They're getting very desperate haha.
They're getting very desperate haha
Other urls found in this thread:
>Moskovitz is Jewish.
funny every time
At this point I don't even care what Trump says or does. I just want him to win to see these fuckers suffer.
I have perfect english, am willing to assimilate, am not ooga booga lemme get at ur wommyns, and am generally considered a pretty cool guy.
studied in canada. excellent people skills
can I come find work in your country, please?
why not join Gulen and take over Turkey
No Turkey fuck off.
I'm okay with Polan, too, my kurwa friend.
I just want to get off mr. bones' wild ride
pls :(
all I want is a comfy little flat. I can make friends on my own
Fuck off Mehmet.
The most famous lawyer family in the Netherlands is also (((Moskovitz))). Related?
>20 mill down the drain
>he's a Jew
Top kek. He's going or seriously regret this
Why doesn't Trump just flood every news channel with pro-Trump ads 24/7?
>Oy vey! Put some moah money inta Clinton's campaign! We godda stop dat evil Jew lovin' Trump!
oh great. more shills
Ads don't work. Also everyone has already decided who to vote for. Trump will win
> implying he won't be paid back
He's just lent this money. Pretty sure he will earn much more if(when) Hillary becomes a president.
He can't afford it.
News media gives him free advertisement and anyone other than the most cucked liberals believe any of the shit the media says. In other words, people see Trump 24/7 on CNN but might as well be on mute. Genius strategy from a master businessman.
did you even have to look it up lol
Why would he do that when he can just make a stupid tweet that is thinly a veiled red pill which the MSM and Hillarys supporters spread for free?
Stupid fucking jews, they learned nothing after wasting $200,000,000 on le guac merchant.
doubt it, kek has willed that hilldog will win
> Trump will win
He most likely won't. Hillary has made a deal with the right (((people))), everything has already been decided. You just wait.
We're full. Fuckoff terrorist cockroach.
Every fucking time!
Wrong faggot.
Yes, please enrich the USA, and take your fellow countrymen from the Netherlands with you.
oy vey
She will win, but only through mass voter fraud that will be discovered and disqualify her. America will be Made Great Again.
You better make your bed in the garage because your wife and me need the house for us tonight, she wants that turkish meat cuccboi
Not if muslim/terrorist, otherwise, OK.
do you look like this?
>he thinks 88milion overrides the holy oct 7's
Get fucked filthy muslim roach :^)
They must really have a lot to lose.
Uh oh, Turk roach is mobilizing. So much fear and impressed.
He asked Hungary you faggot.
The media is just enjoying the ratings and advertising revenue that trump provides, only Sup Forumstards actually believe trump will win
You're too far to fuck me tho, give me citizenship and maybe we can negotiate
00s aren't true dubs
They are pronounced as "x hundred" rather than the alliterating eighty eight or forty four
Sup Forums was right again
Are you lost, Pajeet? Cannot find your shitting street? But we expect the cockroach subhuman vermin to stick together, so no surprise.
Sure, citizenship is available, but as your pic related demonstrates, no filthy muslims :
Hm, Dad and me are atheists, I guess I could let you do whatever you want to me user, for that citizenship ofc
She will win, but it will be fraudulent and she will be found out. Mark my words
As if the cock brothers don't give $100 million a year to republicans. give me a break. Citizens united is the most perverse corruption of our "democracy" Fuck all these dirty money shitstains red or blue, christian or jew
>Hm, Dad and me are atheists
Welcome :^)
Thanks, I want that welfare jump start btw. Will you greet me like this? I like the skirt kinda
I love how liberals will be furious that Goldman Sachs donates like this, but when Facebook does it, that's no problem.
88 million is how many jews were murdered in the holocaust so it's a very significant number
>$20M to help beat Trump
Seriously how the fuck can normal people not pick up on this shit and question it?
>not 1488 children
Why do they let their kids get brown'd? Do they acknowledge that brown seed is superior?
Didn't even read it, just saw 1400
The Hillary campaign has already outspent Trump 5 to 1. What they really need to do is spend more money.
If money won elections Jew would be the nominee.
How do they never fucking learn?
Your legal system is being subverted as we shitpost
It's just a meme they said
>she will be found out
and then what?
I wonder if you poles had the show with that fucking mole as a child too
Wow interesting how a "country boy" got so right
>hint: nepotism
Meant to say, so rich
>eight 7
>six 0
that shit shouldnt be legal
Its actually a common surname. Means "son of moses" in some slavic language.
They are the most intelligent group.
> spending 20mil on a whore
Jeb not jew wtf
Freudian slip