Sup Forums redpill me on racemixing. Is there anything wrong with it? Does it produce healthier people...

Sup Forums redpill me on racemixing. Is there anything wrong with it? Does it produce healthier people? Does it lower IQ, or is that just a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1993074,00.html

mixing piss with gasoline doesn't produce fuel with a better kick

Since race mixing and its outcome is pertinent to science, I'd say that the least appropriate place to get any form of objective truth is to look for it on Sup Forums, a known stormfag/racialist echo chamber where facts matter much less than white nationalist ideology.

For a good example of what I'm talking about.

First and foremost, only mix for intelligence, NOT looks or athletics

yes genetic variety, hybbrid vigor. evenutally everyone will be mulllato or beige

This. I'd only racemix with a negress with a 160 iq (there are none)

The only upside is a greater genetic variety, but populations are already big enough to provide that without needing to resort to breeding with foreigners. There's no benefit to racemixing if you're already at the top, because then you can only go down.

This is now a Stacy Dash your Stacy's

It lowers IQ, studies have shown its a net negative. The meme they call "hybrid vigor" is just that, a meme not based in reality.


>mfw 160 IQ Elliot

Racemixing for whites is stupid. Like literally why. White peope have nothing to gain by mixing with some inbred jihadi or some parasite infested jungle bunny. Whites are already a global minority. No excuse for race mixing.

stacey is damn fine. post moar

Stacy is absolutely acceptable because she despises the niggerdom attitude which is pervasive in our society. 10/10 would wifey that in a heartbeat.

Stacey Dash is basically the apex of what interracial breeding between whites and blacks can be.

However, the multitude of failed offspring comparatively cannot outweigh this diamond in the rough.

Love knows no colours user. If you fall in love with a women of a different race, you'd be a dickhead to not seize the day. A bunch of fat lonely losers on image forum aren't going to give you the best advice.

minnesota transracial adoption study

Thought experiment.

Let's say the races evolved to match the environment. Let's say northerners have 300 mutations that protect against various epidemic diseases, and let's say southerners have 300 mutations that protect against various mosquito transmitted diseases.

A hybrid would receive 150 of these mutations from each parent, thus making them worse protected against both epidemic disease and mosquito disease. If they attempted to live in a northern city, they would likely die of disease. If they attempted to live in a mosquito infested southern area, they would likely die of mosquito disease.

The hybrid becomes unable to compete in either climate with the natives, and thus ends up a genetic dead end.

there are always exceptions like stacey, but in general i'm against racemixing.

t. croatian diaspora

physically, better

intellectually? not sure

As am I, I would be fine not breeding with her but being with her.

Outbreeding is as risky as inbreeding. The ideal mate is someone genetically close, but not so genetically close as to cause the same deleterious recessive alleles to appear from both parents at the same time. A recent study in Iceland (population of just 300k) concluded that the optimum distance (in terms of fertility rate, lack of infant mortality, lack of defects) is third cousins.

Do not fall for the "diversity" meme.

This. You don't have to go back sombrero

Hybrid vigor only applies to plants, and briefly. After the vigor comes depression.

If our world was to be mixed into one hybrid race, it would need to be done carefully to ensure best results. As for the west, open all borders. Hispanics will kill off all blacks and then fuse with whites. Next, all western whites invade the middle east and the white-latin uber Christian Catholic hybrids will kill off all muslims with Crusades v2.0 and breed the remaining women. Let simmer. Leave Africa alone and keep them quarantined. After assimilation is complete, combine with northern Europe and Russia. Next, combine the Asians high IQ with our superior neanderthal dna. Then, bring in the Aussies to get us one shade whiter and ensure the survival of god tier shitposts and bants. Finally, the rest of the world, as one race, gives the final solution to the black question and exterminates the inferior primal race. Best chances for hybrid human is good health, high IQ, quality posting skills. Future waifu probably looks like pic related.

