South Park leaked presidential debate episode screenshot.

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is this some meta autism or turbo autism who knows

That's fucking autistic

>a leaf

]"Hillary Clinton has 1 Year to Live," says Medical School Professor

Its almost believable, if it was anyflag but a leaf.

what the fuck canada

>south park is going to make pepe references
>might even talk about Sup Forums and Sup Forums specifically


>south park

Looks fake as fuck senpai

How can you tell?

President dudeweedman is having a terrible effect on canadian posters. They've never been bright, but now it's an entirely new level of retardation.

the pixels give it away

Who's behind the Trump mask?

This. Trump-Pepe way too crisp relative to the rest of the image.

>Trump pepe

I want to believe

Do you think he's put something in the water supply?

Wasn't Trump's analogue Mr. Garrison though?

They had an entire episode about memeing and didn't mention us, reddit, facebook, or anything.


pleb, it's CNNN

In the Southpark world, Trump is Canadian so he would have a flapping head and beady eyes.

South Park is Pro-Hillary because liberals

South Park doesn't have animation that shitty.

You mean jews.

South Park is Libertarian though. They've already taken a jab at both Trump and Hillary in previous episodes. I doubt they will shill for either side.

Saying anything about Sup Forums or licensed businesses would mean they would need to pay Hiro"moot" a lot of money if they do not pay Sup Forums money to use their name, or even specifically Sup Forums board on Sup Forums. Reddit, twitter, even WoW they needed to pay money.

>South Park
sure, kid

>South Park is Pro-Hillary

Cartman has been pol incarnate the whole time desu

pick two

You can't see the animation in a still image

Didint they have that episode where they had the same election situation as the US right now but with Canada? Can't remember the exact thing tho but it was something about app game whales

Nah the analogue in that episode was some guy with trump like hair that became prime minister of canada, built a wall and then canadians started migrating to the US

the creator has black wife's son

hes a cuck

Like you can talk health pk.

Pretty much. Trey Parker and (((MATT STONE))) say "we le libertarians dude weed LMAO XDDD le fuck le both parties *rips boong*" in public but you know at the privacy of their homes they donate to Hillary's campaign and will vote for her.

Trey Parker has a black wife's son and Matt Stone has two mulatto sons.

I've never seen that art style in south park on Trump's eyes. it looks like fucking Stewie or something

also they probably wouldn't use the CNN logo

this is fake

What episode number?

That doesnt even look like the model for SP trump.

>Thinking South Park of all things is a cog in the Jew media machine




It's not a conspiracy.

>Hateful Anti-semitic bigot
>Lonely, barely has any friends
>Plays video games all day and doesn't listen to his parent

yep, sounds like Sup Forums


doesn't seem fake

also i dont care to pastebin it because who the fuck is parent herald

How much health do you restore, Med Pack?

How many shekels would south park have to pay for some rare Pepes?

This! The "dude weed" meme affected them.
also wtf, my keyboard got the caps locks key inverted now, didn't knew that could happen.

They weren't here then

Supposedly Trey visits this place

Depends. How many shekkels do you have to spare?

If true expect a larger than usual influx of 14 year old small summer 2.0. Worse though cause south park has been shit for 15 years.

Lemme check... uh... three?


that was when they thought he wouldn't still be running in a year

>tfw Cartman calls everyone who doesn't support Trump a cuck

It's not like they're consistent about this. Some Canadians don't get a flapping head and Saddam Hussein wasn't Canadian.

Pepe in the White House.

and from seeing quite a few shops in your time i take it

>They're being serious in that bit
Jesus Christ, Bongland

Cartman has friends

subliminal kek in internet and reality, it's beautiful.

Saddam is Canadian in the South Park universe. He takes over in a Terrence and Philip episode


I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't an absolute evil demon cunt

Cathy obrien must love it

>an actual detailed character
>South Park

nice try

Trump face is pretty different from all other characters in south park, ever

Fake and gay

Controlled opposition
They made the guy that sees reality for what it is a fat small sicked loser that loves mel gibson


So they arent continuing their kike genetics?

This is a positive, no?