
How did Warner Bros get away with it?

>stick an adult head on a tiny body
>call it a baby


because they new nobody would give a shit about the film

Because gay people are old news. Nobody cares about them now because they aren't special.

No seriously, there were given the right to MARRY, the last great injustice against them, and even that was just very "ho hum" by the populace at large. It's like nothing's changed. Gravity Falls, Clarence, Paranorman, Finding Dory, this movie - all have depictions of gay characters, and it hasn't become a big deal at all.

Gay was the new black, and now trans is the new gay. Trans people using bathrooms and being in media and all that shit is what's hot to argue about now.

>Trans people using bathrooms
yeah, still awkward to have Aunt Jerome to be in the same bathroom as little susie.

Please, we should have just stuck with civil unions.

It'll still be a long while before they put a gay character as its MC in a cartoon for kids who shows interest in the same sex.

They did have that qt3.14 in the wheelchair

Don't the Crystal Gems in SU count as main characters?

which personally, they really shouldn't, at least not in the way as "permanent" I mean, for these demographic shows are, at that point kids should be experiencing "puppy love"

Lucky the incoming President doesn't care about what pot people piss in.

>le civil unions is as good as marriage meme

>Lucky the President who appoints several anti-LGBT people to high positions of power that normally wouldn't have a lot of influence if not for the fact that he himself doesn't know shit about running a country and relies on them to do it for him
No, there is nothing lucky about that at all. He won the election, you can stop shilling this dumbass already.

he had ample time to avoid that blast to the face. the gun guy gave him so much of a chance.
>ok i shot the sign
>shot the flag
>still not moving?
>fuck you then

Why in the fuck would you be shooting high pressure water at a SINGLE protestor in the FIRST place

mike pence already had power you fuck

stop it, hillary

he's the only one obstructing traffic

Fuck off, I wanted Sanders. At least he has the balls to still call Trump out nowadays when he gives fucking Carrier a tax cut to still put jobs in Mexico.

National power?

How does that address the sheer dangerousness and stupidity of using high pressure water for one single guy? Did you forget there are other ways of moving a person? Like grabbing him and putting him in a fucking police car like every other police force in the entire fucking world learns how to do?

That's it. I'm going to hell for laughing at this. See you shitfeeders at the bottom.

>Finding Dory

Nope. I watched that whole movie last month, and then remembered the controversy the next day, and tried my hardest to recall any characters in that movie who could have fit and came up with nothing. Then I looked it up, and found out it was just two random women in a crowd at the theme park who the creators later said something like "they may or may not be a couple, it is up to the viewer". Which by the same metric means they are exactly as gay as any two random chosen extras in any movie ever made since the invention of film.

>going to
You're on Sup Forums, you're already there

sanders is a phony in the biggest sense of the word

he never worked a honest days job in his whole life

he literally does nothing all day but campaign for mo' money

tell me with all his preaching what has he ever accomplished?

besides buying a nice sports car with campaign funds

Yeah and he used that power to start a HIV outbreak.

>Carrier a tax cut


You do realize that the US has the highest corporate taxes in the world, right?

The MAIN reason companies have been leaving in droves is because of retarded-high business taxes.

Lower taxes on businesses, levy tariffs against protectionist nations (looking at Japan, here).

Why are there no Chevy's in Japan? Doesn't that seem odd?

That is Pence own personal opinion, because it worked for him. That is why he wants to leave it as an option.

>Why are there no Chevy's in Japan?
Because Toyota.

>tell me with all his preaching what has he ever accomplished?
Michigan and Wisconsin. As well as other states Hillary lost that would have won us the election.

>No giving companies tax cuts after making campaign promises saying that shit is awful is a GOOD thing
Trump's a liar and a hypocrite and this Reagonomics bullshit didn't save you last time and it won't save you this time.

>in his head

>Removing civil rights is just his opinion, bro... he just wants to strip rights away as an OPTION bro...

What adults look like that?

>Has balls

He bends over on the whims of people he panders to. He's a spineless socialist wuss.

>I'm running against Hillary but I'm going to center my primary campaign on attacking Trump so not to alienate feminists by being misogynistic by standing up to her

Because that literally went fucking fast. For example I only manage to see the gay guys. Fuck this shit. Can't you westerners make things like normal again?

trump isn't even president and hes already saving jobs

how was this bad?

