Is he redpilled or just another zionist puppet?
What does pol/ think of Ben Shapiro?
He is a great supporter of Israel against Palestine, so yeah, half-red-pilled zionist.
Fuck off proxy Ben. Get triggered.
>Implying Zionists aren't fully redpilled and just fucking with everyone else.
On the one hand Israel is full of jews, on the other hand they are removing kebab. Quite a dilemma.
He's great when he's on your side.
Smart guy but he went full retard with the Michelle Fields story, which led to him resigning from Breitbart and now he has to shill for stuff like matresses for ad revenue the last time I saw his show.
I don't care about the whole Israel-Palestine conflict but if you support Palestine you're a cuck.
If you support Israel you are no better
He's a fucking hypocrite:
>whines about white nationalists
>is a jewish ethnonationalist himself
>whines about college rape hoaxers
>he was fully behind the Michelle Fields armgrab hoax
>whines about SJWs being triggered pussies
>he clutches his pearls and unironically says that Trump displays "gross toxic masculinity"
He's a Jew. That's really all there is to him and it drives everything he does.
I don't
I would prefer rich powerful jews ( israel ) deads rather than dead poor allahu ackbars ( palestine )
Be practical boys.
Like I said I don't care much for either of them but I only see SJWs supporting Palestine.
The people like the Rothshilds, Soros and progressive type of people can all die. I got no problem with people like Ben though.
He's a Jew and he acts in Jewish interests. Not really much of anyone. No real convictions, no real insights, he's just a mouthpiece to attract a conservative following and promote Jewish interests when the need arises.
He is ultimately on their side.
That he should stop seeking validation on Sup Forums
just shows how shitty this place has become
zero thinking name calling no matter what.
Yeah, the whole Fields thing was a complete shitshow and dealbreaker. The footage was already out and Shapiro shilled, twisted, lied and whiteknighted as if he wanted a job at Buzzfeed.
By the way, Steven Crowder did exactly the same if someone labors under the illusion that he is 'based'.
>doesnt know frankist-zionist jews are the problem, murdering non-zionist jews and bankrolling NatSoc movements
>discrediting yourself by painting it with the big clumsy broad stroke of ALL JEWZ
Why would he be a Zionist puppet?
He's a Jew, he's just a Zionist. He's advocating for the racial interests of his race and his race's ethno-nationalist state, Israel.
While advocating against the racial interests of other races while also pretending to be their friend.
Shill cuck.
He makes you like him by BTFOing feminists, but hes still (((Shapiro))).
I'm not, better weaks low IQ Arabs than dangerous superior IQ and wealthy jews.
Dangerous enemy first.
mfw (((Ben Shapiro)))
Not quite as redpilled as Bill Whittle but he is getting there.
Sup Forums doesn't like Ben because of an unfounded juvenile paranoia about Jews and because he frequently exposes Trump as the utter buffoon he is. Trumpkins cannot deal with valid criticism of their great leader, because it's not about policies for them it is about hero worshipping a figure.
He isn't a Jewish ethnic nationalist as some other user suggested either. He is American, raised American, believes firmly in American exceptionalism. He just has a place in his heart for Isreael because he is an Orthadox Jew which is understandable. This is unacceptable for Sup Forums however because of an as yet unfounded belief in Jews being inherently untrustworthy and fit only for suspicion.
It is a shame because Ben and people like him really are excellent, intelligent spokespeople for what conservatism is and ought to be but the Trumpkin memesquad are so desperate to worship at the altar of Trump that they are willing to pour scorn on people who ought to be heralded as examples.
Thanks for being a perfect example of the point I was trying to make
NP Mr. Goldstein.
>stereotypical badger holding a hamburger
I don't agree with him on everything, but there can be no doubt that he is an invaluable asset against the Left in the way he is able to clearly and concisely argue against their shit ideology through cold deconstructive logic.
He's 5 foot 9 and has the gift of a golden radio voice. His show is the number one conservative pod cast in the country. All in all he's quite successful and is an intelligent human being. People shouldn't address his height in debates or call him a little man because it isn't relevant to the conversation.
