Are they any better than American women in terms of culture or beliefs?
Thoughts on kiwi girls?
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Does she look like a sheep because kiwis like shagging sheep?
she breety cute tbqh m8
Posting from Awkland..
They're very cute and great.
Come here, to Awkland.
Only the white ones
bean flicker
Obviously, but are they as cucked and braindead as american women in general?
Depends on where you look. Auckland and Wellington are full of liberal arts types. South Island in general is a little more based
all new zealand women are average or lower, there is no such thing as an attractive new zealand woman
t. Hamilton
No i'm Aucklander and all bloody women are terrible you can't find a single one who does not get dunk and smashed at parties they are all bloody degenerate and unlike overseas none of them are even attractive
Just asking for future prospects. I may move there if things work out.
may be worse than american women because you still have christian conservative women and we don't even have those
although she is not redpilled her music can be interpreted as such
Fall queen of Sup Forums ?
Quite a few conservative mormon qts on the north shore
>north shore
what are you talking about the only mormons i know are maoris
fugg i always assumed they were at least a little more christian conservative
the jews really fucked all of us, didn't they?
>you can't find a single one who does not get dunk and smashed at parties
you need to upgrade the women in your life, m8
I suggest Montréal
You're clearly looking in the wrong places famalam
>a little more christian conservative
why would they be america is majority christian nz is only 47%
where on the shore are mormons then
Yes. Loved listening to her while driving back and forth to school a few years ago.
>Fall queen of Sup Forums ?
her boyfriend was a gook
>Pic related
gook master race?
>Night life capital of Canada
dis a qt3.14 rite here i tell u wut
They're all ugly as shit. Why do you think we fuck sheep?
New Zealand is where god goes to die, lad.
There better be, because American women are absolutely degenerate
>American women are absolutely degenerate
you know nothing of that compared to here
I though wizards go there to practice their papel arts.
Mostly shit tier desu.
In my not so humble opinion.
ASIDE from all the usual problem with our white girls, and I'm obviously not talking about the maori here, lantern jaws and farmers daughters, at least down south.
You know texas? I think Christchurch/Canterbury to be unto NZ as Texas is to states. Southern religious presence, farmland, lots of space (relative to the rest) and flat. Different temperatures of course, but both a Cantabrian and Texan would be 'known by their hat' (Ie they wouldn't but theres a stereotype that lingers about hats)
She is Jewish, its like a fucking plague. How the fuck is Sup Forums so fucking right? It amazes me.
Rumor is their a bunch of alcoholic sluts. Putrid slags fit for a drunken fling and nothing else.
>She is Jewish
no shes a croat
iirc they were one of the most promiscuous
I had a crush on a kiwi chink back in high school. Her voice was sex. That accent is just a straight aphrodisiac.
Yes. Most Kiwi chicks are uglier than Americans so they have to be more interesting. They'd be perfect if only they had wool.
Do you mean the Wizard of New Zealand? He got promoted to Archwizard of Canterbury.
lorde is fucking atrocious looking
I am just trying to fit in.
She looks like a kike... Can't be pure New Zealander.
>the bean if falling before you flick it
But Texan girls are fucking based, dude.
she's not anglo-saxon she is a croat
idk m8, many of my friends agree she is a nice qt kiwi girl.
Non-white here. Since us non-whites have lower standards your NZ Kiwi's come off as cuties to us sometimes.
I think the reason why they are considered less attractive is because of comparing them to your average American bimbos like the Kardashians who get plastic surgery, fake noses, tits, asses, lips, the works etc.
Your Kiwi girls are not ugly BUT REAL. That's the problem. Our standards of beauty are measured based on our fake plastic American beauty standards.
Pic related, my favorite Kiwi qt3.14.
Yes. Most kiwi women are trash :(
i can't even stand my own countries women
Ok.. So she's needs to get kicked out of New Zealand... Why haven't you all disowned this kikey whore?
God Tier
>Undergrad students
Oneitis Tier
>Masters students
Bangable Tier
>Retail chicks
>Polytech chicks
Ignored Tier
>The rest
Avoid Tier
Ugliest women in the anglosphere and that's competing with britbongs. Dumb as rocks to boot.
too right mate
they're fucking terrible srs 50% coalburners 40% too ugly to bang 10% cunts
>Undergrad students
give me some bloody proof
I can handle a cunt
Isn't New Zealand womyn the most promiscuous in the world?
No they're all massive sluts, back in high school like half of them drunk themselves half to death and went to nightclubs with fake ids every weekend
10/10 holes for your dick 0/10 waifu material
they are all left wing maori enviromental maori lovers you can't even find religious ones here except islanders but they are island niggers
Don't go for white race mixing sluts. Go for Chinese New Zealander girls. Cute as fuck and nondegenerate.
Start to have some difficulty with the goyz ?!
Yes an average of 20 partners
Well I still can't get any so they're not that loose...
this is exactly bang on
Have been to uni? I have seen some pretty fantastic girls around Waikato. Yes there are shit ones here too, but the good ones make up for it.
>mfw I saw the first class I had to teach
you a fuckin jew?
I know only two christian girls. One is qt and won't date outside her faith, the other is a bit chubby but to her credit she weighted to get married before having sex.
Degenerate, but still disgusted by the dog mug.
I can count the number of gorgeous women I've seen in my nation on one hand, and I've lived in many places in New Zealand.
Too many white bogan hambeasts, shitskins, and pan-faced gooks, and ugly sluts caked with makeup.
The commenters above have rockbottom standards to compensate for the disappointing menu.
The mountains and fjords are absolutely beautiful, the women are the opposite.
I can't even find a single white christian girl
If you cant check it before you say it fuck off
Nah you're just really ugly mate
> upgrade
> Canada
Fuck off leaf
>Ie they wouldn't but theres a stereotype that lingers about hats
Such a shame. Pic related, very huge cutey BUT also a huge Lefty mental nut. I've also noticed how they don't age very well at all. This one will be 39 in October and she looks older and "worn." Probably drugs, alcohol, maybe both or something.
Your NZ girls age like shit. I would also blame it on Liberalism because liberalism is against any form of modesty and self-control because those things are interpreted as "oppression." So they encourage indulgence under the guise of "freedom" which results in addicitons or something else.
This one fell for it and looks like a mild meth or alcoholism survivor now. So sad.
yeah what the hell is he on about
yes i saw close to none growing up here it's only gotten better lately thanks to the clown paint that is modern makeup
I want to fuck her first what a baaayutey
wow. really summoned the fucking ball hair fruits on the forum.
What god tier as in hot? Or wife material?
If the latter, youre a total virgin, or blind
i call bullshit, this mother fucker is just trying to keep us out, you haven't been fucking sheep all along have you, you cunt. we're coming there for your womyn
Even the saffas knows whats up
WTH is that!
Mighty Maori Warriors
>the other is a bit chubby
>she weighted to get married
A moko. A traditional maori facial tattoo.
You know you've hit rock bottom when even niggers think you are uglier then them.
>people find her ugly
i thought this was a norm in your land
Oh look a Jafa!
She looks like one of those babbies with the alcohols.
she is not even a anglo
no I'm just very shy ;_;
if you want to talk to girls never use your real personality