To this day it's still a mystery.
What's HIM's real name?
Pretty sure it begins with S and ends with atan.
Satan I.nfernal M.ajesty
It's Steve.
Gorgeous George.
It's pretty obviously Satan.
Him dosen't have a real name because he's supposed to be the concept of evil, that why he's a drag queen because evil is neither man or woman
Remember the good old days when media portrayed men dressing as women as some sign of evil or a severe mental disorder?
Satan Claws
Satan claws?
Just call him Lucy.
Any one of those.
>sign of evil
No, name three popular instances
>powerpuff girls
>Silence the lambs
>Rocky horror show
>Rocky horror show
Frank's travestism was completely independent of him being a sick fuck. ALL the cast ends up in drag at one point or another.
>Rocky horror show
Aren't they aliens from a planet called transexual?
>>powerpuff girls
Him isn't a drag queen becaue they're saying gay and travestive are evil, even tumblr think call Him problematic is stupid LGBT comunity loves Him, i take the bait right?
He has many names.
Old Scratch
The Red One
Tim, from Accounting.
He was specifically called Satan in the original Whoopass Girls pilots. He challenged them to a race.
It's Her you bigot.
Drag queen can identify themselves as male too
>Not Xer
Not when they are dressed as female. At that point you must use the proper pronouns.
HIM vs. HE
who wins
>Silence the lambs
I thought he was pretending to be insane, or well stealing styles of other killers because he's an amateur.
Not all of them user, some of them still call themselves man in when they're in drag and the end of they day they see themselves as man
I don't know if the other guy actually knows much about drag queens. But I can tell you that you don't know much about drag queens.
Possible names for HIM:
Also, where does HIM buy his boots from (and how can he wear them all the time - they don't look really comfortable) ?
Most of those aren't the same person.
Why not just Satan Claws like Craig wanted
My friend told me his real name is 'John'.
seems like a credible source tbqh
Wasn't that the Spanish / Romanian version of HIM?
Yes that the way Him is call in Latam, because Him is traslate to El or Ese but depends of the context in this context El works better, but for some reason Spain call him Ése
HIM - Horny Irish Men
Also, is HIM gay for the Professor?
Spain's version was retarded
>Los Mohosos
etc etc
How the fuck does him translate to "ese"? "Ese" would be "that".
I don't know sometimes i think they just open a cheap English dictionary and see some mistraslation and use it anyway because no one cares, but i think the real problem is spain traslators didn't know that english words change in context when are traslate to spanish
Was HIM's Spanish dub voice any good at least?
Look im not going to say this dub is better or this one better to start i fight, i grow up with the Latam dub and i love it, the spaniards probably love the spanish dub even with the stupid name
>Silence of the Lambs
What? Buffalo Bill is specifically mentioned as not being a true transsexual, as transsexuals are often shy and timid, as explicitly stated in the book/movie.
you are correct. also, just look at all these butthurt transfucks
Lance Sackless.