This. If Shapiro was to take on any of the alt-right youtubers (e.g. Milo) in a debate he would absolutely destroy them. That's because he actually has a good firm understanding of American history, the constitution and he has a set of beliefs based on evidence. He doesn't flip-flop because it would lose him views, nor does he pander to edgy college trump fans.
Ben sharpyinpoopero
But to be fair Shapiro would be destroyed in a debate with Christopher Hitchens.
He got manhandled by a tranny. A NeverTrumper who doesn't have any charisma.
>If Shapiro was to take on any of the alt-right youtubers (e.g. Milo) in a debate he would absolutely destroy them
And yet Kikepiro is down to "literally who?" status, while Milo is frequently interviewed by major news networks. I don't care if you're the smartest person alive, if you're a lying, slimy, anti-white kike, you deserve a gas chamber.
Milo is a heavy weight in modern journalism. Social media is mightier than the pen in 2016. Twitter deregistrating is account was a major blow to his ability to spin the narrative his way, it's no wonder his success is skyrocketing compared to Ben. Both would lose to Christopher Hitcthens.
what does Sup Forums think of (((Ben Shapiro)))?
is he the most based Jew to ever exist?
I agree with 99% of the shit he says
Never ever thought, being apart of the Sup Forums community that I would ever agree with the jew, but he seems redpilled as fuck.
If you dont like him, explain why.
What does Sup Forums think of (((Ben Shapiro)))? Sure he's a Jew but he seems quite conservative and extremely intelligent.
>inb4 "shill"
What does Sup Forums think of (((Ben Shapiro)))? I think objectively he is brilliant, he always has strong factual evidence, flawless logic, he is an amazing debater and for a jew he is extremely redpilled in many ways. He is anti-Trump, but he's also anti everyone else running.
Here are some videos of him absolutely destroying SJW's and degenerates:
>zionist puppet
Even if all he really want is to protect Israel's interest, who cares?
I'm a pan-nationalist. Everybody needs their containment zone. Israel is a containment zone for Jews and it turns out Arabs are subhumans.
what does Sup Forums think of (((Ben Shapiro))), the conservative jew? just started reading his book "Bullies", and I must say i'm really enjoying it.
Kill yourself buddy. Milo is tuned into culture and would fuck up little Ben (((Shapiro))). Ben reads from scripts. All of his best youtube videos are him talking to crowds (not debates). Milo is a debater. He would kill that Jew cunt.
>Both would lose to Christopher Hitchens.
Agreed, but that's more a recognition of Hitchens' rhetorical skills than it is of the invalidity of Shapiro's arguments ( which are pretty morally consistent. )
What does Sup Forums think of (((Ben Shapiro)))?
it seems like he's Red Pilled as fuck.
down side, he's a Jew
he's a conservative jew... what does he do that's redpilled?
Kike who supports nationalism for Jews in Israel, but globalism for goyim in western countries. He can fucking die like the traitor neocon he is.
I remember a video of (((Ben Shapiro))) BTFOing of Piers Morgan about guns and felt as if Ben was pretty based. What does Sup Forums think of Ben?
Anonymous ID:zh6WSiqv Fri 20 Nov 2015 18:34:40 No.56316069 ViewReport
what does Sup Forums think of ben shapiro? Would you vote for him if he ever ran for president?
>And yet Kikepiro is down to "literally who?" status, while Milo is frequently interviewed by major news networks.
Ben doesn't get invited into CNN studios like Milo does because everybody knows what would happen if he was i.e. he would utterly destroy them. Milo is a great guest because he is charming, flamboyant and charismatic. And he is very smart in his areas (culture wars).
Ben seems to be developing a ground-up movement that is based on principles a lot of mainstream Americans would get behind if they were fully exposed to them. Milo is entertaining from minute to minute, but what Ben is doing could have major influence in the middle to long term. He must be terrifying to the left.
I think Milo and Ben are both great, but Ben is on another level.
>Both would lose to Christopher Hitcthens.
That's neither here or there. 'Sides, Hitchens proved himself a dumbfuck with his support of the Iraq war.
What does Sup Forums think about (((Ben Shapiro)))?
I've been watching more of him lately and though I broadly agree with his conservative stances and enjoy his smart and factual attacks on the left, his blatant support of (((Our Greatest Ally))) as an American Jew leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
What's Sup Forums's take on him?
