Redpill me on Lucid Deams
Redpill me on Lucid Dreaming
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It allows you to be degenerate without actually being degenerate. Truly a gift from God.
Absolutely this.
It's also a gateway to deeper meaning. I have a very good book on Lucid Dreaming, I just can't remember the name
What the fuck is there to redpill about? It's a brain function, this is like saying: redpill me on pooing and peeing at the same time.
Just become addicted to something, then try quitting.
Insta lucid dream mode
remember the name so I can read it pls
careful with this user,
you might find out things about your subconscious that you wish you hadn't - it can be quite terrifying actually
look into mugwort or bvitamins before bed
you can go from lucid dreaming directly to astral projection. try it and maybe youll be able to communicate with kek.
This is the book I'm currently reading. I put it down a few months ago but I really need to pick it up again.
It is highly disputed since those who never experienced them come and state it does not exist and those who did experience them have no way of proving they exist save for a few hypothetical procedures where a man was trained to look up in a patern while Lucid Dreaming in order to communicate with an outside observer using a non disruptive flashlight to light up his eyes with his eyelids closed in a pattern also to establish fragile communication, the light would illuminate the Lucid dreamers dreamscape
Here is an article
I can personaly confirm that one night the flashing lights of a stationary truck sporting yellow flashing lights lit up my environment in my lucid dream that was taking place in my own room
It's not disputed at all.
It sounds like new age hippy nonsense, but it's honestly just a combination of meditation and reflection. We do it naturally and it happens every night so why not make use of it?
It's also pretty fun being a deviant .
I kinda doubt that's actually a thing but having experienced lucid dreaming countless of times myself I believe it can be harnessed one day as a form of high entertainment
im assuming lucid dreaming is dreaming under your own control? How can I begin this noble art?
Hold on, you say every night but I even asked coworkers and people online in general, apparently not everyone experienced lucid dreaming, just regular dreams every now and then
give it a try, when lucid dreaming will yourself into your room so you can see yourself sleeping. Then find an object, write down details about the object, mentally and then when you wake up, compare them.
I tried lucid dreaming at one point, ended up having a bout of sleep paralysis and it spooked the shit out of me. Fast forward a year later to a month ago and I had another bout of sleep paralysis. It's not fun at all.
I meant that you dream every night so why not remember it and possibly take advantage of it?
Just keep a dream journal and pretty soon you'll start being lucid.
>why not make use of it?
Because you can get nightmares from which you can't wake up and you can experience physical pain.
Also lucid dreams make it more likely to feel sleep terrors, which are pretty disgusting desu.
it exists, i've done it before, but it's just a kind of one in one hundred thing that just kind of happens sometimes for me
i've been trying to get it to happen more often though. my biggest problem is the strange sensation that hits me when i realize i'm asleep but aware, and it tends to jolt me awake again if i can't put a lid on it quick enough
Any anxieties you face are self inflected, just like in the real world.
Those terrors are a symptom, not a cause.
I had sleep paralysis aswell, I tried to shout but my mouth emitted no voice.
Then I sitted back and enjoyed the spooky spirits below me.
It's practiced before astral projection which is bad mm'kay.
Sorry, above.
I read the harry potter books as a child when they first came out
And I remember having lucid dreams that I could fly on the broom in my neighbors garage and do magic and jump like 30 feet in the air
All these years later I have incredibly vivid nightmares every night
Sleep paralysis is goddamn scary.
I only got it once, and it was when i was trying to lucid dream. Once i realized what was happening i freaked the fuck out. Felt like it took every ounce of willpower i had to break out of it before i started seeing spooky witches.
See right here this poor soul didn't experience lucid dreaming himself
As for you lucidless user, It's not enough to take control in your dream, you can either have outside sources to help you confirm you are dreaming aka noises or dim lights flashing or have a deep process of unnatural meditative power to conclude that you are in fact lucid dreaming, and that it is a short livable gift, and that you can do anything, most people I ask they say they would fuck anything they can get their hands on, my only desire is to Fly, be it lucid or regular Dream, I instinctual jump and take flight, and most of the time the dreamscape is my own homecity
My mom's uncle's son died in a lucid dream and died in real life. They know because he recorded it on video.
Also, report this thread. It has nothing to do with politics and I'm tired of seeing lucid dream threads in Sup Forums /o/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Don't listen to merkel here.
