Negan thread

Negan thread

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bop ba boop bop

Why is he so perfect?

He's literally one of my favorite comic book characters

Some butthurts are calling for Negan's early and ugly death. I want the opposite. Specifically I want Jeffery Dean Morgan to last long enough to read this line.


Dumping Negan reaction pics


best reacting pic coming throught.


You're forgetting something






Comic Negan > TV Negan

TV Negan hasn't had much time yet, give it another season or so and it may change

Mine too.

I'm withholding judgement until I watch all of the Blu-Ray F takes.

I need this face with a santa hat for my new winter avatar.

Can I touch it!?


Both are great.


Showfaggot here.

so like Rick turned into basically a complete psychopath who impulsively and reflexively becomes violent as a defense mechanism to even the slightest hint of a threat, and there's been so many final nails in that coffin they are probably beyond counting.

In Terminus, him and a bunch of other fuckheads he pals around with were in the exact same situation as when this wannabe-Genghis Khan mother fucker shows up with his literal gag weapon. And of course Rick makes that same threat, and he's already intending on going ballistic and psychotic because uh well what difference does it make, barring deus ex Carol the commando, if he couldn't rush down the cannibal weirdos there was no chance he or his "people" would survive the current predicament.

And this sort of thing had already happened so many times, like in almost every god damn episode, it's comical. He went full biter against that "claimer" or whatever who gives a shit guy. These random gangs start having increasingly short lifespans after encountering a main character it's pretty funny.

The point is, how stupid do the writers think the audience is to have the Comedian walk around being the Biggest Cocksucking Annoying Faggot On The Planet delivering his Javier Bardem villain performance without Rick just turning into cannibal hulk and getting everyone shot to death, and Negan almost certainly killed in the chaos?

Like this guy is probably well-received as a villain in the comics for a reason, so I assume his first appearance made some fucking sense there right?

Do yourself a favor and read the comics. The only thing the show did better was Shane

>Like this guy is probably well-received as a villain in the comics for a reason, so I assume his first appearance made some fucking sense there right?
No he's pretty much the Batman-tier psychopath of the month. Eventually the books will move on to an even more KU-RAZY guy with another gang of mooks.

>rubs head

>Eventually the books will move on to an even more KU-RAZY guy with another gang of mooks.

God forbid they advance the fucking plot and come up with a satisfying conclusion. When that mullet scientist man showed up I was getting actually interested. I liked his character, but there's nothing wrong with trying to end the zombie plague or put forth a permanent solution to the problem.

>muh status quo
>muh sappy but ultimately meaningless character arcs
>muh harsh choices

This stuff starts to become self-contradictory really fast, and the longer characters survive the more stupid they seem for making the exact same mistakes and having the same arcs over and over again bounce between being decent and being survival psychos.

By the way in case any of you retards haven't figured out, the dead are shit. All you have to do is dig latrines for them (ditches) around your home and empty them every day and you are virtually zombie proof, aside from security measures for your own dead inside. I laughed my ass off when I saw they were worried about fences collapsing due to a continuous swarm of zombies growing from bushes out in the wilderness.

It has become too lucrative, it has permanently adopted the Shonen Jump model of storytelling while the author works on shit he still cares about.

If he can churn out cyclical stories and get paid mad dosh for minimal creativity, who can really blame HIM? His other work is much better.

I find it amusing that this guy basically killed all the walking dead threads on Sup Forums.

They're rare as fuck these days

It's a stale story that's completely lost any sense of ingenuity, and fallen into a repetitive pattern of the same old shit.
It's the zombie comic book equivalent of Heathcliff.

Yes the show is fucking Negan up, mainly because as you said, The show's Rick and co as they've been portrayed wouldn't fucking stand for his bullshit and would just kill him and his group, but the showrunners had to shoehorn his intro because it was iconic as fuck and people have been waiting for it practically since the show started, and even then they still fucked it up. Now that he's here they also also can't stop their insistence on amping up the threat/violence levels of the bad guys. Negan's not even really evil, just dumb as fuck and sometimes violent because violence gets shit done in the Apocalypse and he hasn't considered an alternative.


>Speech check fail

Honestly? he is too old and thin in the show.

It's a shame, because if he was a little more built he could be a good negan. I don't think he got the act right either, but his gestures are on point.

Comic and TV Negan have the perfect smile and it makes me happy.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. He's good at the cockiness but not so much the anger, imo. His build too makes me think they really should have gotten the comic's inspiration, Henry Rollins, for the role. The constant leaning back gets on my nerves too.

Sup Forums here, I wanna read the Negan comics so I wanted to know the best comic book reader. pls spoonfeed.

Well well well...a nigga named "Negan". You're face looks like Fonzy made the negro league.

Best reaction.

People pay money to read this?

Fuck no.

No idea

Also someone needs to storytime the Image plus (or whatever the crap it's called)Negan "origin" story. I think they're up to part 7 or 8.

he is the only reason I read Walking Dead
As a matter of fact, I skip pages without negan


I was disappoint

and hungry for liquorice

there is no origin story right? I started reading the comics from issue 100 where he killed glenn

Except Sup Forums ironically enjoys Heathcliff for its nonjokes. Nobody likes Walking Dead for its non-stories and non-advancement of plot. I don't know about you, but I only read it for the satisfaction of having finished yet another pointless issue, like shitting out a turd heavier than a black hole - it's a pain, but I'm always glad to have it over with so I can move on with my life.

CDisplay. Literally all you'll ever need to read any comic.

Here's Negan is an "origin" issue of sorts, but it's a bonus comic that you don't need to read unless you're an uber Neganfag like that other user and myself.















Fucking duplicate reply? What?






Thanks user, I didn't know the rest of this had come out yet.


Sadly, I don't have part 7 anywhere on my computer, so after chapter 6 it's the end.








And that's it, I'm out of chapters.

Thanks, user.

¿Por que no los dos?


I ain't got no more. If I can't find it on TPB, it may as well never have existed in the first place.

I found the remaining chapters here

I think the next chapter is out on Wednesday.


Thanks man.

At this point any kind of tragic backstory feels cheap because literally everybody has a tragic backstory in the zombie apocalypse. It's getting old.

I want Negan to pound my boipucci

I do too.

i'll take it from here



