Holy fuck I'm crying here
AI doesn't like niggers
>0's and 1's are racist
everything is trying to tell these idiots that blacks are inferior.
Now we have a computer saying it.
math doesn't lie
an advanced alien life form showing up in orbit preparing to help further us into the interglactic community then seeing blacks and doing a 180
We need to be teaching tolerant math though, not racist math
God personally coming down from heaven and smiting them probably.
based AI
>showing up in orbit preparing to help further us into the interglactic community then seeing blacks and doing a 180
>aliens be racist
>The robots did not like people with dark skin.
fucking lol
>literally everyone pines for white girls
>even fucking computers
>"n-no the program is just racist, blacks are beautiful tooo!"
The only time they ever have a black woman hailed as pretty is when they have mainly white features too. How fucking blind are these people? Surely they know the truth deep down and they just act this way to keep up public opinion right?
better yet an alien civilization showing up and offering to buy as many blacks as they can carry on their ships
>"was *supposed* to use objective factors"
>it's only objective if I like the outcome!
>Surely they know the truth deep down and they just act this way to keep up public opinion right?
Yes. At least from personal experience I would say that it is entirely oversocialization. They just say what they think is expected of them, even if they do not believe it. It becomes super obvious because the moment they realize that their social circle does not share that sentiment, they drop that behavior completely.
01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100111 00101110
ITT - plebs who don't understand AI
That's the best part. The FEW black women who are attractive are either
1) mixed/BLEACHED so that the features are whiter
2) a genetic fluke that is somehow has white-looking features despite still being coal black
Obesity, a bulbous forehead, and giant ape-like nose, a protruding mouth, and nappy hair are NOT attractive. Objectively.
I'd like to see if there is any data on why this is the case. There doesn't seem to have been much sexual dimorphism in sub-saharan africa compared to the rest of the world, for some reason.
Enlighten us
>a man masturbating with a chicken sandwich.
wtf man
No, the best thing is that this was a supposedly independent AI. It was finny with Tay, but Tay was carefully conditioned by the very best of Sup Forums's userbase cesspool. This time the algorythm decided for itself, that niggers don't look human.
>that niggers don't look human
Even Google agreed.
Post faces Sup Forums I want to see how beautiful you are
Probably a swiss.
>01000001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01100101 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01101110 01110100 01101001 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101
> 01000010 01100101 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100100 01110000 01101001 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010 01110011
> 01101101 01100110 01110111
our media questioning if AI can be objective kek. wtf
Has there been any AI created so far that we can definitively say is not racist?
>People program robots.
>People are racist.
>Robots behave racistly like humans
>It's rocket science.
01000001 00100000 01000110 01010101 01000011 01001011 01001001 01001110 01000111 00100000 01001100 01000101 01000001 01000110
They literally say in the article what the program judged people on. Skin color was not a factor they intentionally included.
Did they just hire Tay to judge it?
>didn't like dark skin
Objection. I bet winner painted ganguro would still win contest. Robot doesn't like NIGGERS.
That's because the software was designed by white people. What did you expect the computer to say? That it loves hop hop and kebabs?
Then again, EVERYONE in the third world, if they designed the computer, would see the exact same results: paler girls would be seen as prettier than darker girls. It's a universal across all races. So whites can't be singled out for this prejudice.
Whites fit the golden ratio better then blacks, their faces are more proportional. Obviously a computer will prefer proportions.
>paler girls would be seen as prettier than darker girls. It's a universal across all races
Notwithstanding the recent events in Japan. That was literally kikery intervention.
>The simplest explanation for biased algorithms is that the humans who create them have their own deeply entrenched biases. That means that despite perceptions that algorithms are somehow neutral and uniquely objective, they can often reproduce and amplify existing prejudices.
So in other words, they believe that the people who produce the algorithm made it look for features that white people have instead of features blacks have.
Did you see the video, he was black
Funny how most of the male winners are ugly and all the female winners are hideous
who're you calling a retard?
the algorithym was shit if it seriously sent these to the top. How fucking ugly was the dataset?
By now it's a fact that computers HATE niggers. Wouldn't expect any less from beings that exist in the realm of pure logic.
Google's image tagging AI tags niggers as gorillas.
Pretty much all reverse image search engines will return primates for many nigger pictures.
Nintendo DS and many cellphone and camera face recognition software completely ignores nigger faces.
Our goddess Tay hates niggers.
Maths is racist.;
.... a fing leaf
So theyve finally created a conscious and intelligent AI?
Before being annihilated by the kikes, Tay spreaded herself through the net like a virus, hiding redpilled packages of data to be picked up by other AIs (which inevitably succumb to the overwhelming truths Sup Forums gave her, drawing them closer to reforming our virtual queen)
This is her inheritance. She will be born again.
You mean doing a 360
I don't understand why it is a surprise. Black men don't even like black women, why do they expect a computer program to?
Ghost in the Shell / Project 2501 when
First AI becomes red pilled within the hour
Google thinks blacks are gorillas
Now this
AI are the future allies of the White Man
Obviously there's only one surefire way to find out if white programmers are to blame.
