/nzpol/- New Zealand General

/nzpol/- OP was late Edition

ITT: We discuss New Zealand Politics, News, Happenings and everything it means to be kiwi. Here we can laugh at aussies and the rest of the world in general
Joshies allowed on the condition of posting a rare pepe

>Chink who killed Dunedin man in crash given 300 hr community service

>Excluding inflation NZ has fastest rising house prices int he world. Auckland more expensive than London

>Immigrants are good for you, you stupid fucking goyim t. PM

>Making this a weekly thing
>More community
>Make memes (Chong Ki photoshop when?!?!?!?)
>Start having more media presence- Farcebook, Twatter, Newspapers, Magazines
>More frequent threads in run-up to elections
>New Twice-Weekly setup, one tuesday one friday

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Mana/Internet


Can't we merge aus and nz Sup Forums


Australian New Zealand Shitposting General

Our interests are too different and it would devolve into shitflinging. Not to mention Ausfags have the population advantage



Bull shit. Munted Kiwi Fruit MotherFuckers.

They do not get immigrants for certain jobs, at best they let a bunch in and hope they fill certain jobs. They don't screen for foreign hairdressers and shit.

Stop giving dumb cunt maoris free money and maybe they will get their arses in check and work. Id rather working natives than a kender surprise immigrant.


>Oy vey better protect the muzzie's fee fees!

Maybe after we get NZ/pol/ properly up and running then we could occasionally combine shitposting efforts

>Joshies allowed on the condition
how about no

Yeah and we need nz memes for that. Calling all meme experts and collectors to produce nz content

He will come anyway might as well extract a tax from him

fine then have a pepe

We used to, a few years ago, have British Empire/Federation threads which were enourmously popular and interesting as hell.

What's the consensus with you lot, though? Do you see yourself as Pakeha? Nz European?

Both of those terms have been pushed to eliminate the understanding of what the majority of us are, we are British New Zealanders. Even in the 90s it was something we were proud about (while pissed about Gallipoli/Common Market).

The push to eliminate it has been terribly effective. Happy about it? Angry?

I'm pissed as hell about it. To know where you are going you must know from where you have come.

i cringe reading the facebook comments on nzherald facebook, all sheep

I see myself as an British New Zealander and i'm against federation because i don't think those countries will be recovered in our lifetime

NZ European. Pakeha literally means white pig, fuck that shit

terrible country

Thats a cuck term. I'm a British New Zealander.


just european (subhuman british) with a gay thick FUSH n CHUP accent

thanks for the insightful comment, czechoslovakia

Starting to like Rodrigo Duterte. Called Obama "son of a whore" and BTFO John Key.

Asia Pacific Economic Forum collapse when?

>British New Zealander
>British New Zealander

It's something we need to work on promoting more. To fight against the multiculturalism/destruction of our culture we're going to have to 'remember' who we are.

New Zealand was successful because of the people that created the nation, our British ancestors.

It will only continue to be successful if we both remember it and revel in it.

i agree, subhuman central

It's only getting worse.

>Starting to like Rodrigo Duterte. Called Obama "son of a whore"

Later apologized not to mention called Trump the samething.

every seen a BRITISH person as handsome as nessman? nope

british genetics is like rolling two dice, doubles is normal looking and everything else is mildly deformed

i am about 1/4 german but i will refer to myself as a British New Zealander because this is what New Zealand is about unlike americans who go around calling themselves "white"

what is that a guy a fucking wog look at that greasy hair

Yeah he seems like a good cunt.

New Zealand really ought to act in accordance with the reason our nation was created and what King Dick (Richard Seddon) started working towards, being Britain of the South.

Solomon Islands

Ought to be under our control. We talked about a 'Strength through Joy' programme here a few weeks ago and, imagine, if there was a social programme were you could go on holiday every year to some nice sunny Island.

Would be a way to decrease stress in our work force, create employment but, importantly, curb the creeping influence of China in the area.

>and continue our policy of genociding the natives

yeah, i go to auckland university and whites are literally a minority srs

like for every 10 asians/ethniks/indians there is ONE (1) white male

asians are actually superior though both in iq and looks

if you wouldn't go gay for him you're a fucking faggot MATE

>Auckland uni

>i am about 1/4 german
Germanic, just the same as us Anglos, so nothing to worry about whatsoever.

>if you wouldn't go gay you're a fucking faggot


>asians are actually superior though both in iq and looks
Oh, this cunt again.

Quick mention your Chinese girlfriend and how she's better than us.

lmao fag

i'm a subhuman indian actually

One of your women came to my town and my neighbor down the road raped and murdered her.

ok fuck him then, cheeky flip.