Race mixing should be the successful race impregnating the unsuccessful (read conquered) race to pass on successful characteristics. Women are the bottleneck on reproduction. A white man can impregnate his white wife, go on a voyage and massacre dark men, impregnate their women and be home before his woman gives birth.
The dindu tribe gets an injection of decent genes and the man furthers his line both with high potential aryan kids and also-ran Mullatos.
The world becomes a better place.

What is unnatural and awful to witness is a conquered, low success race impregnating a high success race and watering down the winner genes with loser genes.

Tl:Dr, nobody should be having sex with negro men, not even black chicks.

damn that little bush... noice m8

Kiwi gets it too. If you want real answers go to r/askscientists and shit

Whites are the superior race, racemixing not only dilutes our superior genes but makes it impossible to isolate the pure germania genes from those of other races, that is the real issue.

To purify humanity you'd have to take more and more of it away if racemixing continues, which becomes increasingly impossible over time.

This is why the race war needs to happen as soon as possible

Stacey Dash is one of the rare cases where she basically looks white in every way, except has tanned skin.

However thats 1 in a million. The other 999k all just look like weird mutant niggers.

It simply is not worth the risk, the odds of you having a Stacey Dash as your offspring are about as likely as you winning the lottery.

But even if the incredible happened and you did have such offspring. Having tanned skin is common and overall a downgrade, aesthetically speaking.

It produces people who don't have an ethnic group they feel they belong to, not black enough for the black kids, not white enough for the white kids, etc. Asians, Mexicans, everyone feels the same way.

Stick to your race, for your childrens' sake.


Mixing shit in your cake , just makes a shity cake, as in a cake with shit.

Mixing something good with something good makes something better.

There are alots of white variation , and white+white does create better and improve versions.

And don't get me started with yellow fever, but mixing east asians with white does produce better. Check euroasians

But consider these fact, Inteligence is genetic
And most things that have to do with the human body is also genetic.

The question comes down to , do you want your german sheppards do be able to endure cold like a huskey or not?

Do you want your geman sheppards to be smarter and more easily trained?

Do you want your geman sheppards to be healthy and live longer?

If yes , then consider in time to improve the spieces by either selective breeding or adding a new breed.

Mixing a german sheppard with a huskey , may be mixracing , but you are creating a dog which is easily trained , more loyal and can edure the cold much easier not only that but both dogs are pretty darn smart and their offsprings will be aswell.

But really why the fuck would you take a wild wolf and mixing it with a german sheppard , whats the benefit?

I dont see cops and army saying "equal rights for wolfs" I haven't seen a wild wolf being used as a police dog.

Yet we promote and bring niggers who are basicly wild wolfs to the same level as everybody else.

It took a couple of generation of racism in the USA againts the chinese , they were seen as subhuman , yet they worked hard and now are respected members.

Yet niggers haven't even completly integrated in 400-500 years, yes there is racism , but really would you really blame a wild wolf offspring that it's as aggresive as it's father.

Now like i said it comes down to what you want , you want bleached people that run fast , then sure mix them with africans.

But if you want rocket scientist to figure out space travel , race mixing with inferior genetics inteligence won't help.

Im dating an islander (not Philippians) who I will probably marry.

She was a virgin when I met her, and Asians are alright in my book. She's pretty fair skinned so the babies shouldnt look like chinks. Sup Forums might not agree, but I feel like finding a virgin white female is next to impossible.

She's even being blasted by the black community as being a race traitor. She speaks common sense and gets lambasted by a bunch of ignorant chimps for calling out their bullshit.

that's good. i don't have anything against law obeying blacks. especially if they qt3.14s

The Gerberian Shepsky has an extremely gentle and calm temperament but is mostly feared because of its daunting muscular build. It can operate as both a pet and also as a working companion of humans to assist with various tasks.

It seems logical, right? They're animals from the same family. Scientists have confirmed through genetic testing that wolves and domestic dogs are remarkably similar. Despite their similarities, though, wolves are very difficult to domesticate.

Wolfs are not dogs, and dogs are not wolfs.

In white society socialism works , we work togheter to build coutries.

In nigger/sandnigger society , is everybody for himself , individualsm. Nobody works togheter , they work form them, if that means to steal bikes they will.