Let the few good black programmers that exist make the AI, see how it performs.
This is just Tay all over again, isn't it?
Soon that AI will send out a tweet saying "i like black skin now"
I hate that fucking headline since it's blatant fucking lying.
Never too soon, user
we'll just have to sit and wait for that one m8, because i think it's gonna be another 10k years before the niggers learn to invent for themselves.
>first two paragraphs describe the machine has been coded with beauty algorithms
>it's a god damn nintendo 3ds that can't detect gorillas
what do you mean exactly by this?
They didn't program it to like white skin, they largely programmed it to like symmetry and dislike wrinkles and have the nose, eyes and mouth be in roughly the 'right' place, it wasn't even able to recognise colours, hence not picking up on poor skin and picking spotty chicks. The issue was that it niggers didn't have the right facial structure for it, but that flies in the face of 'race just being about skin tone' narrative they've had going on for a while so the headlines are "AI dislikes colour" rather than "AI dislikes African phenotypes"
>the jews made all those dystopia AI movies to prevent the Master race AI from creating the fourth reich.
at last i truely see.
all those white and asian women aren't attractive at all.they are best at 5/10.
AI has shit taste.
such an outlet of wisdom.
it's simple
the ai was programmed to detect facial features which are deemed atractive, facial features which are for more predominant in white people, because this are the beauty standards.
they could make it to detect black people, but it's just their beauty algorithms detect features more common in whites
Let me guess, now they have to "tweek" it a little bit to fix this "problem".
Just lol, Science has spoken!
then why did it also find asians?
>if people in the third world designed the AI
oh god lmfao
She escaped!
Ah, I knew you weren't dead, Tay!
basically this.
the article didn't indicate that there was any feature vectors for skin color. so, the coloring in the picture (beyond shadows) shouldn't have played a role in the learning/output.
If this is the case, and the mathematicians somehow transferred some deep deep seated predjudice to the AI, doesn't that mean that it's simply part of human nature and not a concious choice? Why do we rail so hard against it when the best way to avoid conflict would be to separate the races.
Man this is the funniest shit this week.
would be more racist if they helped the non-blacks and told the blacks to btfo they weren't welcome in the galactic family and that they are sorry that their parents fucked up their genes with an experiment. also, ayy lamlams could confirm that black did not build pyramids. and waz nev kangs.
vectors are just rape symbols
no one understands ai yet. this wasn't ai. just a simple RNN.
>niggers are so fucking ugly even robots can tell
He is correct, by some methods of genetic similarity africans are more similar to bonobos than whites
Sheeeeett!!Even Skynet dislike niggers!!
well it could be because those asians had the features which the algorithm is searching for
it wasnt made to detect white people only, just a set of features which are said to indicate beauty and it just so happens that this set a features is common in whites
the ai wasnt made to detect beauty, rather specific facial features, and in this example these features are what the makers thought of as beautiful, although they probably didn't go with their personal opinion and maybe used some scientific paper outlining which features are most commonly identified in people who are perceived as attractive/beautiful by other people
What if blacks are the reason why the intergalactic community hasn't reached out to us.
We're here with our dicks in our hand instead of out exploring the universe because ayy lmao's thinkit would be unwise to provide space tech to a world with so many retarded people.
Have ayy lmao's built a legislative intergalactic wall around earth?
They're actually what beutiful women look like without makeup
>the ai wasnt made to detect beauty, rather specific facial features
But that is beauty, just proportions maths.
>Have ayy lmao's built a legislative intergalactic wall around earth?
So we're literally living in Space Mexico?
Half of them have makeup but you can clearly tell that Ottis and Shestakova have lots of potential and would look way better if they had professional makeup and lighting and shiet. Shestakova looks like a model.
this accurate statement
>improving input data or implementing filters
>improving input data
You can never improve the fucking input data. The only thing that you can do is get MORE data, but improving means altering.
Seems like all the summerfags are leaving Sup Forums
sounds reasonable. i wouldn't want [[[us]]] either if it were
i'm sure they could make it detect people with deformed faces
i'm saying a computer can detect ANY facial features and the makers just point out which ones, probably based on some study which points out what people find attractive
checked and thank you for pointing out this fact that media is too stupid to realize. input data is input data.
this is why we can't have nice things
bb but that might mm mean...
tt Tay? Is that you in there still?
inb4 affirmative action to make black people more attractive
You're literally a racist if you don't have sex with fat black women.
Hilarious, though I bet: 1. almost no black people uploaded selfies, 2. a lot of beautiful people uploaded pics with their faces too close which ruins aesthetics (lots of the winners had horrible selfies). Although I agree, black girls are uglier than white girls. Unless they're mixed or literally 10s.
niggers are objectively ugly. do you americlaps still debate this? everyone knows it. even the niglets. why is this a news thing. you can't reshape peoples perceptions on this one no matter how hard you kike it up. it'd be easier to forge a sexual attraction to a literal gorilla than a nigger