>Michigan and Wisconsin

that's like scoring two kills in a video game but still losing the match

bernie lost fair and square and you still complain

LGBT is cool but realize that you are only like 2% of USA

Better than doing nothing for growth and increasing mountains of regulations which has been the hallmark of the Obama economic policy.

The tax rate in the USA might be high on paper but in practice corporations don't even fucking pay it thanks to numerous tricks. People like Trump don't even pay taxes. Giant corporations do not pay taxes. Mega-corporations and the ultra-wealthy receive money from the government, while the middle class picks up the slack and is driven into poverty. The reason they outsource is so that they can abuse the lower cost of living in third world for cheap labor, not to escape taxes.


You should be shot in the fucking head and dumped in a hole with the bodies of every CEO that even considered outsourcing. We should not be playing games with these fucking traitors betraying our country. You are worse than a terrorist.

>implying trump isn't gonna stop that to cuck all the rich people who came at him

i can just TELL trump is the guy who holds a grudge and never EVER forgets

>Reagonomics bullshit

You do understand that Republicans now control more of the total governance in the US than at any point in the last 96 years, right?

A big reason for that is the sort of foolishness you just posted. So keep it up!

>trump isn't even president and hes already saving jobs
He saved a tiny handful in exchange for a giant tax break. Now every company will know they can get big cuts by just threatening to put jobs in another country (which, like Carrier, they'll still do anyway). He did nothing but put the nation even further into a corporate stranglehold.

>that's like scoring two kills in a video game but still losing the match
"As well as other states that would have won him the election". Shit, man, those two plus Pennsylvania would have won Hillary the whole thing, and the margins are only by a few thousands.

What, did you think Trump won by a LANDSLIDE VICTORY or something?

>I don't know anything about politics
Of course he'd campaign for Hillary because if the Democrats win he has more opportunities to get his policies through. Are you just repeating shit you heard on Sup Forums? Get a fucking education.

How about we take everything you own and just hand it to the CEO of Carrier so that he can buy a nice statue for his holiday manse and you get to live in a cardboard box, stupid fucker. That's basically what you're saying you think is a great idea.


you act like they do this on purpose.

to run a business you must do what is PROFITABLE

if saving your money offshore is more efficient even by 5% that adds up

do you understand?

GOOD let them get tax breaks

they are literally FREE

they don't COST ANYTHING


there's a reason that nigga has gold plated hotels

>How dare the government not steal more money from people on my behalf reeeeee!

You give incentives via tax cuts and detergents from moving over seas via tariffs. But you're probably the same type of idiot that think tax cuts cost tgr tax payer money.

>7 million dollars in tax cuts over 10 years. 1000+ Americans keep their jobs
Omg so awful that people aren't unemployed now

>You should be shot in the fucking head and dumped in a hole with the bodies of every CEO that even considered outsourcing. We should not be playing games with these fucking traitors betraying our country. You are worse than a terrorist.

Dude, did you even read that post?

Tariffs and lower taxes are both moves designed to move jobs BACK to the US.

Do you even understand how economics works? What the fuck are they teaching kids these days?

I can't wait for the revolution. You Trump-voting niggers will be the first to die.

the main character in my children's book will be implied bicurious

did I stumble into the wrong board? I mean to go to /po/

how about an actual thing like pansexual

Hillary would have applauded Carrier and others of her Wall Street backers and Friends and signed the TPP which would have set the course for even less jobs and more sectors of the market being stripped away.

Trump wants to fix something he's said for thirty years has been a growing problem.

>It's a Sup Forums thread in disguise episode.

this is exactly why i support trump

i love the shear amount of asshurt he causes

if you guys didn't fight him so much he wouldn't have won!

the only way to beat someone like trump is just ignore him

as long as it's not a girl mc this is ok
We shouldn't be encouraging lesbian degeneracy in kids though.

>you act like they do this on purpose.
>to run a business you must do what is PROFITABLE
>if saving your money offshore is more efficient even by 5% that adds up
>do you understand?

Do you fucking understand, that the USA is turning into a third world country due to rich people destroying the economy? Do you understand that most people here can barely afford food and shelter?

Why would I give a fuck about their business troubles? Why would I want to help them, at the expense of my own life and the lives of everyone I know? Do you think they will be grateful for you sucking their dicks, and won't just toss you into the slums with the rest of society? What the fuck is wrong with you, you loathsome freak?

>Supporting someone who is gonna fuck everything up through incompetence
sure why not.

