Why aren't the Netherlands protecting the Dutch populations in South Africa?
Why aren't the Netherlands protecting the Dutch populations in South Africa?
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Probably because they can't even protect the Dutch population in the Netherlands.
Afrikaners are probably our responsibility, not that of the Dutch desu
Because the modern Dutch are huge multiculti faggots.
They don't want your help desu. The Afrikaners still distrust you bongs because of the camps.
Not even to mention fucking Rhodesia and our old government you limey cunts
>canadian education
Sorry mate, numbers disagree
Enjoy the genocide though, never said we were going to help only that if anyone had a responsibility it would be us.
Fpbp tbqhwyf
Because SA is independent?
With what? Romania has a stronger army than both Canada and the Netherlands combined.
Trust the slavs to bring up irrelevant facts
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
Because it's racist to protect white people.
The Afrikaaner does not only have French heritage. They have all sorts in them. Dutch, French, Swiss, German and a few others.
The Afrikaans people succeeded from any colonial power to create their own nation so therefor no European nation owes anything to them.
That being said its pretty shitty how once they were independent the British kicked them out of the western Cape and then kicked them out of the free state when they found minerals there.
They aren't. We're Anglos.
Not our fault you became a weak independent nation :^)
If we had mods like before anyone who mentions an age below 18 would be b&'d. Ahh...Good times,makes me cri every tiem.
wew lad. Being this daft
You made the 1st real concentration camps and fed our women and children glass...No thanks!
Typical nigger mentality. MUH PAST MUH VICTIMHOOD
Atleast allot of British soldiers literally shit themselves to death.
You're worse than the kikes, you know that?
Did we make you into lampshades and soap too?
>butthurt boer detected
Never forget the 6 gorillion Afrikaners!
When are we taking back your homeland?
Nah you gave them a nice tropical holiday destination free of charge.
That's right, now say thank you
Dankie meneer
That's was to cut leadership off from population. The rest where put in massive concentration camps. Nearby towns was completely exhausted because there wasn't enough supplies for the British army and there captives. This led to the British trying to kill off all you boer males and nake there families eat maze with glass grinded up inside it. Over 20 000 British soldiers died of dysentery and dehydration because of non existent infrastructure for supporting a force that big. I think they had the most casualties doubling and kills made by the Boere.
WTF, is the South African flag based off of the Netherlands flag???
We will.
Next year when based Geert wins.
british are fucking evil cunts for what they did to us but we're still their white brothers and together we will take back SA
The old one, yes.
The new falg is randomness deluxe. Was only supposed to fly until the new constitution in 1996, but it was liked and kept.
>Dutch populations in South Africa?
No such thing.
>t. Chang Zhang Wang
Current one is basically a Dutch flag with an ANC symbol right? Weird, since SA has fuckall to do with the Netherlands beyond your weird language.
It's the ugliest, most retarded looking flag I've ever seen.
Not sure if coolie or kaffir
Either way please get out ty :)
Not sure if Ahmed or Ahmed.
Either way please pick up a book :)
Ah so you're a "le souti master race" guy
You're forgetting the most important group.
Come on...lad.
Pls come take over again.
We won't fight this time I promise ;_; pls
We can't.
And the last time when we were trying to protect the Dutch population somewhere in a country that is not ours the US got royally butthurt.
Wasn't it the Anglo's who pushed your shit in?
Well it was the US who went all MUH INDEPENDENCE when we wanted our Dutch East Indies back.
And now look at it.
It's another poor muslim shithole.
Because all the boertjies have significant black admixture and they have enough niggers there.
Boertjies are much whiter than any soutpiel
We want our own country again.
Red is the lekker braai fire, Blue is the swimming pool.
White is /comfy/ white people.
Green is our nice big garden.
Yellow is the electric fence keeping the Blacks away.
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It will keep shrinking again and again.
You wish. The red-white-blue represents the former Afrikaaner regime, and the dick-shaped nigger colors represent the big, black pecker that's fucking SA to death.