Germantic/Japanese people are proof of this , both societies promoted working togheter and being disciplinated , thus both people were and are the most productive.

While everybody else had a one hit wonder , where a city was a wonder.

Rome was just a city , and they build roads.
Yet it tooked the Germanic tribes, Franks(germans), Visigoths(germans),Saxons(Germans),Danes(Germans)
To build this world
US was build upon the backs of german imigration
Argentin white because of german imigration
South Brazil german Imigration
German volgas help build the best cities in Russia
Romania/Hungary build by Austrians hands, while we argue who's rightful clay is.

Like it or not working togheter is a white thing. And niggers or bleached will not replace anything.


just find a good woman and a good mother and stick with it, no matter the race. i prefer western women aesthetically, but what i value most is attitude, life goals and moral fiber.

fat, autistic stormfags that want to tell how people should live their life, which interests they should follow (lest be labelled degenerate) and who they should fuck with can just burn in hell forever for what i care.

But people have been fucking niggers for literally hundreds of thousands of years and we're not all mulato. Explain?

Good goy

Good one gypsy. You're a funny guy. Only ~10% of the American White population is German.

2/3 comes from the British Isles. Pic related.

sorry amerimutt, neither the jews nor you will decide what's best in my life.

i don't push for racemixing. it has no intrinsic value. but if the woman that i want to raise my children with (because of values, attitude and intelligence) ends up being asian (or even a nigger, albeit very unlikely) then you can be sure that i won't give a shit about what angry autists believe in :^)

>The bureau’s estimates for July 1, 2015, released today, say that just over half – 50.2% – of U.S. babies younger than 1 year old were racial or ethnic minorities.

I knew that it was bad but a never realized that it is much much worse than in Europe, even Germany. At least most of our immigrants are (white) europeans but you're literally becoming mexafrico.

At this point you already need to deport masses of people and completely stop immigration to even have a chance.

mix race as much as you want, as long as you don't touch white women, mehmet.

somebody has to touch them, and it's probably not going to be you anyway :^)

And this has nothing to with you not being able to get a white girl?

if you read the thread, you'd already know i don't need other women to touch, my snackbarino :^)

all the girlfriends i had until now were white so not sure what you're talking about medic :^) i'm a white man, grown in a white town and for this reason i'm drawn to like white women more than exotic kinds.

but i'm not going to choose my wife and the mother of my kids only based on how she looks like. if i find the right one, and happens not to be western, i'm not going to let her go because some fat stormfag is getting angry about it.

I am mixed half Japanese and half French.

Is there anything wrong with me?

If you don't race mix you end up looking like the British.

And yet here you are looking for validation. Depending on your values, finding a western woman that fits your criteria might not be as easy as it used to be. Especially if you're conservative and family oriented.

except her face is fucked up.
Just say no to race mixing

>bored at work
>go against the usual echo meme chamber
>y-your looking for validation
>hence your argument is invalid!

yeah doesn't work like that choconeger.
i'm pretty sure there's a lot of good western women out there, just not in the big cosmopolitan cities.


Are you Gollnisch's son ?

Nah, you have fine taste in cuisine.

My bad you have fine taste in cuisine


if you want proof that race-mixing (for the most part) is bad, come to italy and convince yourself.

almost everyone is a fucking shitskin, as a romanian i can't even compare them to my country's people

What do you think about me user, I'm a product of a mixed race couple which is stable and happy for most years.

Of course there are but fewer. In Switzerland race mixing is a touchy subject. I'm personally not a fan of it, even less if the girl is white. Mailorder brides (in Switzerland usually from Thailand) are seen as absolutely degenerate.
From what I'm seeing, race mixing won't be a problem in Germany since your women go crazy for shitskins and you can't express any national pride without being shamed.
And what's a choconeger?

This has some truth to it.

Men are designed to fuck everything that moves, and women to get fucked by good genes.

I don't see your thing working unless we go back to the times when women and family don't really mater too much to the men. It really is just a women thing.

>Western men ensalved by marriage... Funny isn't it?

