Why is Superman friends with Batman? Batman's a creep and an asshole.
Why is Superman friends with Batman? Batman's a creep and an asshole
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He's just misunderstood. He can change.
Stop enabling his shitty behavior.
The same reason why women like bad boys.
He wasn't always. He used to be a nice guy.
Batman's like that friend whose life is falling apart and who lashes out at everybody and acts like a dick at parties, and everyone else is getting sick of his shit. But he was your friend, man. He was there back in middle school when nobody else seemed to get your sense of humor or understand your references. You would share new shows and talk shit about comics and you just jived together. You were there for each other as you grew up, through all the shit you guys went through, you were always together. You fought sometimes, you didn't always agree on everything as you got older and developed your own beliefs and aspirations, but whenever you talked, you were both so smart you could see where you each were coming from, and so you never lost that sense of respect.
Things aren't going so well for him and it's miserable just watching. And he takes out his anger and frustration on you and acts like an unreasonable dick. But you know deep down that that just as easily could have been you, if you were born into the kind of life he was stuck with. You want to help him, yet know he won't let you. All you can do is just take it, be there for him even while he throws it all in your face. Because you know he'd have done the same for you.
You tell me, OP.
Can't argue with them digits.
Because they used to be DC's two flagship faces.
Because supes is a nice guy who's friends with everyone.
batman has a big dick
Because back when the Superman/Batman friendship was first established Bruce was a level headed person and a nice guy. After a while Bruce changed to be more "modern" but DC still wanted to make cash off the idea of Bruce and Clark being SuperFriends. The modern take on them being "ironic" friends is hot garbage and doesn't really work. Take the Post-Crisis World's Finest for instance, most of that was shit.
Why didn't you post the whole thing Satan?
They still are. You can't just handwave the popularity of fucking Superman even if his comics don't sell that well anymore (and since rebirth they actually have been again).
>The modern take on them being "ironic" friends
Isn't really a thing. I know what you're talking about and I can't even think of a wroter that uses this take. All the major post crisis writers who have done stories with the two have made them actual friends who have differences, but in the end are similar guys with the same goals, and thus good friends. Johns, Kelly, Loeb and Morrison all use(d) this take.
I remember how right after Crisis on Infinite Earths during the whole Legends/Millennium era that nobody liked Batman other than the Outsiders that were also getting tired of his shit.
Even with the time-skip Superman was still getting to know Batman, Wonder Woman found him unpleasant because he told her to fuck off when she went to talk with him during Millennium (because in the new continuity she debuted years after the formation of the JLA), everyone in the new government backed Justice League of America thought he was a tool and so on. Batman was really friendless.
Batman only started to gain friends during the early/middle 90's.
Because Superman and WW are the only two people in the world who do not fear Superman
>and since rebirth they actually have been again).
Eh, they're doing what they always do when they do a major relaunch on Supes. In about a year or so they'll be coordinating how to get sales up again. He's not even vaguely the powerhouse he once was.
Also, the period right after the CoIE was a huge clusterfuck. Wonder Woman showing up in Men's World years after the formation of JLA and being a rookie when Wonder Girl was in the Teen Titans waaay before that is a good example.
>Because Superman and WW are the only two people in the world who do not fear Superman
>fear Superman
Why would would Superman fear himself?
Batman has a soft spot for Superman and Wonder Woman because they remind him of his dad and mom.
I forgot in which comic i read this. I think it was in Superman/Batman.
I love how their friendship triggers superfags who hate Batman.
The person that you should always fear it's yourself
I'll never understand that shit, specially when every cameo Superman makes in the Batman related comics he's pretty much worshiped for how awesome and important he is..
Bruce is that "friend" of yours who spends all his time planning how to murder you if you go bad or if he gets bored, whichever comes first. Clark and everyone else would be well served to stay far away from him.
I think its because Superman knows that his goodness is superficial, he isn't flawless and doesn't want to examine what that really means
They are both alone against the world, one approaches that problem as a frail man, the other as a most unstoppable force, both require compromises, because both 'roles' demand that you make hard decisions sometimes
They ground each other, bruce remembers that there's a shining ideal, and clark remembers that you strive on, even if your resources and decisions are limited
>>regular person gets brainwashed/controlled by a psychic
>>kills maybe a handful of people
>>Superman gets brainwashed/controlled by a psychic
>>goes on a near unstoppable rampage that leaves half the planet in ruins if we're lucky
He only does it because he cares too much. If Superman understood he'd let Bruce control and dictate every aspect of his life. Bruce only wants the best for Clark.
I'm sorry about your friendship, user.
He's not. Him and Batman get into it constantly. But there is always a professional admiration and respect.
Bruce and Clark(not super dad, at least not yet) on the other hand are grand friends who care deeply for one another and who have BBQs and celebrate birthdays together.
No one is except Batman. Spidey sells like 60k nowadays. X-Men are down to 50k. The comic industry is on its last legs.
>Implying Batfags aren't also whining about how much they hate Supes every time he shows up
Social media was a mistake.
Superman is back to selling in 60K.
You probably started reading with the reboot.
Pre-Nu52 Superman and Batman were pretty much brothers. Hell, they were so tight that Jor-El decided to send Superman to Earth because he found Thomas Wayne a nice human. Yes, even Jor and Thomas were friends. They would even complete each other sentences, which was really gay.
Nu52 Superman and Batman hated each other at first and then despite being good friends still mistrusted each other a bit. Nu52 Superman found Batman too uncaring and extreme, while Nu52 Batman found Superman too sure of himself and reckless. Greg Pak did this in the Batman/Superman book in an attempt to show that the Prime-Earth versions were a lot edgier than the Earth-2 versions that were killed by Darkseid's army.
can you just post the source already? image search didn't pull up anything
I love when Supes show up in the Batman books. I just wish Wondy would show up too. I don't know what the editors have against her. But a love when Supes show up in Batman, Detective Comics, Nightwing and so on.
wot?is this canon?
no...it can't be...
Would she fuck Dick in the ass?
Unh... no, i guess? But Donna should show up more in the Nightwing book. They used to have this really neat brother-sister dynamic before, which was nice and cute.
Bruce just wanted to stay the night in Superman's place because he can't stand the Mansion after Tim's death.
i bet superman misses pre-crisis batman a lot
Because making them enemies is so 80s.
It must be really odd for Superdad.
I found funny how appalled he was that Cyborg was a founding member.
I wish Superman was my friend.
>I found funny how appalled he was that Cyborg was a founding member.
you got a page of this?
Nah, it's that trick anus.
It does vary a bit between being respectful friends like Kelly does it and being straight-up buddies like Loeb does it. Personally, I love when they're best bros and know everything about each other.
this but with pity sex
Its from a fujo nip.
someone had to say it
Literally better than Dawn of Justice.
literally the worst ship, satan.
>it's bottom Bruce doujin #563401
Good art & porn, but disappointing
So does the previous crisis universe exist or is it gone like the original earth 2?