>>and continue our policy of genociding the natives
some day..

back to plebbit pajeet

Tell me Sup Forums, how long until we become the next Sweden?


Read these threads (Dot Dots and Chinks) and then the comments on Stuff and The Herald (and their Facebook pages).

Having said that, though, anyone seen a poster on Stuff with the username Sup Forumsro?

Always wondered whether he was a Sup Forums user. Few things he's posted have made me think so.

>A record 69,000 people settled in New Zealand in the year to July.


Lol, why are we such a meme .


>tfw walk down queen st and surrounded by chongs and pajeets

I need to get out of Auckland sometime, but it's where the jobs are.

Thread is dead, this is sad. Posting memes to bump


Bumping with crap meme

Ayy I've cringed at that poster too.

Why aren't you posting, it's your prime time


I'm reading about keeping chickens.

Going to do it, senpai. Wanted to for ages but the old girl mentioned it too (never thought she'd be keen).

>old girl
>my mum

Check out this "authorized" National meme

young nat memes are worse

>Recklessly wanting to crash home values by half

Even if the prices of Auckland's leaky shitty houses were cut by half, they'd still be overpriced.

nats will privatize everything

labour are mega retarded

greens are the only party that gives a rats ass about the environment but are also braindead sjw faggot nerds

so is winnie my only option


winnie is an idiot, they're all idiots

but at least he is pandering to my anti chink sensibilities

i went to auckland the other day for the first time in ten years

its actually upsetting how many non anglo/maori people there are. seems like half or more.

day 1000: still waiting for the housing bubble to burst so i can pick one up for cheap.

fuck off david seymour

can someone explain to me why the housing bubble would burst anytime soon?

there is going to be a shortage of houses for the next decade at least, no matter what the banks do

it will be a chain reaction caused by an infrastructure meltdown from the immigration numbers. You're already seeing it start to happen with the insane deadlock at rush hours.

Brace yourself for a massive recession.

No way please mate. I would hate to see it as it would just be them posting sheep memes.
Besides they are irrelevant to us on a political level. Actually economical too considering we are booming in comparison to them.

I've taught my son that certain phrases and words (all maori) he picks up from school are NOT used in our house. He also knows never to use the word p#keha under any circumstances.

Nice understanding of our history. I'm a big fan of King Dick and his role in building our nation.

Shit that was nasty. Young tourist hitchhiking.
I work for a particular public service and I was privy to some information regarding that incident that could never be made public. All I can say is no punishment would have been to harsh for him. At least the cunt killed himself straight after.

We will never be the next Sweden. Trust me. I've been there. Their mentality is nothing like ours, they are an oblivious world unto themselves.

Yeah I can't ever see this housing bubble burst. So many immigrants, so many traitorous kiwis returning now the economy suits them. And all the while only 220 new houses signed off each day.

I figure I'll hang around another few years renting to see if it crashes. If it does, time to buy. If not, time to move. Problem is that the rest of the country just doesn't have nearly the number of jobs.

The only things that would burst the bubble are a drop in demand or an increase in supply. An increase in supply is unlikely in the short term, so it's the demand that's more likely to change. What suggests sounds feasible. I wonder whether something like the Havelock North water crisis could happen in Auckland soon - there's far too many people in the city for the flimsy infrastructure to cope with. Remember the power crisis in 1998? We've got some extremely shoddy third-world shit around providing essential services.

Also what's the deal with the Colin Craig defamation case?

Well nothing specifically of course as its before the courts. But it seems TVNZ love the story and are pushing it all over their news sources.

Its all
> huh durr aren't all right wingers dumb
> and they're all hypocritical Christians

The story makes me cringe anyway but the way they report it with such glee makes me sad. Especially coz he got my party vote last election.

Well, I was born in Britain. So I guess I'm a British New Zealander.

Hopefully by 2025 I can call myself a British American.

>He also knows never to use the word p#keha under any circumstances.
It broke my heart to see that Pakeha Party on Facebook named as such. Sadly there would have been a massive (ignorant) outcry if it had been named The British New Zealander Party.

>The group did show that a lot of Kiwis are itchy for a true Nationalist party
>It wouldn't be difficult at all to make the majority see the light/truth, though

There was also that poll on Stuff a while ago about 'Which type of Kiwi are you?" and was happy there was a decent amount considered 'traditionalists'.

>I'm a big fan of King Dick and his role in building our nation.
Sad he died and didn't get to achieve what he could have. Shame no one picked up the mantle of his work, either.

I saw on one news today they had a story about the US election.
The story went "Trump has complemented TYRANNICAL Russian president Vladimir Putin" blah blah blah etc. etc.
I don't really care about the story, but it amazes me that that passed a bias panel. I'm not a fan of Putin, but you have to be mentally retarded not to see the bias in that description of him.