True, many don't like him for him shitting on Trump all day, but others don't like him for his hypocrisy and double standards.
Milo is not alt-right and he already had a chance of debating the Pissmidget but he knew he was no match for him and pussied out. But Ben Shapiro would get EVISCERATED by the actual alt-right mass-debaters, like the guys who destroyed /leftypol/ the other day. What a fucking massacre.
Evil backstabbing hypocritical kike. This entire thing shows that racial jews have no place in pro White right wing politics and should all be deported to Israel. They always side with their race and always work against White interests
I think I have grown out of him.
And he need to fucking slow down when he's speaking, he really sounds autistic as fuck when he talks.
Sperg kike.
>Ben seems to be developing a ground-up movement that is based on principles a lot of mainstream Americans would get behind if they were fully exposed to them
Americans are already exposed to Ben's idea and are getting pretty sick of them.
>Trump is toxic masculinity
>Racists should be hunt down and fired
Kikepiro is a classic SJW masquerading as a "principled conservative".
ITT bots have fake conversation with each other, just like the last 1546 times we've had a "WHAT DOES POL THINK OF BASED BEN SHAPIRO" thread
No he isn't a "literally who"
He's a very well known figure in conservative circles. Of course he's not as well known as Milo right now because this generation is only interested in ridiculous memes, Twitter controversies and edgy provocation.
What has he lied about?
Unless he is coated in literal slime, this is literally untrue. It's just your biased perception against Jewish people. Are you in your teens by any chance?
Ben is neither anti-White or pro-anything. His position on race is that it isn't important and that common ideals and values are. He isn't a racist and is consistent on this issue.
Ahh there we go. So you're an anti-Semite. You really are incredibly dense.
It's just a fundamental inability to put your hands up and say you fucked up. This is the problem with these psuedo intellectual "political commentators" who think they're edgy and always correct because they're not MSM. Well guess what lil' Ben, it's okay to be wrong sometimes
He's good for short circuiting idiot leftists when he talks in support of Jews and other leftist stuff and then turns around and says transgenderism is a mental illness that needs to be corrected in ways other than mutilation. He's someone they absolutely do not know how to deal with so for that reason I like him.
There's no such thing. Semites are all anti-goyim, and have been for centuries -- it's literally their religion. It's nonsense to speak of anti-semites, since semitism is by definition anti-everyone-else.
No those threads are good because the redpill newfags about the jewish problem and expose the hypocritical subversive nature of the jew. We need to find a way to redpill all the newfriends and threads like these are excellent take a gradual approach and keep drilling anti semitism into their mind.
Daily reminder, semites are genocidal exterminationists.
>He's a very well known figure in conservative circles
Lel, nope. That's an argument you could make for Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh etc. Ben is "literally who?" in every sense of the word.
>What has he lied about?
Michelle Fields, for one. Classic SJW spinning and lying during that whole debacle with her. Ben revealed his true colors then.
>Unless he is coated in literal slime, this is literally untrue
Are you really this autistic?
>So you're an anti-Semite.
Get gassed, you filthy fucking kike. You and your manlet boyfriend.
>Of course he's not as well known as Milo right now because this generation is only interested in ridiculous meme
I'd argue Ben is far more well known than Milo, with being lots of times on mainstream news and having better media connections.
>His position on race is that it isn't important
Then he's not that smart. I can't take seriously any "intelligent" person who denies basic biology yet believes in bronze age fairytales.
It's a shame that hes a beta cuck.
His whit is wasted on a 5 foot nothing body. Stupid hat and shit.
He roasts feminists but doesn't fuck girls.
Isn't the whole alt-right thing a meme to scare joots and beck?
The Jewish version of 'Mein Kampf', called 'You Gentiles", is infinitely more hateful and homicidal than anything Hitler even imagined. It really redpilled me when I first came here.
Half and half.
Good benji:
>Fights the left /degeneracy
>Doesn't believe in white privilege & institutional racism.
>Blames black/liberal culture for their own problems.
Bad benji
>Muh Israel (borderline nationalism)
>muh free trade (borderline globalism)
>Muh Michelle fields (still don't understand why this happened)
Compared to other Jews, he's pretty based.
>He can help America suck less, but he'll never help make it great again.
