I Think I Just Redpilled an Exam Marker

Well, here goes Sup Forums. This is my first greentext story so be kind.

>Be me
>16 y/o
>Year 11 (10th grade US I think)
>Doing a 3-hour-long history exam
>First half of the exam paper is about interpreting a historical source blah blah, it's about an organisation called Plunket that provided services for newborns and mothers
>The resource booklet gives some pretty bluepilled shit about how Plunket had been seen as "White middle class" and promoted traditional gender roles
>"Discuss some changes Plunket had to make in the 21st Century"
>I write: "Plunket had to adapt to New Zealand's changing society, including the phenomenon of women abandoning their domestic duties in order to pursue the same careers and aspirations as men"
>"Plunket also had to alter the baby-caring routine they gave to mothers, as it assumed that a mother would be home 24/7 to look after her children, whereas many were now either choosing to move into the workplace out of aspiration, or out of the need to substitute the wages of their husbands caused by lower wages as a result of the labour market doubling"

>Next section of exam paper is about the 1981 protests over the South African rugby tour, due to apartheid
>"List the causes leading up to the event"
>Write "Many anti-tour protesters were full of a self-righteous sense of moral indignation at the racial policies of the South African Government. They viewed the apartheid laws as deeply unjust, and believed that by disrupting a rugby game, they could influence the Domestic policy of another sovereign nation"
>"Name some of the consequences of the event"
>Write "New Zealand's protests against South Africa added to mounting pressure all over the world on the Government of South Africa to abolish the apartheid system. These protests were firmly based on the belief that South Africa should hand over political franchise to an enormous group of people [1/2]

Keep me posted, this is good shiz

Also learn to pre-type shit, man.

Kek, ministraya just wantsu to be wet n ready before giving it all to u

As we pass time, let me check your fine digits.


>"[...]among whom 70% were illiterate and who had an average IQ of 70.
>"This pressure led to the capitulation of the white S.A. government in 1993 and the granting of a vote to millions of illiterate, impoverished people of low intelligence"
>"This contributed to the election of a party composed of Marxist thugs and led by convicted terrorist, saboteur, and inventor of necklacing, Nelson Mandela."
>>"Write another consequence of the event"
>"The unpopular moves of Rob Muldoon's national government in allowing the Tour to go ahead contributed in part to the Labour victory in 1984. The new Labour government implemented many leftist social policies, including the decriminalisation of homosexuality and the loosening of divorce law; and introduced a far-reaching system of social engineering, the legacy of which endured to the Clarke Labour Government of 1999-2008.

How did I go Sup Forums?

what grade did u receive

I did similar shit with the Weimar republic and the rise of the nazi party.

>16 y/o
underage b&

Great blogpost, but you are underage. I suggest you return to reddit at least until you hit 18.

Ya done good. But don't reveal your power level if it will hurt your grades.

>>Be me
underaged enjoy your ban

Have fun with your ban underage


>All those file extension jokes
>Use of Ebonics
It was a good thing that was a history exam and not an English one.

I like your flag

Nice blogpost underage, enjoy your ban.

Nice blog post underage, enjoy your ban.

Save it, it's all yours my friend.

youre going down, but with a bang

Just submitted today, should know in about a week or so.

I think I should be fine; these are professional exams - you can write the most biased, spun-up shit you want but as long as you do what they ask you to do you'll get good marks for it

You know your shit for a 15 year old.
Keep reading between the lines, drawing your own conclusions and expressing clearly. Use school as a test ground, but don't fight a battle you can't win.

How did it go?

Half the fucking people here are "underage". Get real mate

Exam markers are usually teachers. Enjoy getting roasted.

Under aged b&

Thanks dude, I wouldn't dare try this shit in uni tho. Not that I'd take history in uni though lmao

well done m8

You have it backwards. Uni is perfect place for this. HS is where your grades can be hurt.

Pretty good got told I did good research and had good knowledge on the topic

Just don't expect to be "redpilling" too many people and if it the exam calls for it you might have to cuck yourself. I had to for women after ww1 and some Abo colonial garbage no way I was gonna be writing about the savage shit Abos did for an Abo rights research task or something can't remember