>Honest earnings

Nigga didn't pay tax for 20 years. Sure its legal, but it aint exactly honest.

He's already made Silicon Valley persona non grata in his cabinet. Don't clench Zucker.

it is

He was running against Hillary in the primary and hardly touched her. In fact he defended her
>I'm tired about hearing about your emails
Surprise surprise! If you cater to your oposition you will lose. Not only did he lose but Clinton lost so any possible hope of implementing he's ass backward "progressive" policies are gone like a fart in the wind.

yeah we should instead implement trumps ass backwords regressive policies


>Tariffs and lower taxes are both moves designed to move jobs BACK to the US.






not paying taxes you dont have to is smart

i pirate all my video games except online games

you have to be stupid to pay for something you can get for free

Believe that system was he'd pay those taxes with future earning later, which he did.

Storks was pretty good

what makes him incompetent?

none of the other people have been president before too

what makes them the better choice?

Those tariffs are coming. China wagging their finger and saying "now don't be talking to Taiwan." pretty much assured that.

>its a Sup Forums slowly becomes redpilled episode

the fact that they had experience in some form of government before and would know more than to say call taiwan

>what makes him incompetent?
Bankrupt casinos.

This is what happens when you get your Business news from Reddit.

what does Storks have to do with this?

>corporate masters please punish my boypussy harder

>he saved 800 jobs.
But he lost 1000 jobs.

>7 million dollars in tax breaks over 10 years is HUGE tax cut
Excessive hyperbole much?
Hiw much did Obama give to companies for his auto bail out? Which actually cost the tax player unlike tax breaks

When are people going to realize that Trans people are abominations. Mutilating yourself does not entitle you to special rights ffs.

Obama created 16 million jobs, Trump only saved 800.

Oh I completely agree, I'm just saying its not exactly "honest"

He's a few failed ventures, out of the few hundred businesses that he does own.

See he's failed a few times so he's incompetent, somehow.

Also later this month all those companies are being turned over to a family trust.

Because while there may not be a law against him owning business as president of the United States. They are not important right now as he gets to work Making America Great Again.

you dont get it

these are the jobs nobody wants

these are the jobs were your hours get cut and you get paid minimum wage

the best thing obama did was legalize cubans

Agreed, I want Junior and Tulip to fugg and/or raise Diamond Destiny together.

>How dare he receive a call from a democratically elected leader. Doesn't he know that will offend a communist dictatorship?

You are a pathetic individual

>Obama created 16 million jobs

Citation please.

>goal post shifting
Not an argument

>these are the jobs nobody wants
Work is work nigga.

Get off Sup Forums, Mike.

>Big government please fuck my tight impoverished asshole harder

its not

tell a girl you flip burgers and she wouldn't even look at you

He saved a 1000 jobs you lying bitch
106 jobs were relocated

You can't just expect to do whatever you want and have your way just because you're the biggest swinging dick at the moment. International politics are far more complex than that and require a much more delicate touch.

Britain learned that to its cost back when it was the big man on the scene and America will too in time. Maybe not now or in 10 years or 20, but it will.

Don't bother, user. The vast majority of trumpfags don't know the first thing about politics, let alone the role of a president.

>Get shitty part time obama job
>Need three just to make a decent living
>Complain companies aren't paying a living wage
>Praise Obama for creating 16 million new shit jobs that don't pay shit but at least you get to say "hey he made 16 million new jobs"

you have never interacted with a blue collar working class person in your life have you? none of those jobs were for them/could help them.
I didn't vote for trump but I was talking to some relatives and some of them told me they regretted not voting trump or the other felt vindicated in voting for trump after the carrier deal. Things like that mean something to them, many of them voted for Obama and he completely ignored them. If Obama had done a little outreach after Trump never would've won. All he did was raise their healthcare premiums lol.

>the lgbt community already calls trump "daddy"

really makes u think..

The Obama administration bailed out the auto-industry. As a michigander, I can guarantee you that millions of so called "blue collar" workers would've lost their jobs in a heartbeat, so yes - Obama saved jobs.

>Implying Trump isn't going to selfishly promote a system that will best serve his business interests, which also happens to be the system that supports the other rich people too

>looking that slim outside of porn
>raising socially functional kids
When will this flight of fancy end?

The ones in the picture.

Get away with what?
Awesomely hilarious movie... had me in stitches the whole time.