Hes both
I'm not a bot and I say Shapiro is a hero. So is Bill Whittle and his crew of merry men. Even our favorite gay attention whore Milo has done something pretty damn heroic in facing down these hordes of malcontents.
He's openly zionist, openly globalist, and becomes an SJW at the drop of a hat (Michelle Fields incident). There is nothing about him anyone should take at face value, he's a classic neocon, and an entryist on behalf of Israel into conservative American politics.
>I say Shapiro is a hero. So is Bill Whittle
Yeah, they're on your list of youtube celebrities you get paid to shill for.
starting to feel like "based" is code for "kike"
What is this Fields story?
>muh based jews
>muh based cuckservatives
>muh based black men
shills need some new memes
right on the money
its how we mock them and make them think they are welcome at the same time so they will make more delicious cringeyness for us
He's just another piece in the divide and conquer thingy
When are we going to start lifting faggots?
He's a fucking kike. He's not a Zionist puppet, he's just a Zionist.
I don't know what to say to you if you think he is unknown. He's always on Fox News and some other networks. Speaks at dozens of republican / conservative conventions. Speaking tours on universities. Former editor of Breitbart. Published multiple books. He is synonymous with American contemporary conservatism if you don't want to or can't acknowledge that then fine I can't argue it with you any further.
>Michelle Fields
The guy did, in fact, put his hands on her. There was, as a matter of fact, bruises. She did file a police report. She was a reporter for Breitbart at the time, a website which was then (and even more so now) very pro-Trump leaning. She had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing anything against Trump. Why would she put it all at risk for what, exactly? For the lols? Just because? Or maybe, just maybe, she felt that legitimately the level of force was inappropriate.
She is a small, unintimidating woman. Absolutely no threat to Trump or anyone. Laying hands on her like that is literally, legally, battery.
Furthermore the way Breitbart treated her after was inexcusable. Rather than giving their own reporter the benefit of the doubt they immediately called her everything under the sun. Because Trumpkins like you presumably, are so desperate to eat up the shit of your beloved leader that no matter what he does or says doesn't matter. You'll still worship him anyway because you're a bunch of spineless idiots who need a big strong hero figure to grovel at. Did you enjoy his pivot on amnesty by the way?
Ben couldn't reasonably be a part of such an organisation and so as a matter of principle felt it necessary to depart. I understand that politics is more celebrity and idolatry for you clowns and so matters of principle probably is an alien concept so I don't expect you to understand this one.
Any other examples of lying? The 'example' you gave me actually doesn't explain how he lied anyway.
How old are you?
He is not a zionist, hes not satanic, hes a normal nationalistic jew that is hypocritic sometimes and sometimes hes good. Hes against degeneracy from what ive seen
I like him. He debates very well and is normally right about everything he's debating because he uses facts to back them up.
That being said, I can't side with his stance on Trump.
I'll watch him debate all day, but when he starts bitching about Trump, I just turn him off.
How is it that ben shapiro and that Milo are pushed in the right wing media?
they are O not X
>He is not a zionist
>hes a normal nationalistic jew
Zionism is Jewish nationalism you stupid faggot.
You are either retarded or a kike shill.
>pols an anti-seeeeemite
Wouldn't expect a Bong to be this naive. This is the essence of the Jewish problem. They don't "hold a special place in their hearts" for Israel they all have dual citizenship and believe it is their RIGHT (which is debatable).
The #1 implicit rule of becoming an American =you leave all other allegiance behind. The jews think they are exempt from this rule AND they wield extraordinary political and social/cultural power.
>This is NOT ok.
>We should not have to send our sons to die for any other nation, ESPECIALLY one that holds us mostly in contempt.
He's a Jew? What?!?!
Honestly, I think the Jews are responsible for turning Arabs into what they are today. What Israel has done in the middle east can redpill even the biggest cuck, I can understand why the Arabs are trying to destroy Israel and the west, I'd do the same thing if something similar happened in my country.
Zionism =/= Jewish Nationalism
Hurr. Theres a difference, but Jewish Nationalism can be as bad as zionism. The jewish race is parasitic, but there are different types of sub-races in the jewish race, some are more parasitic.
Hitler helped some zionist jews to not live like parasites, and destroy the host from within.
And he gained respect from alot of jews, because he made some of them human again.