be a threat.
Fuck leftists...that includes National Socialist autists.
This 'libertarianism means no borders' meme needs to end. Every libertarian I know hates open borders.
When I realized it meant letting shit skins in. I'm more of a constitutionalist than anything now.
The definition of failure is to be libertarian-like, Socrates.
The opposite of being burned alive is being frozen solid--that does not make it any more desirable.
A fine sentiment, someone ought to tell Gary Johnson.
No true scotsman
Gary "A Leppo" Johnson is the creme de la of libertarians
Jesus christ.
1488 CHECK'D
In fairness well done to the dancing stripper for revealing the dishonesty at the heart of libertarians. That guy claiming it was an aggressive act.
Libertarians just pretend they're for freedom because they themselves are restricted, but in power they would have their own laundry list of what is allowed and what isn't.
National Socialist autists
Lol, you dont know much about NatSoc.
And i like how you call us autists when we are literally the only ones left who are not brainwashed to love Israel and to hate muslims cuz muslims open the borders n shiet!
> Sweden defending muslims
Has abdul finally put down carpet in the shed then?
As always. The extremely funny memer who replies "sweden defending muslims"
No, i dont defend muslims, nor islam. I just think the world would be much better if Europe was European and all races, religions could respect each other.
Since youre an autists, ill have to explain it even more:
1. I dont want muslims in Europe, they can get the fuck out.
2.. I dont want niggers (edgy word to make you understand) here
Are you a JIDF shill?
So you do hate muslims or you don't, you keep flip flopping. Then again being mentally scrambled seems a vital part of not just killing yourself when you are a swedish man.
Cant tell if youre pretending to be stupid or not.
i dont hate muslims, im neutral. But i dont want them here
Who is your favourite libertarian/ancap figurehead, Sup Forums?
So by not wanting them here you must think they have an undesirable nature? Or you think they are great but you don't want good qualities. Again, flip-flopping.
how am i flip flopping (what the fuck does that even mean) you fucking autist
You are asserting contradictory points. Like how you are able to believe your life is worth living whilst meanwhile being a numale cuck.
What's the penguin doing at a lolbertarian event?
You don't get it do you, faggot? Even if there wasn't welfare, non-whites would still try to come to Europe and other white areas because of the higher HDI. It's just a fact.
Unless you tell people to fuck off and enforce an ethnostate, the non-whites are going to arrive and vote more gimmedats.
Liberalism is a western ideology m8, no one else practices it.
>muh roads
>muh road to the white house