When will Sup Forums understand that this is precisely what freedom is
When will Sup Forums understand that this is precisely what freedom is
I don't think Sup Forums denies that. The people who complain about so random ball-tosser's opinions are idiots who have nothing better to pay attention to.
And it's their right to call him a cunt for sitting. And it's other people's right to get pissy about the whole thing and make puerile comic strips about it.
The first amendment is humming along smoothly, exactly as intended, and people are acting like society is falling apart. Faggots.
Good post m8
I don't fucking care at all if he sits or stands, I only hate him because of his support for Black Lives Matter which is a disgusting fucking organization and he should be reviled for supporting it
It's my right to call him an ungrateful nigger. Deal with it.
>posting a comic not done by Ben 'i remember fondly how i raped ariana grande'' Garrison
Its his right, and no one is forcing him to stand. But its also my right to call him a fucking prick with his black panther fro.
I think this is what the SCARY ALT-RIGHT BOOGEYMAN actually think.
The idea that we, the evil racist nazis, want him to stand is just a complete strawman. He can sit or stand, it doesn't matter.
When any professional athlete, of any race, is allowed to make ANY political statement publicly on the field.
The same people saying it's a matter of freedom would CRUCIFY a white player for making a statement critical of their beliefs and demand his termination.
If a player for the Washington Redskins publicly said he would not play is the team changed their name, he would be gone in a month.
When the same standard is applied by society to everyone. Either it is acceptable for player to make ANY political statement or it is unacceptable for them to make ANY statements.
I'm going to be honest here, there's nothing honorable about modern dildo-tier notions of Americanism. He should never be an American citizen to begin with, being a nigger and especially a Musselmanian nigger. He needs to be deported, and I'm dead fucking serious. Not standing to salute the flag should be a crime. The freedom to be a degenerate isn't anything noble, all you sheep are just programmed to react to things that way. Freedom of speech is a terrible idea. One of many foolish, naive weaknesses to inevitable subversion woven into the fabric of American law. We'll learn our lesson in the end, once our kike overlords finally decide to live openly as Aristocrats, but by then it will be too late to do anything, and no one will desire to be anything but a slave, because rebellion will have been bred out of us.
Enjoy all this "freedom rope", if we give you enough of it you'll hang yourself.
Wow, at least both soldiers are white
Didnt expect that from a leftist cartoon
WWII vets back in 1942 would have hung him from a tree for being a mulatto nigger.
I don't think that representing the U.S. in the Olympics is a human right. If he's not willing to show respect to his country in a national competition, what's he representing? Himself? He should find a different competition, then.
This. He's got a right to sit, just like we've got a right to talk shit about him.
My main problem is the point he is trying to get across by sitting. Sure, we get that Kaepernick and BLM want this so-called oppression of minorities to end.
But what is their exact goal? What does any of it accomplish? Are there any statistically evident forms of oppression available?
Niggers can never answer any of these questions.
It's funny with everyone talking about Kaepernick's constitutional rights to protest on the field. If I even step foot on the field, police swarm to forcibly remove me.
He has a right to not stand, I have a right to call him a nigger for not standing.
No one is saying he can't.
funny because most vets wouldnt hesitate making sure he never stands again
People died for his right to stand. People died for his right to sit.
Those same people also died to let other people call him a fucking faggot for sitting and claiming he's oppressed when he makes millions throwing around a piece of leather for a few days a year and then jogging on a treadmill once a day for the rest of the year in his mansion.
> be a fatherless suburban mullato raised by your white grandparents
> do a westboro baptist church level """protest""" by being the spoiled brat you always were
> white liberals cheer you on while TRUE CONSERVATIVES give a tepid and measured response to your bullshit
> in the inevitable HBO movie about you acting like a spoiled brat you get portrayed as a christ figure standing up to The Man while fat white Christian Republicans (all with southern accents) call for you to be lynched
> street cred achived among the nignogs that ran like rabbits from your entitled ass before you were even born
Swear to fucking god raising these mud babies is like the fable of The Frog and The Scorpion! If your daughter burns coal, just cut the chase and throw the bastard into an orphanage in a ghetto. Looks like he'll be happier anyway.
the USA is killing his people for financial gain, which the american citizens dont even end up having.
how is that anything to cheer for or respect
get over yourself americans, your country sucks, you couldve just as easily been born on the other side of things, if you be honest with yourself you will understand other people's actions and not be this hostile towards them
just imagine if it was the other way arround, would you want to sing some middle eastern country's hymn if it was doing the same shit the USA is doing to them
>killing rice farmers or goat herders is defending freedom
Fuck off bootlicker, the last justified war was WW2
When your cartoonists understand what a fucking firearm is
It's not the fact that he's doing it, it's WHY. He's doing it for a stupid reason.
This. Find a better cause or pick better martyrs. It's funny his fiance is formerly involved with them now.
