What went wrong?
South Park
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Trump became president when they were planning on doing a story that had hillary as the big bad. They bet it all and they lost
Matt and Trey bet on Hillary winning
Trump won and they had to scrounge up a new plot and throw away the "HILLARY EMAILS" story they had planned
for those who doubt they thought Hillary would win
>What went wrong?
Member when the joke hit too close to home and you got mad? I member.
They did an episodic story. Last season sucked too
Nothing, is perfect.
>blaming all criticism on people being triggered
It couldn't be that this is the worst season of the show ever, or that the entire season has been recycled bad jokes. Nope, it must be that their humor was so good it made people mad.
10 episodes about the same topics. Talk about something other than internet trolling, Star Wars, the election, and women being smart and funny.
It's kind of exhausting to watch.
>Still watching this show as an adult
Theres your problem
>it took this long for people to realize Fat and Gay aren't actually politics savvy
Reality out south-park'ed south park.
Season 18 onwards. But it was losing steam long before
Trey became a father and in a pathetic attempt to relate to his wife's son, he started basing the show around his interests.
Last season's running plot was great.
This one sucks.
The trolling thing just isn't a funny story, even if some of the bits are. And the Member Berries are just dull as hell.
Same thing that always goes wrong, they pushed the same joke too long.
Also the whole "member X? Yeah I member!" has been the structure of their "jokes" since like day 1. They have pretty much been explaining why their shtick isn't funny.
When have the ever reseted on the 'member formula before this season
The Roman Empire
There insistence on making an entire season devoted to shitty Trump satire when they already did a poorly received episode of shitty Trump satire.
At this point it just feels like 10 episodes of the same thing just repeating.
The troll story and whatever Cartman is doing also has near zero entertainment value.
Garrison barely had screen time and member berries were absent last episode, and even though they still aren't that great, focusing on them would be miles better than the other 2.
Here's what I was hoping with this season and the Member Berries.
Season 19: PC Principal and sentient Ads show up and fundamentally change South Park. I figured once the "The ads are alive" hook was revealed we'd see a shadow figure appear. Because they never really touched on why SP became episodic and linear. Then with the Whole Foods leaving I thought maybe that'll be the real Big Bad.
Season 20 (My theory after a few episodes): Still Episodic and Linear. "Member Berries" show up and are some kind of "super food" that's basically a soporific drug. But the main thing they do is make you remember. What was "classic" SP known for? No continuity. Hell I'm sure in past episodes they joked explicitly about people not remembering Kenny dying and such. But these member berries showed up and now suddenly everyone remembers things. You can't have continuity without memory so these things should have been the crux of what was causing SP to be like this. Now what food store is/would be most known for selling super-foods? Whole Foods. Whole Foods should have been the Big Bad, just like WalMart was.
But instead we have the Member Berries just be these unexplained things that show up if you become "too successful" as a country? And that made people want Trump-Garrison? Lame.
They could have still had the troll/email story but the Member Berries story could have been a lot better. They didn't need all of season 20's story to be tied into the election, which clearly fucked them up.
>Hating season 19
Fuck you. It had some great episodes.
This season would've played out much better if this was how they handled the plot. Ironic enough, your theory has more of this continuity that no one likes, but I think it being a little more meta in nature would've allowed the old South Park charm to shine through and make it worthwhile. Inversely, it'd give a good out to bring the show back to its episodic nature should the season not be well received.
Instead, we got this half developed election commentary that makes the plot feel like an uninteresting and ultimately unsatisfying story. Perhaps if there was more to it than "I membah!", "dude Trump lmao" and a fucking rick roll, it could be interesting. Unfortunately, what we got is impossible to get truly invested in.
It's been shit since season 12. They're just not clever any more. They literally named a character "reality" like who tf even does that?
>episode 19 pandered to me and my fellow Sup Forumstards so I'm going to pretend really, really hard that it was funny
I think this season would have played out much better if it weren't an election year.
That's not said in a "ugh, politics just ruins everything right guise!?" way. Just that I think with how nuts this election was they felt they needed to spend more time on with it as a topic.
I also realized this theory already has in universe precedent. It's similar to the "raising the bar" episode. In the SP universe that are entities that alter the nature of the programming. Just like "The Bar" altered the quality of SP for that episode, the Member Berries could have been what was altering the story structure of the SP universe. And like was said we already have the notion that Business entities and stores can be sentient with Walmart.
This would have also tied in well with that weird "body snatchers" thing they did for one episode and suddenly dropped. It would have been better to slowly have SP citizens be converted off screen and then suddenly you notice that more and more people are talking about plots from past episodes they shouldn't be remembering.