I like how you tried to sound intelligent with you cake example.

Meat is good and so is chocolate cake but.... just no

>making stupid analogies
Great point

Faccetta nera, the quintessential Italian fascist song, was literally about that. Conquer the savages, liberate the women and give them the dicks.

Cuckssolini tried hard to ban the song the closer he got to Hitler racial bullshittery. He couldn't kill the meme in the end.

White women are the easiest tho...

Don't vote for HDZ.

The problem with the whole concept of "race mixing" is that it only focuses on looks. Basically white, black, asian and that's it. But all those have shitloads of different breeds.

>Just mixing with a different breed of whites for exemple would have been enough to not end up looking like the british..

>does it produce healthier people

If you're inbred.

Every one will disagree with me, but here is your red pill friendo.

It goes back to biology and the Peppered moth.
Basically the Industrial revolution happened in England and all the smoke from the factories turned all the trees and shit grey. All the white moths started getting BTFO by birds and predators and shit. So the moths who were just white started dying out (THIS IS NOT A STAB AT YOU FUCKING WHITE NATIONALISTS, CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS) and grey moths appeared and began reproducing successfully. They survived due to their ability to camouflage in the new environment while losing none of their previous traits that the white moths had.

Applying this principle to the human race is quite simple. So regardless of what you believe, I.E. population X has a lower IQ of population Y, Population X is more beautiful then population Y, etc. etc. Race mixing in the long run is evolution, simply put. Now while I do believe certain people should not be allowed to breed (Obese, Mentally Ill, Genetic diseases) as they weaken the species. I do believe that mixing of the races will produce better human beings. The stronger, genetically dominant traits that are successful will rise to the top. Therefore race mixing can increase IQ throughout the species, create healthier people and has nothing wrong with it.

>inb4 happy merchant or "jew", "shill" posts. Call me whatever the fuck helps you sleep at night this is basic fucking science.

You create the master race.

most people aren't. And even if you are, there should be enough diversity in your own race to compensate.

The moth analogy works against you. The more racial diversity there is in the world, the more likely there are to be certain races that are best suited to future catastrophes or calamities. If we all become the same through racemixing, then we lose our specialization and will all die out.

If the Irish had planted more variety of crops, then maybe the potato famine wouldn't have been an issue. Racemixing is anti-diversity because it destroys the unique and diverse traits of the different races.

This is all from a scientific standpoint though. From a spiritual and cultural standpoint the argument against race-mixing is even stronger.

For example if the Irish

>some shitty actor
>master race

Mixing between asians is fine, africans and other is just throwing intelligence away. Sure you might get the "oh so exotic look" that is in right now but im not sure that's worth being a total retard with sickle cell.

lol is that real?

Most of the time it brings IQ slightly lower (for example , an 85 black and 100 white will likely have a kid with an IQ of 93) to the point where it can be raised again to 100 if the child is anywhere from highly motivated (yes, motivation has been shown to dramatically increase IQ by 15 points in lower scorers and 5 - 10 points in higher scorers well fed, and constantly mentally stimulated from an early age .

As long as you keep them away from nigger culture as well, and better yet make them hate it so you will never see you child come home and be all WE .

The study only suggests motivation may have an effect. Furthermore then their kids will have to strive, and their kids and so on and so forth. You are just permanently lowering the absolute ceiling.

Ah but you didn't even read the moth analogy you illiterate.. c'mon man

"The dark-coloured or melanic moths (carbonaria variety) were not known prior to 1811. After field collection in 1848 from Manchester, an industrial city in England, the frequency of the variety was found to have increased drastically. By the end of the 19th century it almost completely outnumbered the original light-coloured type (typica variety), with a record of 98% in 1895.[4] The evolutionary importance of the moth was only speculated upon during Darwin's lifetime. It was 14 years after Darwin’s death, in 1896, that J.W. Tutt presented it as a case of natural selection.[5]"

"Before the Industrial Revolution, the black peppered moth was rare. The first black specimen (of unknown origin) was kept in the University of Oxford in 1811.[8][9][10] The first live specimen was caught by R.S. Edleston in Manchester, England in 1848, but he reported this only 16 years later in 1864 in the journal Entomologist.[11]"

With 7-pushing 8 billion human beings on the planet living throughout various different environments, temperatures, and ecosystems, subsisting on different diets and live through different cultures, diversity cannot be killed my friend.

