What does Sup Forums think of this man?
What does Sup Forums think of this man?
Former kike
He is okay except he still worships the sister faith of the kikes.
A Jew that exposes Jews lies and a christian
The Most Based man on Youtube.
met him in silverthorne CO. Got asmr tingles just talking to him.
no such thing
He has been spitting hot fire
since back in the day
cant get rid of kike blood
Met a man looking exactly like him wearing a orthodox priest outfit at Chicago O'hare airport on my way to Pittsburgh. I asked if he was brother Nathaniel and he said "Oh GOD no... That man is sick in the head."
Turned out he was also a Jew converted to Christianity via Protestantism named James Bernstein ... Pic related. I thought he was trolling me at first but he's real.
These kikes are infiltrating Orthodox Christianity. They have to go back
You have to go back Schlomo.....
America's lies on ukraine:
Jewish War on Holy Russia:
How the IMF really works
The way he talks and moves in hilarious.
A bit eccentric but he has the right messages
He used to shill on LibertyForums before Youtube was a thing
Vermin Supreme doesn't have shit on this guy, but they are both within the Sup Forums pantheon
He is kinda wierd. And I also suspect that he is ironic about all this stuff he tells and about his belief.
But I've seen weierder orthodoxes here in Russia, so I guess he is fune especially as an entertainment.
You might have hebrew blood in you.
That would be hilarious.
>cant get rid of kike blood
Anyone who thinks this man is betraying his tribe is naive.
No need
Literally every christian knows Jesus was a Jew.
Where the fuck does this mountain monk autist get his information from
Not true
kek delivers it to him personally
Ulfric, is that you?
Wtf are you doing on Sup Forums, you fucking spic?!
How is it not possible to separate Jews who preach Christianity from (((Jews))) who push cultural Marxism and degeneracy like political correctness and feminism? The truth of the Christian faith is premised on the truth of the pre-Talmudic Jewish faith.
Modern merchants who push all sorts of degeneracy don't really have their faith- in the end, the problem with Jews is more a problem of atheism.
of course there are nay sayers that say Jesus wasn't Jewish.
But they are noticing the idea that the majority of people say he was.
He definitely is dude. Not necessarily saying he's on our side and he's not going to be a member of the coming white ethnostate but he's a Jew gone rogue for sure.
(well maybe we can let him stick around. Just this one)
One of my first redpills
If he's faking it, he's doing REAL damage
>a kike who pretends to be holy by wearing the garments associated with the religious order that has kicked him out and disavowed him
He is absolutely perfect for this board. We should sticky a Brother Whatever-He-Calls-Himself-This-Week-GoldbergSteinowitz thread. The loopy christfags who frequent this board eat his bullshit up. Just another faker who can't prove any of his propositions.
Frogs are a plague.
2nd plague God delivered to the egyptians was frogs.