Oh well. Too little too late.
I liked 19 for the ads story line. But they didn't really pander to the pol tards since there was plenty of "you idiots are just being assholes don't pretend this behavior is principled in any way" to balance out the "muh safe space"
>user thinks the south park episode was funny
>waaah, you only liked it because it pandered to you!
>user thinks the south park episode was not funny
>waaah, you hate it because they joked about you, lol u mad!
Well, yeah thats kind of what happened.
And the "golden years" everyone keeps talking about are from when the audience were kids and never fell into the target zone of any of the episodes.
Mystery Solved.
People have only lost interest in SP because they grew up enough to be targeted by SP joke and know about it.
They do throw back humor all the time. Why do you think people compared them to family guy?
Thats a bad argument and you know it. Hell its not even an argument its just a dismissal.
Hell, this season, who is being targetted for satire?
First post is best post.
That wasn't the issue, that was season 19. Nineteen was seen as good overall.
This is what happens when you make the long bet and basically build your whole season around things to go your way.
god is it ever. it only got worse after "Oh Geez" and I skip last week to discover I could just watch the last 5 minutes and be caught up. It's just a fucking train wreck.
Complacency and laziness showing itself in not recognising they're writing episodes with half the comedy content episodes in every other season have
>random anons make better plot outlines for South Park then it's creators.
it's come to this
>Hell, this season, who is being targetted for satire?
The election and it sucks because of it. This whole season was hinging on things relating to the election and it blew up in their faces.
You dont even know what words mean.
Season 19 was good overall, everyone liked it. Except maybe tumblr, but it's not like they matter much.
The question is who is being targetted for satire, not what.
Thats the problem with the new south park, they are being to broad and vague. They are picking subjects people cant relate to much with.
that said, the whole last season being "SJWs sucks" was stale as shit, if i wanted to hear whining about the left being retarded i'd go on reddit
That wasnt the whole season, it was more targeting the millennial mindeset in general, which just happened to encompass SJWs. That's why it was good, because it could tackle multiple subjects over the course of the season and had episodes dedicated to them that could stand alone but still contribute to the overarching story.
Something this whole fucking season is lost on.
Member South Park?
Just replace the Hillary Emails with Trump Twitter.
That makes no sense at all.
"Cock Magic" was their last good episode.
The one with Reality was just okay.
Main problem is the slow pace the plot is moving about, they keep repeating the same jokes over and over again for the entire season, Gerald denying being a troll is only funny for one or two episodes, not half the season, Cartman repeating "Women are funny, and smart, get over it" is funny for one episode, not the entire season. Memberberries worked for a few episodes, then they became stale, and with just one episode left we barely know anything more about them, and the show seemed to have forgotten about it.
Here's a theory:
Memberberries plan was to body snatch all the way to Hilary and cause a missile launch. With Garrison winning that plot isn't needed.
Boys vs Girls was suppose to spike with more boys fleeing to SpaceX, not just Butters over fear of the woman in power, but again, with the most Macho male businessman winning, that point can't add up now.
I wager the plan was the rockets to fire as Mars shuttle launch and they were going to meet in the air and end on that.
Chill the fuck out, dude what the fuck its just a cartoon damn.
Episode release is out
All-New Season 20 Episodes will be Available to Stream in HD
Exclusively on SouthPark.cc.com and Hulu
NEW YORK, December 7, 2016 – Cartman finally understands why Heidi wants to get to Mars on the season finale of South Park titled “The End of Serialization As We Know It” on Wednesday, December 7 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.
As TROLLTRACE goes live, Sheila logs on to see Gerald’s on-line activity. At SpaceX, Cartman tries to convince the scientists that going to Mars is a bad idea. And defying their mom, Kyle and Ike get all the kids together to try to save the world from certain destruction.
>The End of Serialization As We Know It
they better not be lying
I want a more traditional approach where real world is framed in their satire rather than the 1 for 1 bullshit they are doing.
>women being smart and funny.
I skip through Cartman scenes because of how unfunny this is for the 30th time. Hell I skip through most the past few episodes because its the same shit recycled. They probably did this season like this not because they wanted to tell a better story over multiple episodes, but because they can reuse the same joke over and over.
Well, as long as the coon game is good.
Underrated bait
Funny how they bash Force Awakens for being a rehash when they rehash the same joke over and over again
But nothing has
Its currently the best political cartoon on earth
Its fucking hilarious for us smart people.
