D-diversity is bad

>d-diversity is bad
>LA, NYC, London and Paris are greet due to diversity
>m-muh homogenous society

Go to Saudi arabia and see how homogeneous society is great^^

Other urls found in this thread:


The ethnic areas of NYC, Paris and LA are actually awfulm not sure about London. They were also great before diversity, which is likely why immigrants went there.

Bullshit. Go to any trendy place in Paris and see for yourself how "diverse" it is. Even libcucks prefer keeping to their own kind, everybody does.

There is reason all those "diversity and friendship" stock photos look fake as fuck, and it's not just because the white guy is always missing unless he's a betacuck numale.

>comparing white countries with sandniggers countries
Go to Paris, NY, London or Rome. Those places are shitholes.

And here is what the more diverse and progressive part of town looks like.


So great due to diversity, right.

I visited paris recently

it was 100% great

All of these places are African riddled shitholes.

those areas are Greeted with more violence because of "D-diversity"

London and Paris were made great by their natives, and now are undeniably in utter decay

you should know, Tojo, even your tourists are starting to catch on that a trip to Paris or London is asking to get robbed by some darkie

All those cities have record crime rates for western cultures. Comparing homogeneous Islam society to a homogeneous a white society is a false equivalency.

Go to South Africa and see how diversity is great.

Sage in all fields, OP is a faggot, etc etc

maybe because you found your kind there instead of frenchies.


even south sudan better than egypt

only the white parts of those places are good
the nigger and mudslime parts are in outright decay and in some cases the police don't even go there

this must be bait.

>Nip with no diversity on his island criticizing a nation that fell because "muh diversity"

such naivety.

Liberals love to pretend that all the races all go to the same places and are evenly spread throughout the city, but the minorities simply gather in the corners amongst their own kind and you end up with "Little Tokyo" mini cities making up the greater city.

>I visited paris recently it was 100% great

I somehow doubt you visited 100% of Paris. Some parts are pretty comfy, others much less so depending who you are.

Look around, there is no diversity, people stick to their own kind just like they do in London or Berlin or anywhere else. Diversity is a meme, it always was.


Paris was better than other french cities.

Although your food is trash

I've been to Pairs recently...riddled w/ jobless African people not doing much probably just spreading violence

Why are LA, NYC, London etc great because of diversity?

if you did go to france and traveled in france, you'd fucking fall in love with the little towns that haven't yet fell to diversity.

and saying french food is trash is funny, since you're known for calling live baby octopi food.

indians are to saudi what mexicans are to the us
fucking pack mule low wage shitstains that drive the market for jobs down miles

At least you weren't one of the 30 something zipper faces every year who go into literal shock endured psychosis because of how fucking shit Paris is compared to what you guys make it out to be.

Go look up Paris Syndrome. I shit you not.

Yeah i got this result when i brought up the "is this Africa" video.

Image in case reference is removed for "tolerance and diversity"


>great due to diversity
It is barely even England anymore. If it was nuked I wouldn't even care.

The 'good' parts of London are only really available to you if you have money and that's because you can basically avoid all the diversity.

You get that there's a good bit of religious diversity in Saudi, and that they kill each other over it right? So you're either saying that people are always going to find a way to feel superior without working for it so there is no homogeneous society or that diversity is the cause of success in these cities not the massive populations and the staggering amount of corporate incentives a population that size can support plus political incentives leading to special treatment.