What does Sup Forums think of my non-fiction collection?
What does Sup Forums think of my non-fiction collection?
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>less than 20 books
>calls it a collection
Go fucking kill yourself phaggot.
Pretty horrible desu senpai
I grab more books every time I go to the local library
Autismo and his few books
>the politics of herion
commie pls go
>no 1984
>no Brave new world
Didn't you know these things have been rebranded from scifi into sarcastic commentary about current reality?
>insulting a person while incorrectly using less instead of fewer
Looks like some shit you picked up at a garage sale.
looks like some pop-his and pop-pol books
so, shit
>no fiction
>no Infinite jest
Not particularly large collection, though how much of it do you enjoy reading, or how much of it expands your thoughts? That's the real purpose of literature.
that doesn't tell me what you think
>if you look at the source of the world wide drug trade you're a commie
please explain
how so
>infinite jest
I have a lot of Gene Wolfe though
its non-fiction
Literature is merely written works, Gibbons fall of Rome was fine literature and it was just the summation of Rome's decline. Why the west rules for now( a work I highly recommend) is merely looking at the disparity in the civilizations in the east and west, and why their character. Yet it is magnanimous. I was just asking what have those works done for you, have they expanded your mind or brought you joy.
Also Ha-Joon Chang, traitor to the west and your race
how is Ha-Joon Chang a traitor to the west and "my race"?
"Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective"
an excellent and accurate work describing western attempts at maintaining hegemony. Basically he wants the east to become the world powers
Oh I didn't mean he was a traitor, i meant you were the traitor for reading his works, which advocate the ascendancy of asia
>an excellent and accurate work describing western attempts at maintaining hegemony.
So his description of how the west has held back other nations, which you call excellent and accurate, is traitorous?
And to call for such measures to be ended, is wanting the east to become the world powers?
Wouldn't market economics call that their comparative advantage if it occured on an open and free market without any intervention? :^)
>no Dick Morris
>reading is treason
It's more than that, the man has served as consultant for many governmental agencies, investing in the east to aid their development, in the long term ending the west's triumph
If it were the private sector doing the investment i wouldn't mind, but he is demanding and causing billions of western tax payer dollars head east for "our former evil deeds" not his exact words but as a jist
Interestingly I would never use the word treason for that. I always think of treason in terms of singular nation issues.
Gibbons is a bad joke at any institution honestly I don't know why Sup Forums raves about Fall of Rome. Firstly the idea that it equates to the modern 'decline' of he west is absurd seeing as the West hasn't declined at all and that it bares no similarity whatsoever to the late Roman period. It confirms that 2/3 of Sup Forums is poorly educated and idealistic to the point of sheer ignorance.
It's a small collection but I haven't read any of them, any you recommend cunt?
Of course it wouldn't be considered better than dirt at any modern institution. It's ancient built on a variety of poorly based assumptions, has unending bias in it, they couldn't know many other influences that we now know like milankovitch cycles on the environment, and he didn't have proper understanding of psychology. But for it's time it was revolutionary in it's concept, and a great bridge to modern scholarship, I just used it as an example of a work,that tat the time was considered great nonfiction, of how could be considered literature barbecue of it's fine wording.
Merchants of Menace for an Aussie, its a recap of the (in)famous Nugan Hand Bank saga
CIA money laundering outfit in Sydney in the 1970s
>Waiting for my Obama library to open up before I start checking out books again
I blame Obama's tranny wife for this.
Wheres anne franks diary?
Here's mine, phone's shit so if you wanna know what something is ask
do you have a degree in security or work in that field? Or something involving international relations.
No, I'm just a self-learning student. I intend to study a related degree at university in a year's time though, so you're not too far off. I find this kind of thing incredibly interesting.
The one I'm reading now, "Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq," is a great book. It's the one on the top-right, with a bookmark sticking out of it. I'm trying to understand how groups like ISIS and AQ came about, and this one is the last explicitly non-ISIS book I own on my current reading list. It's generally about the post-Iraq war (2003) situation, and what led to the insurgency there which ultimately ended up creating -- or attracting, rather -- ISIS forces to the area. I'm about a third of the way through.
Before that I read Steve Coll's "Ghost Wars," an excellent book about Afghanistan from the Soviet invasion up to 2001; "The Looming Tower" by Lawrence Wright, a personal narrative about the lives of the people closest to the 9/11 plot, both inside the government and in the terror cell itself, and explores their motivations -- another good book; and finally Jack Fairweather's "The Good War," a look at the most recent coalition war in Afghanistan.
It's a short reading list, I guess, but it'll do for now
Which oxford classic is that, i have a couple myself, lotta vintage stuff there
Are you a fan of Talleyrand's achievements in foreign statecraft?
I'm assuming you wan't to be an ambassador or maybe work for security analyst, maybe work for pinkerton?
That's a collection? I'm reading more books right now than you have there.
This has to be bait. Saged accordingly.
im listening to 8 books on audio simultaneously all on different subjects you FUCKING CASUAL, get the fuck off my lawn cuntwagon, you will never reach my level of literature experience. faggot.
I have a wpm of 630. I have no reason to listen to audio.
>various topics at the same time
That's actually wasteful.
>Which oxford classic is that, i have a couple myself, lotta vintage stuff there
The one on the bottom, right? The white book? That's Herodotus' Histories
>Are you a fan of Talleyrand's achievements in foreign statecraft?
I own a variety of books on the French revolution. I consider it to be a very important time, and the emergence of perhaps the very first terror state in (relatively) modern history. It is of great import to study such a historical period if we wish to understand terror states today. As part of the reading list I have gathered on this time period, I have strived to collect books on people who came after, as well. Talleyrand is one of those people. He's an immensely interesting character, who was remarkably skilled at foreign relations. Am I a fan? Of course. How can anyone not admire such a masterful player of the political game?
>I'm assuming you wan't to be an ambassador or maybe work for security analyst, maybe work for pinkerton?
I'm only vaguely aware of Pinkerton, I haven't heard of them. I know there was a PI agency decades ago, but I thought it was defunct. As for what I'd like to do, I have a few things in mind, but I wouldn't be an ambassador. Not my cup of tea.
Stop being a faggot, get started:
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Antimony Group Right-Wing Archive
>The European Grammar of Self-Intolerance
>A. James Gregor - Mussolini's Intellectuals
>Julius Evola
>The Roots of Western Nihilism
>Leszek Kołakowski
>Left and Right
>Nicolás Gómez Dávila
>Mircea Eliade
>The Sacred and The profane
thats just retarded
You all criticize my books, but dont say what the problem is with them
>noam chomsky
Im jealous
applecuck so I know straight away how ignorant you are about everything
Thucydides is literally your only worthwhile author. I would recommend more, but again: You're an applecuck, so information would be totally squandered on you.