I missed when some episodes were just one off funny bits. Now every episode ends on a fucking cliffhanger.
>The end of Serialization as we know it
Are they straight out admitting S20 was a mistake?
The commentaries are going to be pretty interesting at least
No mention of memberberries in the episode 10 press release
really makes you think
they've been kind of going through the motion. the last 2 funny things I recall was Cartman talking about how he liked it when Schumer talked about her vagina, and Butters seriously agreed, and before that, Mr. Brovlovski instructing Ike to "now drag the sausage into her mouth" and type rude shit.
What level of meta do you think kyle's "this isn't south park it's just internet trolling shit every week" was on?
Were they trying to be clever and act like there was a deeper point to the season, or was it a genuine confession that they fucked up and lost track of how stagnant the season's been?
Their last good episode was all of season 19.
It strikes me as a genuine confession. Quite a few moments in this season make it sound like they're in these very threads listening to the criticisms because sometimes it sounds like they're straight up taken from them. Listen to Kyle's speech again during that moment and it really sounds off, like they're speaking directly to the audience and the camera to the point where it's pretty much a 4th wall break.
>What went wrong?
they were going to hire the author of pic related as a writer, then decided to just plagiarize his novels instead, but while completely missing the point
You know what's really fuck up?
This whole season is what they bitch about Family Guy
Is it just me, or were T&P tired of South Park long before S19? S15 had an episode called "You're Getting Old" where SP was prepared to change everything, but they reverted to tired tropes and even had meta-commentary within the show. Randy was about to leave Sharon, and Stan was ready to accept this, but then nothing ever happened. So at the end of Ass-Burgers, it was revealed that Stan has to drink to get through the homogeneity of the show and its relatively shallow commentary as T&P moved on to projects that were more important to them (The Book of Mormon).
Since then, T&P have been broadening their scope. When S19 began, I'm sure T&P noticed how anti-PC fans hailed it, cherry picking the jabs they liked, oblivious to nuanced commentary. In the middle of the season, you had recursive commentary of fans projecting onto a show (in Tweek & Craig) feeding back into the development of the show as they noticed the response (maybe this was a nod to how this happened with Legend of Korra?). And at the end, T&P decided to make PC Principal a hero just to piss of the anti-PC crowd, but this went unnoticed/unmentioned...
This season they take on trolling because T&P really hate being associated with their stereotypical fans, they want to be better respected in the era of shows like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and Mr Robot, and they can't do that with such an edgy obnoxious fanbase. That edge was useful in the 90s/2000s, but now it's gotten stale and crusty, and South Park needed to shed that skin.
did I just refer to Trey & Matt as Trey & Parker? I need sleep.
Member berries turned into something weird and the troll thing went off the rails after they met dildo baggins
Stick of Truth reignited the fire and they started to try new things
Inevitably trying new things lead to trying bad things, and S20 happened
Honestly, what I found most disappointing about the berries is how they were only ever harping about 70's-80's culture.
If there was a whole grove of the things, I'm sincerely doubting that neither elderly folks like Marvin or kids like Stan never even get to interact with them.
The most disappointing thing is how they keep repeating the same members about star wars
They decided it'd be a good idea to make one of the major plot points of the season based on the election. They took a bold risk that ended up fucking them in the ass.
They killed Chef.
I do miss Chef, but its really not fair to hold it against the show when it wasnt in the creators power. Isaac Hayes quit the show through the influence of Scientology. And then he died two years later.
I think as much as people bitch about serialization, it obviously struck a chord because over the years, people largely stopped talking about south park till about last year and this year, huge pushes in media zeitgeist and even on here where very few people were talking about it, even Sup Forums is talking about it when it comes on and that hasn't happened till last year really as a constant thing so I don't think they did wrong persay, the bottle episodes had a fanbase that is annoyed that they're not doing stand alone shit anymore.
Wrong, Haynes quit because he was losing his voice, and he had some Scientology pals quit the show in his name. Unfortunately, the explanation they gave to Matt and Trey was horribly false and misleading. Why would Haynes go from saying "Matt and Trey make fun of everyone, they know what they're doing" in an interview, then switching to "I'm offended by this show and I'm quitting" a week later? It doesn't add up.
Matt, Trey, and Issac's son detail this in a recent interview
>Cartman finally understands why Heidi wants to get to Mars on the season finale
Oh shit. Cartman is gonna freak!
>The commentaries are going to be pretty interesting at least
I highly doubt it. It might be interesting for the first episode but since every god damn one is the same there won't be munch to talk about other than wrong bet admission.