You know what I honestly don't care about him standing or sitting.
Its his choice. But I also think I can judge him by his actions, and that's my choice.
Those people didn't die for rights or any of that stupid shit. They died to advance global politics and agendas. No war has ever helped common citizens. What a fucking joke.
>ww2 american GIs went to occupy half of war ravaged europe to protect american freedumbs
nice propaganda
watch that edge, bud.
I don't agree with Kaepernick but he's well within his rights to sit
It's also the right's right to get pissy over it
when will you understand that freedom of speech is two faced.
As much as I hate this nigger, the whole they died for MUH FREEDOMS, MUH SOLDIERS, argument if fucking stupid because almost every war in the past 100 years has been fought on the behalf of the kikes, freedoms were never actually at risk.
He could have gone about this in a different way and it wouldn't have created such a ruckus. I feel like this was a missed opportunity. He made it a black issue when he could have said "I'm exercising my rights as a US citizen to sit during the national anthem, for all Americans who are oppressed". I respect his right to do that, but all he did was stir up the bullshit some more.
Requesting the picture with him and his parents.
This cunt doesn't even have ties with the black community, he was abandonned by niggers for gods sake. Why does he want to defend their cause.
Shouldnt the soldiers on the right be Revolutionary soldiers not Vietnam soldiers or w/e? This is dumb
You don't respect the flag then you aren't an American, source me a veteran.
Its his right to sit down. But there is something forgotten in this world. Its called common decency.
Is it not the niners right to sack the disrespectful cunt?
>"Actually we got drafted, and would rather have gunned down the negroes than innocent german and japanese people."
Sure this nigger can decide not to stand for the anthem or whatever, but it should have been part of his contract, and he should should have been financially punished by the league that way.
Actually they died for the needs/wants of the elites of the world. No one died for "mah Murrican rights".
he's free to not stand and everybody else is free to call him a cunt
true, lets hope it can stay that way
>blaming an entire nation for the actions of a few people
Spitting on freedom isn't freedom.
Just like hate speech isn't free speech, right?
When you relinquish the laws and bodies of the freedom of this land you can't use it as your muse.
It's media. No one should care either way.
It's distracting the public from actual matters like which bathroom should a fluid-gender tranny should use.
Oh god who the fuck cares. Why is the media making such a big deal out of Kapernick in the first place.
I don't think America understands how horribly oppressed this half breed nigger was victimized by his upper middle class white parents that adopted him and ensured he gets paid tens of millions of dollars a year for putting up such pathetic numbers that he gets benched as a healthy first string quarterback to see how much better the second and third strings do. That was a direct result of his wicked and evil white parents who are also responsible for the record setting nigger on nigger murders in Chicago along with the nigger culture of criminalism and reckless lawlessness.
Goddamn whites.
>not standing for the very thing which allows you TO sit down
I just don't fucking get it.
>implying the US of A ever fought a war for its people
Toppest of keks
>not being a patriot
>freeloading on civil liberties and rights
Niggers will never change.
American patriotism edges on borderline insanity and stupidity
It gets even worse when they pull the "i'm countering free speech with free speech"
Just chill. The star spangled banner wont explode and hitler will come back if someone does not stand.
Literally no one outside america see your soldiers as heroes anyway.
No one is shitting on his right to sit down. Everyone is shitting on him because he chose to sit down.
Of course we do. Just like saying he's a stupid whiny bitch for doing so.
He didn't sit for a political reason
He sat because he's being kicked to the back of the team and he's a little bitch who needs attention so he puts on socks with pigs in cop hats and sits down during the anthem because he's useless as fuck as an athlete and needs attention obviously.
These meathead idiots don't have brain cells enough to make an expression, much less a political one. It all revolves around drugs, sex and money and fame. Wowe such investigative journalism to find out he's a little bitch of a cunt.
a) they died because they were conscripted
b) the viet cong didn't try to ban the right sit in America
black people arn't repressed here unless they are commiting crimes. he is literally protesting thier right to be criminals.
Why are burgers so easily triggered?
What does that actually mean though when Americans say that their soldiers fight for their freedom? America has not had a war on their own soil in over a century. All their wars are fought overseas.
I'm not disrespecting the vets or anything but how exactly does shooting gooks in nam and blowing up sandniggers across the ocean the rights of Americans?
Americans have this belief that other countries hate them because of their freedoms instead of hating them for being fat, stupid, war mongers. And in their opinion that gives them the moral high ground to go anywhere to kill anyone and take their resources.
>The rich and powerful get to dictate policy, opinion and history
How's junior high so far?
Enjoying your 1st week?
>lefties magically caring about freedom when it suits them
I agree with the comic
>Implying we have to approve of it
Yeah it's great, sorry you didn't make it that far in school but you probably had to take over the family dirt farm after your dad was eaten by a coyote.