Lucid dreaming is when YOU are in control of the dreams, its kind of like tupla's but a different category of paranormal/weirdness.
Sleep Paralysis can happen to anyone btw, had it a lot when I was a kid.
the only bout of sleep paralysis i've ever had was one where i couldn't see anyone around me but i could hear someone whispering "do you want it" in my ear while i was in bed
i wasn't scared, i was pissed off, like imminent murder pissed off that someone was in bed with me
luckily it wore off as soon as i snapped out of it but i really think if someone had been in bed with me at that point i'dve beat the shit out of them once i got control again
that was the scary part about it
Fun fact for a not so fun guy.. you can die in dreams but you can't dream that you're dead, your mind will never be able to figure it out
>checkmate Christians
They are a symptom of waking yourself up irregularly, basically you are awake in your room and feel like there is a danger close to you but can't yet move your body.
It's about leaving REM sleeping phase too fast.
Can confirm. Stopped going to Hofer rallies. Instant Hilter dreams.
I had the same experience at first, then when i opened my eyes I saw figures in the dark watching me and an old phone (clearly imaginary) rang for a while.
Well, when I understood what was going on I felt relieved.
Well here's the catch, I did in fact experience aucid dream that started in my own room, I woke up in the dreamscape of my room and went to look out the window while it was still night to see what that annoying yellow flashing light is, I could even hear the trucks engine review slightly as it gently purred, I looked out the window of my room and there was no truck, there was the empty street and it was then that I I realized I was actually still in bed and the truck was outside in real life
When I stopped smoking marijuana I started to remember my dreams. Now I dream nightly, lucidly, and I am fully aware.
However I have an extreme phobia of bees and wasps and such insects. So when I lucid dream, each dream inevitably ends with wasps swarming my head and face. My sleep is repeatedly interrupted by such dreams every single night.
tldr; don't fall for the lucid somnia jew.
I Think I had lucid dreams before but whenever I do it seems to take a huge amount of willpower to actually control my surroundings and the setting for the dream. I can control myself like normal but If I don't focus hard enough everything else will change and act uncontrollably like it would in a normal dream. The only difference between a normal dream and a lucid one for me is the ability to recognize that I am in a dream and some minor ability to control it.
>Don't listen to merkel here.
Suck my dick son.
Just saying had a lot of lucid dreams, more control I took over in dreams the more irregularities occurred in my dreams.
Having a lucid nightmare is pretty bad, especially if you are forced to wake yourself up from the REM sleeping phase.
Sure it's fun at first, but lucid nightmares are significantly worse than regular nightmares.
You are in the rem sleep. What you're describing is sleep paralysis which only goes put of control if you freak out. Just hold your breath and you come out of it.
What the hell -checked- are you going on about you fucking gypsy? Lucid dreaming is consciousness and consciousness, with some work, leads to dream control especially if you do WILD. Most my lucid dreams are out of my control, but I never control none lucid dreams.
>lucid nightmare
if you're fully aware that everything you're experiencing in this state is imagined, why would you be flustered? surely you'd dismiss everything unpleasant, knowing that it didn't actually pose a valid threat.
Aha! But you seem to know much about degeneration. Tell me wise Pythagoras, for I am eager to learn from your wisdome, what is the nature of degeneracy?
if you had a lucid nightmare, you weren't lucid dreaming.
the closest experience i've ever had to something like a "nightmare" while lucid dreaming is literally being unable to wake up and freaking out as i just keep "waking up" in another dream over and over again
Forgot to mention i didn't actually see myself in bed but I knew irl I was in that exact spot sleeping and experiencing a lucid dream
> why would you be flustered?
Because you can experience physical pain in dreams, and if you are a lucid dreamer you don't wake up as fast as regular dreamers.
>surely you'd dismiss everything unpleasant, knowing that it didn't actually pose a valid threat.
Pretty much, but night terrors are unpleasant for about 5-10seconds which seem much longer while they are occurring.
I've been lucid dreaming since I was a little kid. It's pretty fun. Like playing a video game where anything can happen. Other than that, not much use to it.
Why is it necessary to use real world stimuli to determine you are in a dream? I've had dreams were I am flying and realized that I was dreaming because things were happening that couldn't possibly happen in the real world.
Fair enough but your answer leads me to believe you never experienced lucid dreaming or have you?
Fuck this image
scared the shit out of me