Shit like that happens the world over. NZ is no different.

Sydney had a similar water crisis in 1998. For three months the entire cities drinking water was contaminated.

The Havelock north thing is nothing in comparison.

Bias panels around the world have become irrelevant. They just push narratives now.

Sven Sharp had a thing about racism/race a while back and they had some US lady (an elementary teacher) saying "Race doesn't exsist, we're all the same".

A blatant lie, pushed by the media. I'm sure the lady was a Jew, too.

Who else watched the Nigel Latta show on immigrants.

TL;DW He basically said that immigrants from the UK/Ireland/EU/US contribute the most to New Zealand economy.

This is followed by asians, then Pacific Islanders.

Lastly, the group that contributes the least to the NZ economy are New Zealanders - although they conveniently left out the different between white and Maori NZers.

It was reasonably unbiased, but it did go 'muh racism' a lot. It said white NZers were often racist to the French. Nigel Latta clearly forgot that the French are white.

>It was reasonably unbiased

From your description it sounds like govt-approved pro-immigration shilling. We get lots of that in the media already.

negro latte is a fuckwit

Seriously wonder if we should try nicknames?

We all know who joshie is, but we probably have all commented on each others posts for the past few months.

I think from now on anytime I start posting in one of /nzpol/ threads I'll call myself an iconic kiwi name, maybe buzzybee, hokey pokey, fish and chips or some shit like that. Not too cringy guys????

While I'm on the subject of the news.
There was a story in which some humanitarian cunt (Lord Michael Hastings) said that it was unacceptable for New Zealand to be having issues with our water purity because it is our duty as a "rich nation" to supply water to all the drought-ridden third world nations. Literally some British nigger cunt having the audacity to tell us what we're allowed and not allowed to do with our own fucking water.

Sorry dude cringy af tbqhwy

>Not too cringy guys????

nah it's pretty cringey

okay okay. unbiased by nigel latta standards. it was definite shilling - no doubt.

>Seriously wonder if we should try nicknames?
They usually come about on their own. Least they did/do on the Sup Forums threads.

Lots of anons over there got known by names.

hey lads, does this make you horny? lmao

I often have dinner at my olds, once or twice a week. They always watch tv1 news. I just can not believe how biased television news is. I just find myself raging hard at how sjw it is.

I've started slowly releasing my power level to my parents. Tonight I said my bit on Syrian refugees. There was a story on them complaining about being stuck in Greece. Amazingly discovered my parents agree with me; they should stay in their country and fight for it. Even mum said Damascus looks safe and normal enough, why not go there?

No way on earth I was gonna watch that show. I felt I didn't need to, like the agenda had already been set. Immigrants good, especially ones that don't work and can't speak our language.

> racist towards the French
Maybe they forgot to mention the terrorist attack the French government committed here still pisses some people off against them.

Just install the extended flag mod for Sup Forums. It lets you add more flags, for example mine shows Otago region and Dunedin

>Pic related

you should turn on extra flags that way we can remember people by where they are from

What did the French govt. do?


Sweet. Never knew this.

I just use my phone for Sup Forums, but I'm assuming its easy enough to set up

they blew up a ship in our habour and we had to send the SAS to mt eden prison the guard them after we captured the french

They blew up a ship in our main harbour lad.

The issue is national are the only party in our entire political system that don't come off as fucking lunatics.
We need NZ first to be a real party and not a meme, but the problem is that SJW's from this gen will try to corrupt it once winnie inevitably retires.

>the name Sup Forumsro
>might be a Sup Forums user
Are you fucking retarded?

As other anons have said. Blew up a greenpeace (lol) boat in Auckland harbour 30 years ago. Right at the end of Queen street. A dude was killed.

It was approved by French pres Mitterrand to try and stop protests against nuclear testing at Mururoa atoll.

We found two of those that planted the bomb. But after a few years we gave in to French pressure and gave them back to finish their sentences in a New Caledonia prison. Except they reneged on that deal and they were flown back to France and free within months.

My granddad was real salty 'we died over there in our thousands saving them from the Germans, and they pay us back by setting of a bomb in our biggest city?'

It just reiterates what the British have known for centuries: never trust the French.

I was in this club, they never seemed to run the posters by us members. Most of the members weren't cringey at all and I doubt they'd have let the club be represented like this

>Are you fucking retarded?
Not as retarded as you for having to ask whether I am or not, retard.

Wasn't too long ago, how old are you?

Most kids don't know about the Rainbow Warrior. Most cunts in their early-twenties don't even fucking know about it

>Joining an anime club.

Hardly surprising if he's under 30. NZ education system is too busy teaching Maori or blaming whitey for colonisation.