What are some Sup Forums approved news outlets? I'm tired of getting spoonfed this leftist agenda bullshit.
What are some Sup Forums approved news outlets? I'm tired of getting spoonfed this leftist agenda bullshit
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You're on it
Cablewise? A few Fox personalities are OK. Fox Business is mostly alright, actually.
I've heard good things about OAN and Newsmax, but haven't seen anything other than clips. Newsmax was in the news for some sort of shady Huma shit in the past day or two.
don't use only Sup Forums for news
you're stuck in echochamber, use leftist and right wing sites
Aljazeera for things that don't have to do with Islam/the middle East
RT for things that don't have to do with Putin
CBC if you want to know what a great leader Trudeau is.
Trudeau is us not fucking up. Imagine if the NDP won.
mulcair wouldn't be pulling the identity politics shit trudeau has
Yes they would. And even worse.
Kill yourself, leaf.
Sup Forums and Wikipedia. Both have purely unbiased news sections
Just trust me on this one. Like, if we put the scandals of Hillary Clinton aside and focus on her politics alone, she's more or less Trudeau, but Mulcair is some goober more like Stein or Johnson.
Drudge report
nah but he sure is fucking children.
Be advised that aljazeera is a propaganda tube for the Qatari government. If the royal family of Qatar were the clintons then aljazeera would be cnn.
As for RT, it's probably the most elegant and professional propaganda tube I've ever seen in my life. Be very weary about them, the russkis are the best in the world at subversion, so much that you don't even notice it.
As far as unbiased, drudge is your best bet.
drudgereport is the only correct answer
Read the Telegraph, the Guardian, the NYT, Breitbart, and RT
The Telegraph occasionally posts some real terrible shit, and the Guardian is quite far-left, but them + NYT will cover almost everything.
Breitbart and RT will bring up the rest but keep in mind that Breitbart often lies and RT is literal propaganda
The trick is to choose a few newspapers with unashamed different editorial biases, because then it's very easy to filter out the propaganda
alex jones, the young turks, secular talk, russia today, and for canadian news: rebel media
young turks are sjws wtf?
>wtf why do you want to hear other side?
> Secular Talk
you cant get the info you need from one news outlet
what you do is watch different outlets report on the same thing and piece together what really happened from there
they may be sjw but they cover a lot of important news and have good coverage
I don't believe there is such a thing. Every reporter/station is pushing some sort of agenda. That's why I read/watch them all, look at the evidence and decide for myself. Believing that any of them will give you all the facts in an unbiased way is fucking retarded.
because it gives me cancer
And this is the problem with this years US election
>wtf my candidate is perfect but I refuse to hear other side because they disagree with me
and it goes both ways, Trump and Clinton
>using like to start a sentence
Sup Forums is literally the best news outlet. It filters most clickbait and points out the (((echoes))) in any author. Also due to the worldwide nature of this site, you literally get news before they are news (ie the /r9k/ school shooter, the Nice truck attack, the Bataclan shooting)
>As for RT, it's probably the most elegant and professional propaganda tube
> you literally get news before they are news
and sometimes you get to be the news, too
>1 post by this id
>Using autism arrows to start a sentence.
Hardcore History is a must listen, and the political analysis is pretty spot on desu~
>this place knew about Nice before it happened
Proof or that is some straight up bullshit
BBC world news for non-EU events, otherwise I tend to distill multiple sources for an actual account of events. Basically every (((news))) outlet has a bias, but you can use multiple sources together to form a good idea of what is happening.
Reuters is pretty blah as far as bias, so it's a nice read.
Al-jazeera, with the caveat of being a Qatari mouthpiece, is also pretty nice.
The Intercept is hardcore in a way I like (rabidly pro privacy), so they cover stories others don't touch.
Vice has the stench of degeneracy, but they also cover things no one else will.
Breitbart, rebel media, info wars
>Okay TIer
I wouldn't give them that personally.
The thing is all media right now (pretty much) are extreme echo chambers made for you to masturbate with the bias of your choice. Breitbart won't give you fair coverage. NYT won't do it as well. Drudge won't do it.
I mostly go to RCP and read the top articles; they are mostly critical to both sides (ofc with more shitting on Trump). I try to read both pro-HRC/anti-Trump and pro-Trump/anti-HRC and extrapolate the middle ground.
Maybe it's easier for me as a foreigner, but it's really the only way that seems reasonable to me. From all the comentators and whatnot I think Dave Rubin is probably the guy I'd identify the most.
I largely agree. An international board with a sizeable population of autistic neets that scan for happenings and the like, this place is hard to beat.
also, as far as individual articles go, this one is great:
it features one of the best metaphors about this election; that it is basically a game of Russian Roulette.
But the difference is that Donald Trump gives you a revolver and lets you spin the cylinder; Hillary gives you a Glock.
5/20 analogy
Al Jazeera America was the best, long since Reuters and BBC went the bitch route like CNN.
Al Jazeera America was getting no sponsorship, funny how that happens when everything under an umbrella company is owned by mainstream media isn't it?
Probably the best and unbiased news I've ever seen, and America Media torpedoed that shit.