How would you reboot the DC film franchise?

How would you reboot the DC film franchise?

Point A: Not an origin story. We're getting a Justice League origin next year, a reboot doesn't need to tell the same story.

Just do what the MCU is doing. Anything different is asking for failure.

I can't speak for the population as whole, but my friends are getting really tired of Marvel. I think the consistent gross is just an indicator of ticket inflation. I think we're gonna see declining interest outweigh inflation soon.

>Justice League
>No Manhunter
Suck a dick OP

Stop worrying about cinematic universe trash and unifying tone and "setting up" plots and characters.

The universe should already be established and the films are just taking place within it, exactly like how it's always been in the comics. For example, in the Flash movie his origin is shown in a recap, and most of the villains are already active. Their relationship with the Flash and history is conveyed through dialogue.

The actual canon of DCU history will be adhered to as closely as possible, albeit severely abridged.

Top talent from comics will be tapped to adapt classic stories and runs, sometimes even their own. Screenwriters will then work with directors to turn it into a screenplay, with input from the writer.

The movies will be more of a team effort than a single director's project. To this end directors will be chosen on their technical abilities and experience in working with actors.

Some auteur directors will be approached for opportunities to do interesting, director-driven pieces with more obscure characters. Shade the Changing Man, Doom Patrol, and other properties with classic, unfilmable runs can be reinterpreted entirely for film.

Visual style can vary greatly but I would like for movies to capture the imagery of the classic artists of the stories they're based upon.

Some movies will be self-contained and some, namely Batman, will either feature an overarching plot or be all part of a single epic.

Shows will be used when appropriate. For example JLI will be adapted very closely as a TV show with Giffen and DeMatteis asked to submit dialogue or entire episodes. The original Deadman series from Neal Adams will be adapted as a miniseries. Jonah Hex and All-Star Western, both the original runs and the Palmiotti and Gray series, will be the source material for an HBO series.

No potshots at our peers at Marvel.

Sales and reviews don't matter as long as we're breaking even and building a fanbase.

just dont

Don't worry about Cinematic universe
make Doom Patrol movie

thats it

I'd say "stop spending 3000000 trillion dollars on a movie" but thats more general advice for all movies really.

I like it.

Put the cinematic universe garbage in the trash. Do elseworlds-like stand-alone movies, with rotating actors, directors and universes: Superman: Red Son, The Dark Knight Returns, Kingdom Come, Batman Knight of Vengeance, Green Lantern/Green Arrow, etc...

Since I'm pretty much just fantasy footballing shit here I'll go on.

My plan would be for the JLA movies to be every three years, and they'd be your fun summer blockbusters for the whole family, styled after Marvel's first Avengers film. Big action-comedy schlockfests cramming tons of characters together doing cool shit.

The first film would be styled after Mark Waid's JLA Year One, set shortly after their "origin story" instead of during. There would be a greater focus on the core five members other than Superman and Batman, who would be there more for the action scenes.

In between the first and second film, Hawkman, Green Arrow and the Atom would be added to the cast, and the second movie would introduce the JSA by adapting the classic Crisis on Earth-Two story.

The third film would add Black Canary and Zatanna, have the JSA return to fight the Crime Syndicate, adapting Crisis on Earth-Three. Seeing the pattern here?

As far as casting goes, like with the comics, the general look and characterization of the heroes is more important than the exact details, and so recasting will be pretty common, with their look and ability to portray the character being more important than their star power. That's yet another thing that MCUfags may dislike, but I feel it's a better approach that would keep any actor from becoming too synonymous with the role. This way the characters can easily appear across media without having to pay out the ass for big name actors.

doom patrol by jodorowsky

Also now that I think about it, JLA could be every other year or even annually since the casting would help keep the cost down and allow two entirely separate movies to be in production at once. I don't know if audiences would be interested in a JLA movie every year, though, unless the first couple are as big of successes as Avengers.

By tickets sold, Captain America Civil War is the only movie to INCREASE in butts in the seats. Ultron sold less tickets than Avengers Loki's Silly Billy Horn Helmet, etc.

Step back away from the mythology and look at more self-contained stories and adapt plots and ideas from those. DC films don't have to be epic, they don't have to be the next Star Wars( I'm looking at you, Johns).

More usage of less popular supervillians. Think about it;

A Parasite Superman movie
Green Lantern vs Atrocious
Have batman go up against Mr. Freeze and not suck. Or, Hell, even Hush.

Maybe even plan for a Blackest night movie trilogy.

Make one really terrible movie that's so poorly-received and a box office bomb that they cancel all their cape productions.

The MCU is garbage though

>No potshots at Marvel

Why? They make a point of it over there.



I absolutely love DCEU. Except SS