Starting Season 2 and holy shit I'm mad.
Starting Season 2 and holy shit I'm mad
Good for you.
Don't worry, it gets better.
Yeah, their relationship drama will occupy a sizable portion of the character's arcs. Also, prepare for Miss Martian of Murder.
Superboy was the better character, but Lagoon Boy was the better boyfriend.
I feel like he was so poorly utilized in the show. So many characters in season 2 were. $10 says they stuff Damian into season 3.
Batman and Talia DID have a canon affair 10 years before the show took place.
If they had to put in a Batfam member next, it'd probably be Jason, though.
>Also, prepare for Miss Martian of Mindrape
He's dead
definitely jason
the demographic for this show is all about jason
It really doesn't.
Lazarus pits exist in the YJ comics. It wouldn't be too far-fetched.
Maybe, but DC has been pushing the fuck out of Damian. I hope we don't get ANOTHER Raven's dad story though.
Maybe they'll have Terra.
Miss martian and superboy was a shit ship any way. Season 2 introduced Cassie and Tim, the only ships that matter
>Lagoon Boy was the better boyfriend.
I don't know how canon that comic panel you posted was, but the whole reason MM and SB broke up during the timeskip was because Superboy wanted her to be herself. Remember that SB was raised in Cadmus and surrounded by weird genetically modified creatures his whole life. Superboy was in love with that sexy white martian form, even in season one he was completely uninterested in her until the episode where they mind-melded and he saw her true form.
But Megan is a self-hating martian and wanted someone who will just let her keep pretending to be a sit-com cheerleader stereotype.
>Starting Season 2 and holy shit I'm mad.
Regardless of shipper crap that timeskip was bullshit. "Let's spend the whole season slowly revealing what happened over the last 5 years, all of which would've been more interesting to actually SEE than be told about."
Plus that whole "the Justice League are now interstellar fugitives because of what they did under mind control but never find out about it for 5 years despite having THREE GREEN LANTERNS ON THE TEAM" nonsense. How the hell were the Guardians of the Universe just ignoring how John Stewart seemingly went Sinestro on them?
It's from the official comic book tie-in written by the show's writers.
Also, I thought the reason they broke up was because M'gann tried to erase an argument from her mind, Connor felt her touch, freaked out, and broke up with her?
Miss Martian is a cunt. It will all be revealed to you soon.
>Also, I thought the reason they broke up was because M'gann tried to erase an argument from her mind, Connor felt her touch, freaked out, and broke up with her?
more or less, they were having relationship issues and M'gann tried to fix them via mind control, he wasn't happy about getting mindraped, they broke up
They already have Tim, though.
Will there be another time skip for season 3?
I don't get how the wildly unethical coma-enducing mindfuck that MM does only generated like ONE worried glance from a single character. It makes the others seem like fucking idiots.
Fuck off. Time skip was something new and interesting. I wouldn't mind it again
Are you watching it on Netflix? Does it run smoothly? I have a few episodes of it where the sound is completely off.
Only downside is that Robin hit puberty in a funny way and was still voiced by someone who sounded like they were ten
Are you this dense? It was a new robin
you endured a seasons worth of liquid shit-tier writing, godawful finale and NOW you're mad because your shit tier down-the-throat forced shipping got cucked?