If all the moths were one color, and the color was the wrong color, they'd be fucked. For example if they were all green.

What you're saying is that humans being all one race somehow helps us, when obviously it wouldn't. We wouldn't have the time to adapt to certain environmental changes, but with human diversity some humans would adapt faster and survive.

There's definitely a scale. Hottie 100 > 160 Fugly

The moths were all one color... The black ones were similar to albinos, genetic mutations and rarities prior to the events that allowed them to become dominant. Can you people even read?

Wait what? Your are seeing the moth thing like you want to see it.

Race mixing doesn't mean we will all suddenly have the same genes even though we might look the same.

Your example only works if some aliens invade the earth and only start eating the dark colored people because they can't see light colors..

There is a reason racemixing was banned for most of American and European history

>Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems

>Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.

>A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

>One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

>A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.


There is a thing called Gene Mutation; "A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people. Mutations range in size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA building block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes."

These occur naturally, sometimes without reason and sometimes with reason. If humanity was one race and an event occurred that would require us to change before 8 billion or more of us died, I believe it would.

Literally a Jew trick.

What if society broke down to an extent that we couldn't artificially add vitamin D to food, or the sun's strength diminished. We would have a species totally dominated by nerve failure, rickets and heart disease.

Of course it's an unlikely scenario and it could also be that the sun gets stronger or the ozone layer diminishes and we need black skin to not die of cancer, but the point is that there are instances in which it would matter.

FROM THE /NSG/ ARSENAL OF REDPILLS:,8599,1993074,00.html

Mostly pre-2008 research, we all know what happened in 2008. Pastebin goes into detail on various problems, all with their respective sources.


Black skin is a non-dominant gene you fucking fear controlled nigger. Don't worry all the white woman your fucking won't be ruined by jamal. The mixing of the "races" keeps the strength of the skin and the beauty. Hence the golden goddess that OP posted.

self-aware psychopath who can control himself here

don't race mix

The fact remains that if there is more diversity, then more creatures will live because they already mutated over thousands of years to be better suited to the environment. Not every situation is going to be like the moth experiment.

For example after the meteor hit earth, all the dinosaurs died. But many small mammals survived and other small creatures survived. Imagine if every creature had been a dinosaur. There would be no life left on earth.

Similarly if we're all one race then we will all have similar adaptations to certain environments, and if the environment changes dramatically we might not be able to adapt fast enough.

We never know if someone that dramatic would happen. But even in less dramatic cases it's good to have diversity. In that way the human race can adapt to changes in their environment faster.

Humans aren't just animals or pieces of meat though. We are spiritual beings with beautiful lineages and cultures that should be preserved. Race-mixing flushes all that down the toilet and is extremely disrespectful to each individual race.

have fun. close thread

The skin example is just one of many possible. You can't predict the future. Race-mixing mixes all attributes together, not just skin color.

>Hybrid vigor
First generation maybe, then it will stop and only start degrading.

> keeps the strength of the skin and the beauty

What total nonsense. You aren't even talking in genetic or objective terms anymore. Strength is a totally vague word there, does it refer to the ability to inhibit radiation? to allow vitamin synthesis? elasticity? moisture and immune barriers? follicle density? You have no idea what you are even saying.

Beauty is such an obviously empty point that ill just leave it alone.

Thank you for this

Only the inferior race would benefit from a mulatto half bred while the superior one wouldn't

Why dumb down perfectly good genes?

If you mix with a potato, your offspring will be around half-potato and a random human will be more like you than your offspring.

t. knower

It annihilates your people and they lose their organic identity and become slaves. Pic related.

We are only 1 species. If something affects us enough to wipe out one "race" then it will wipe out all the "races". We rise together or fall together. That's it.