I see now. Still, my central point about it not being within the creators power still stands.
....Wasn't it Cartman's idea though?
Though it could very easily just be Cartman being dumb and seeing things that arent actually true.
It'd be funny for Cartman to take the redpill from butters, only for it to blow up in his face.
The only thing you're right about is that the south park writers are sick of writing south park. Your riff on recent seasons is hit and miss. Don't let that stop you presenting your opinion as absolute fact though
You too, pal.
In one of the season commentaries they said that they didnt really have any intention of stopping or switching things up with "You're Getting Older". Whether or not that tied into what inspired it they didnt really say, unless it was said somewhere else.
I think they're just trying to experiment with new things. They said doing the same thing for 20 years gets kind of boring so they want to try new formats and ideas with the show.
Personally i think that had they continued in the style of season 19 this one could have been some of their best work yet, instead of being the abortion-heap it turned into just a few episodes in.
They started relying too much on gimics and started doing season long storylines. They were at their best when they took on social issues episode at a time instead of season long stories, then they tried making like 5 different storylines and now it's just a huge mess. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, and there were several mistakes that you can blame on the creators themselves.(predicting the election incorrectly) But mainly trying too hard and being rushed.
This final episode should go out on a bang, like do some really super crazy shit to make up for what they and just about everyone knows is a molten hot mess of a season.
Launch some nukes, maybe kill some characters, change relationships for what seems like forever in huge dramatic ways, introduce the super heroes and tie it into FBW, drop all the plot points in favor of just doing something so memorable everyone will forget about how half the shit this season did got dropped after the election. I dont even care if it was all a fucking dream just give us something cause i cant believe how boring, unfunny, and uneventful this season has been. Playing all this straight would be the worst idea at this point.
>They bet it all and they lost
I'm sure they were planning to rely on the memberberry plot either way.
>Drump Wins
>Memberberries lean hard on classic racism
>Big Boss memberberry revealed to be an actual racist as fuck nazi
>Shillary Wins
>Memberberries lean hard on tumblr-core anti-white male racism
>Big Boss memberberry revealed to be radical feminazi using nazi tactics
Same thing either way. The only difference is the skin they throw over the plot framework with last minute tweaks.
Still tho, FUCK THIS ENTIRE SEASON. Southpark at it's best is the timeless shit, like The Coon episodes. Southpark at it's worst is shit that dates itself with super topical plots and events that noone will care about 6 months from now, and thats exactly what this season is so far.
I dont think so, hence why we didnt get any member berry shit at all last episode. For the second to last episode where everything should be coming to a head they really hardcore dropped the member berries and J.J Abrams and Hilary.
well, that's a good point, but I would argue that the skankhunt plot they used for most of that episode was fully disconnected from politics. and most of the political shit was just the joke Garrison is an idiot that can be manipulated into anything which they used twice. Not complaining, just saying.
They were banking on Hillary winning but were blown away when reality became more ridiculous than South Park.
>well that fucking sucked wanna go play superheroes?
Do you think garrison is in FBH? If so, how are they going to work around that?
i wish we had ids
Honestly, thew worst thing is that they decided to make Mr Garrison Trump. So for the next 4 years we are either going to get no Mr Garrison, or they are going to focus too much on Trump politics to incorporate them. We cant just have some fun apolitical retarded shit with garrison like back in the day.
>next 4 years
>not next 8 years
fuck you, dont make me cry
Isn't election year South Park always a bit meh?
The American election is so huge and overwhelming that it takes over everything, and this year it was even more overwhelming than usual.
No other election was this crazy, even last year with Obama.
Not only that but that was just one episode they based it on, which is usually how they do it, this one spanned the entire season and had everything hinging on it.
Election episodes usually are
but this whole season has been an election episode
Not last year, last election, messed myself up. But it really doesnt feel like it was that long ago.
>Hey, let's make the show that's based on being able to watch any episode out of order and have each have their own clear message into some shitty pseudo sitcom with a largely uninteresting plotline to follow
True, that whole plot point can be pretty easily disconnected from the political one, even though on the election one they tried to make them tie together, with Hilary meeting Gerald and being the whole reason all the trolls are even in Sweden right now. Aside from that though i would just consider that a means to an end, not integral to it.
But still it's pretty crazy considering how hard those other plot points got dropped. The member berries took over the fucking White House, just swarmed and flooded the place and were implied to be getting Russia involved and causing World War lll.
Cut to the next episode and absolutely NONE of that was even so much as mentioned and all this with just one episode to go.