Christmas Episode

>Christmas Episode
>They actually mention Jesus

Other urls found in this thread:

so what? it's considered offensive or weird on murican tv?

The (((networks))) avoid it and usually go with "togetherness" or some gay shit.

the most twisted thing with jesus i seen on a children animated thing is this: (sorry i don't find it in english, just the french dub)

very sad and beautiful at the same times.
but they ruined it making a second season....

>not celebrating the Yuletide with some drunken orgy and ritual sacrifice

It's not used because they're afraid it will offend people who don't celebrate Christmas for religious reasons. Which does happen, I remember last year some guy threatened to sue a hotel for having a manger scene and forced them to put a sign up saying that Christianity wasn't the only choice or some shit.

Basically, people have gotta chill.

>It's not used because they're afraid it will offend people who don't celebrate Christmas for religious reasons
God forbid a bunch of materialistic jackoffs get offended for being called on their shit.

It's funny how saying Christmas offends people but they have no problem with presents or Christmas bonuses

>Current year
>caring about Jesus.
C'mon, gois.

>>Christmas Episode
>>They actually mention the Saturnalias

>i want to celebrate a christian holiday but i don't want it to be about CHRISTIANITY

call it Saturnalia then you fucking heathens

how could you not like this little guy?

>December episode.
>It isn't a tacky, obligatory holiday special.

>Christmas episode
>Plot doesn't revolve around "muh christmas spirit"
>Plot isn't about helping out santa claus

>CHRISTmas episode
>main character is a coca-cola mascot instead of jesus CHRIST
really makes you think

Jesus is literally the least fun part of Christmas and was tacked on by Christians because "Muh holiday". Let us enjoy our stolen pagan holiday in peace.

Christmas as it exists today wouldn't exists at all if it didn't get adopted by Christianity dumbass.

>Christian holiday.

>Too materialistic to focus on the religious aspect.

Just start your own Christmas that revolves around the birth of Darwin or something. Problem solved.

Great. So is Sup Forums gonna pretend like they are/were always Christian and pretend non christian things bug them now?


This board has been pretty predominantly catholic for a few years now. Where have you been?

Now that being Christian is counterculture, yes. Pretending like they're upstanding crusaders with actual ideals makes kids feel like badasses now. Haven't you noticed all the deus vult and "m-muh degeneracy" bullshit?

me on the left

Yes. We want to be less reddit as possible

came for the euphoria

Hahaha no.

The degeneracy thing is utterly hypocritical coming from someone who browses Sup Forums. Where right next door theres a trap thread.

Look at that smug bastard

The point is making stuff about christmas but not talking about Jesus but a coca cola mascot instead is pretty much ridiculous, just this.
it's like the hypocritical reactions of Sup Forums about offensive cartoons shows considered bad and edgy when Sup Forums humor is literally the same shit.

>being a LARPer

Christmas has evolved far beyond just jesus at this point. Its foolish to pretend thats all its about now.

>Christmas has evolved far beyond just jesus at this point.
yes it's what the television want you to believe, it became a commercial feast, and it's bad because it literally make no sense, it's supposed to be about the messiah's birth and the family but now it's only about toys'n sheit with a lot of folk stuff which have nothing to do with this.

>try to be less reddit
>become more reddit than ever

le epic meme magic XD

>with a lot of folk stuff which have nothing to do with this.
But the folk stuff is older than the Jesus connection. That's what we've been trying to tell you.

>People still believe in this War on Christmas shit

Alright, we settle this like men, with a Strawpoll.

That's a good thing? Because last time i checked, modern christmas has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. Remember when Jesus and Santa saved the Easterbunny? That was the shit

Yes but these religion doesn't exist anymore, it was adopted by christianity, so it's presented like a christian feast, the pagans and christians elements co-existed, and it's now totally replaced by capitalism.

The only two that I can think do this are Peanuts and Static Shock.

Are there any others?

It doesnt matter what it orginally was now. The public perception of it has changed and therefore it itself has changed. Christmas isnt a universal force. It's a concept thought of by people and so it'll change to whatever people concieve it as.

Linus' speech in A Charlie Brown Christmas is the only acceptable answer. I'm not even religious but it's iconic as fuck

Proper yuletide coming through!

Well, this could be fun to watch.

Let's not try to make this a holy war, alright?

>Christmas episode
>They mention Dionysus

Big O kinda refers to jesus, but only as "the birth of out lord" that counts right.

>he hasn't seen the surveys

>Jews worshipers steal another holiday
>get mad when people point it out and ignore them

The speech almost didn't make it into the show because the networks thought ot was going to offend people.

>It's another Christmas Carol episode

I know I should be sick of them but I never am.
It is easily the most done story but I enjoy it pretty much every time.

