>Be Me
> In Shitposting Battalion 66
> Walking down to the land down under For Shelter
> Start A Fire in the cave
> Getting Ready To Sleep
> All The Sudden Emuhusain Storms the cave entrance
> Makes Loud Noises That Resembles The Screech Of A Hells Angel
> Everyone Wakes Up And Opens Fire
> It was to late
> Emuhusain Already has mauled around 90% of the battalion
> After Firing Some Discussion Ruiner Rounds into the head of Emuhusain He Falls over
> I walk over to check if he is really dead
> I hear a last faint noise That Resembles A low Moan
> Fucking cunt Pooed Everywhere
> TFW we had to sleep over the corpses of our fallen comrades and Emuhusains Shit
> After Getting out of that cave i instantly Messaged My Love, Matilda
> I Asked her if i could come waltzing with matilda with her.
Man War Is Hell
Emu War Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Its Not A Joke, Serious Shit
No Sagerino
Waltzing Matilda, who bloody killer her? Lying on the ground with a stick up her arse.
never see your women folk again.
:-( sad
Bump, im not letting this die i spent 2 mins making this
Any other flag with maybe the exception of Sweden this would be funny, but coming from a kraut its just sad.
UP Up Up
Heres a map of nuclear "tests" held in australia comparative to the areas with the largest Emu populations.
Keep on saying we lost, Proxy Jew
>you had to nuke the emus to win
It didnt work. we just created mutant emuzillas
>Emu Field
Amerifats haven't had to deal with Emus.
They're faster then any takes we had
took a full clip of ammunition to take it down with a Lewis Gun.
Look into the eyes of this thing and tell me if it feels compassion, Pain, Empathy, Mercy.
>this thread
I need aussie shitposting to level me out after reading about all the awful shit that goes on in this world.
Doesn't even rhyme with arse you fuckup.
Should have shared a few cans of rum first you silly chain dragger. Maybe a plate of bangers and mash. Then right pop em with the ol Lewis.
I still have flashbacks mate.
Do tell. I mean, you're being out shitposted by leaves.
>Fucking up this badly.
Waltzing Matilda, who bloody killer her? Lying in the grass with a fork up her arse.
Along came my granny and she stuck it up her fanny.
Who'll come a waltzing watilda with me
check this shit out m8s
>implying i'm not a leaf that was secrety deployed to help the roo fuckers
>hunting emus
>it ain't me start playing
Who here preparing for the Kangaroo war?
The nuking and subsequent defeat of the Emus has caused a power vacuum and now the Roo's appear to be organising for an uprising, what do?
>Fear, recrimination, innocence, sympathy, guilt, waste, failure, grief, were things, emotions, that no one really felt anymore. Reflection is useless, the world is senseless. Evil is its only permanence.
Australians put up a good fight tho.
Sorry mate, too pissed to stand
I would ay but I just started hittin the bong bruv
I thought you were on the ice
I'm assuming with the rising sun the kangaroos have allied with Japan to try and invade Australia again
Those eyes do not know mercy.
At first I was depressed, now I'm just terrified.
So everyone tell us, what are ya?
Don't worry seppos no need to answer we already know what you are.
i believed this story till you said you killed the emu. no way in the world an emu falls to an australian.
This meme just never gets old, guys. Always a smile. Thanks.