Republicans have been fuckint over the working class man and now they say they are for them is kind of ironic
Why is the Republican Party trying to brand itself as the working class party now ?
Lower tax rates, kicking out illegals of which 80% use welfare, and trying to kick as many people off of the government teet will do that.
>explicitly stating that Bernie's policies would help working-class people
No refunds, kid
>Free money is good for you as an individual
>Nevermind the ideology behind it that will likely lead to societal collapse and starvation
How are libcucks so short sighted
The republican party has always been for the working man. The majority of their donations come from grass roots and not corporations like the democratic party, the party of the unemployed and lazy.
because they're only ever in power for a single term
Why are the socialist democrat blasting on all poor white americans and portray every republican supporter as a dim-witted redneck?
>Implying white people know what its like to be poor
You're no true bern-victim.
I'm 12 what's a price floor.
I wonder if we will see another post in this thread by (((OP)))...
Because the democrats don't give a shit about the working class anymore. It's all about minorities for them nowadays, and minorities are the wealthy's pet project.
8$ for a pack of pizza rolls???????
That's the federal minimum wage
it's 5$ here
your minimum wage people need to be put in their place
Working class here.
Republicans message really hasn't changed.
Democrats however told me I'm a racist, misogynist, Islamaphobic, neo-nazi, hatemonger who has too much privilege.
They don't want my vote
because parties change and this is what they changed too
are CTR shills trying to brand themselves as Sup Forums poster?
The original before being edited
Bernie got a second house and pepe the frog has more political clout than him after he towed the party line that he never really was a part of =^).
I'm white though, so I have no idea what it's like to be poor! Rethuglicans BTFO!
Because being the welfare party is already covered by the democrats.
Minorities are professional voters, they are good at what they do and they know who their massa is.
Because in this country no matter what the politicians say they will do. The real tax burden always falls on the middle class.
Hence democrats are the party of the to poor to pay taxes and the to rich to get taxed. While the struggling middle class is voting republican.
>Democrats however told me I'm a racist, misogynist, Islamaphobic, neo-nazi, hatemonger
Are you trying to say you're not?
Go and pick up your gf's kids from school.
>Fuck you, you uneducated poor redneck whites
>Why arent they voting for me REEEEE
Unskilled labor has no real value.
>hurr if it helps you you should vote for it
This was theorized by a man right after America won it's independence, forgot his name and don't feel like looking it up. But basically he deducted that a democracy that was seized from shackles will eventually return to shackles. Once the general public realizes they can just vote for the candidate who offers the most benefits they will do this and it leads to a loss of fiscal responsibility and a government with more and more power.
They are so bad at what they do. How can anyone expect them to push their narrative here? They have no arguments and get btfo instantly. They still post random slide threads and shitposts but that's only because they get paid to do it. I'm sure most if them know they have no real effect.
If this were plebbit it would be as easy as spamming votes, but here you actually need arguments.
Pizza rolls, enjoys sport, working, pro-military, pro-faith, most trusted news in the country, hates Bernie for being a money-grabbing """socialist"""
Seems like a 10/10 guy
They need my vote, I don't need theirs.
Because some people aren't comfortable being a fucking leech you faggot.
Get your belly dancing clothes on, vassal
I guess around the time democrats started shitting on the working class.
>people should vote purely on self interest and not what they think will be best for their nation
There we have it.
Actually both Totino's and JOHN CEEEEENA are pro-gay sell-outs.
Most of the minority of people that bother to think about stuff assume democracy works because of a "free market" in the election. What they fail to understand is that the free market only makes the government more efficient at thieving and giving to the professional voters.