Johnny Bravo if I remember correctly.

And what of it? This is all just proof that customs change over time. Pagan, to Christian, to shared Capitalistic celebration by society.

Agreed 100%.

>ford trailer.
>dragon ball z sailor moon metal gear solid

>or some gay shit.
>implying that a 30 year old man who never had a girlfriend rolling around with 12 other dudes preaching about how men should love each other isn't even gayer than that

This, no one actually cares about being christians they just want to be part of the "persecuted" """""minority"""" and feel justified in their shitflinging

>Christmas episode
>Krampus is part of it

>11 fedora tippers already
This board needs to get deleted

Sup Forums would be Muslims if it wasn't a dang dirty shitskin religion. Their ethical beliefs align closer with Islam than with Christianity.

>Be me
>I motherfucking love Christmas
People really do need to calm down.
Christmas Carol is awesome. I'm gonna make sure to watch the Mickey Mouse and Muppets versions this year.

>Christmas episode
>Yippie ki-yay, motherfucker

>It's a they don't even pretend anyone cares about Jesus episode.

>Christmas special.
>"How will we get to [blank] in time?!?"
>Large star appears.

I fucking love how campy this month is.


>It's a "People don't believe in Santa until it turns out he's real" Christmas special.
>The non-believers never seemed to question where all those presents came from every year.

Religion is so problematic -____-

It really causes more problems than it solves.

Yes and no.
It's not religion, it's the people who take things too far. The same could be said about anything, just look at every fandom ever.

Maybe it's wrong to compare religion to fandoms, but when you look at /sug/.....

Nope, the books are far worse than the fandom.

>Christmas episode
>it's all about Satan

do you have that image without the text ruining it

Hola Reddit!

Sorry, I get hard by euphoria not by tits.

To the people that put "other", what did I miss?

>Christmas Episode
>no reference to any actual holidays or beliefs
>it's just a regular episode with snow

>Christmas episode
>setting doesn't know what Christmas is anymore
>they bring the holiday back in the end by bonding together and putting aside dislike
>also lots of illusions to Christmas myths

I still really like Adventure Time's Christmas special, the deepest lore is a nice bonus

>Mene Mene Tekel.
>Satana Satana.

>Its a Christmas episode
>Main characters have to fight Santa's minions

>Atheist beating Catholic

>Atheist + Agnostic beating all Christianity

>implying odinist larpers would have a drunken orgy
That guys totally a wiccatru faggo

Modern Catholicism is extremely liberal, it's not very surprising that Sup Forums has a significant Catholic demographic

Honestly, I would be interested to see the religious demographics of every board.

Christmas was never really about Jesus, it was a pagan holiday exploited and suborned to the purposes of the early Nicene church and celebrated historically as the most important feasting day amongst many in the winter season. Jesus was just a garnishing added to increase the appeal of Christianity to various barbarian pagans and fold some of their heathenry into a more cohesive political whole.

Are agnostics also fedora now?

This. Catholicism and Judaism both adapted and changed a lot to fit new social norms.

That is why Islam sucks.


Are you at least going to try to address the passage in question, or are you going to ignore your sin and focus on reddit fedoras?

Santa helps the parents pick

it is called a fucking metaphor ya dingus

>mfw non-Christians celebrate Chirstmas for shits and giggles
>Nobody knows or cares Halloween is a christian holiday too and is just "le spooky day"
Fuck off. At least when we stole ideas from the pagans we made something with them.

Name 67 shows that do this.

upset religionfag

>Atheists still jelly that the only things they make are Marxism and Trannies.

Which isn't strange considering "Marcelino,pan y vino" is a classical Spanish tale, and we spanish fags have quite a weird relationship with religion.

Feels good knowing its crimbo time again.

Gonna set up a couple nativity scenes and see how many assblown fedorians are triggered this year by a plastic baby

record best was 28 in 2014

Not an argument


Halloween was created because people wanted to scare ghosts away from their farms. It pretty much is "le spooky day". Christmas on the other hand is quite literally the single most important day in Christianity.

Halloween is All Hallow's Eve, which precedes All Saints Day. Most of our modern Halloween traditions have Christian origins, like dressing up in costumes derives from mumming, etc.

Halloween in Christianity is "All Saints Day" hence why Halloween day is called "All Hallows Eve" "All Holy Eve" it's meant to honor the saints, which is followed by "All Souls Day" on Nov 2.

Chistmas is more important admittingly but it's not the most important, that goes to Easter Sunday

The opposite happened to me last year. I told a customer "Happy Holidays" and she flipped her shit and screamed at me because I didn't say "Merry Christmas".

People can celebrate shit however they want.

The shit you see on /his/ and Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums.