Never give up, men of the west. Never quit. Your situation may seem hopeless, but you must not surrender to despair. You must not surrender to fear.
Your country needs leaders now more than ever. You may be young, you may be old, you may be rich or poor; it does not matter. You must not let anything stop you from protecting your people.
Your situation is never hopeless. Never surrender. Never stop fighting back. Never stop waking your people.
Never give up, men of the west. Never quit. Your situation may seem hopeless, but you must not surrender to despair...
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Sup Forums needs to invade STEM.
kek turisas is a band that includes lines like "DIVERSITY IS WHAT UNITES US" in songs about vikings.
Fuck off toothpaste, caring for one's community used to be a thing in the west.
>skinhead retards can't even create their own art, steal a Finnish band's album cover for their retardation
It's a song about the Varangian guard though, not vikings.
what makes you think op is a skinhead?
>depicting Nazi Germans as the stereotypical evil empire
Yeah, no.
Whoever made that picture almost certainly is.
>It's a song about the Varangian guard though, not vikings.
Yeah and goes on to insist it included Muslims where there is absolutely zero historical evidence to this.
>Never give up, men of the west.
Gee, thanks Aragorn.
>how are you liking the rapefugee imports?
>Never give up, men of the west. Never quit. Your situation may seem hopeless, but you must not surrender to despair. You must not surrender to fear. Your country needs leaders now more than ever. You may be young, you may be old, you may be rich or poor; it does not matter. You must not let anything stop you from protecting your people. Your situation is never hopeless. Never surrender. Never stop fighting back. Never stop waking your people.
Go fuck your self kike, I ain't fighting for a country that is run by jews
Hi d&c
>~63% white
>receiving more mudshits by the day
>Mexicans replacing whites
Sure are one to talk.
What the fuck is d&c?
Don't you worry about it, (((user))).
Come on. It is the only thing they do, slaping the symbols of their failed little ideology everywhere they can, chasing away normies, and fucking it up for nationalists everywhere.
The read - black flag with sharp angles is aitomatic put off for most people. Remember the game 'Killzone' ? It was cognitive dissonance at its best, the 'bad guys' have evry right to defend themselves and to try liberate its people from the oppression they faced, but because they had redblack flag and nazi like helmets, they were automatically the worst thing ever, no matter their background or reasons
Go to bed user. Shitposting in the middle of the night ain't going to make America any less full of niggers. You should consider going back to plebbit as well.
Damn right! Fight to live another day.