How can The Republican Party make dents in The Blue Wall?
How can The Republican Party make dents in The Blue Wall?
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>blue states
shillary isn't even guaranteed CA
Trump is up in NM and very close in RI and NJ. Also PA is hardly a blue state.
PA has been blue for almost three decades now.
>shillary isn't even guaranteed CA
Oh we have a retard in class today. let's all say hi to billy and make him feel welcome here
Trump has iowa and Indiana on lock, but shillary also has VA and CO on lock. That puts her at 269
Convince me CA will be blue this November.
I'll wait.
It has been consistently blue since 1992
Every poll has Clinton up Massively compared to Trump
>2 month old polls
Show me some proof Trump will WIN California
I just shart myself in public. kek
Hillary will win ca by 10-15%. If you think anything else, you are stupid.
Just more proof votes don't count. They're going to shove the bitch in regardless. She's a better behaved marionette.
I personally like the bitch.
Well she could very easily be out in 2020.
>12 years of Democrats in the white house
>Generally negative opinion in public
>Weak candidate
>Not very charismatic
Obviously it does depend on how the next 4 years go, but if The Republicans manage to nominate someone who is considerably moderate and hasn't been damaged by this election cycle then they stand a good chance of winning back the white house.
That being said Clinton is so fortunate that she's facing Trump. The only other presidential candidate that she would've had better approval ratings against was Cruz, if she was facing anyone else in the race she probably would've lost
I think she will win by 8%.
Well good for you then, I personally don't give much of a fuck. No one rises to high level politics by being a good person. They're all shit; right, left, and center. There are no decent people in national level politics. They're all corrupt and evil as shit. The most evil usually wins. Just the way it is.
>implying Pennsylvania is going to vote for Hillary.
I live in PA and the number of Trump yard signs and bumper stickers outstrip the Hillary versions by 10 to 1. I will readily grant you, I do not live in a nigger-infested ghetto or city, but I feel that Trump has a very, very good chance of taking Pennsylvania.
Trump will win CA actually.
>2 month old polls
The latest New Jersey poll only has Clinton up by 4 while the one from 3 months ago had her up by 20
And even if Trump doesn't win Cali in 2016 if he gets elected he'll win it in 2020
She's getting New York
Oh bullshit, there is no win or lose. The game is rigged. To quote the great Leonard Cohen:
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
See the rest by searching for Leonard Cohen Everybody Knows.
Remember all those illegal immigrants in the country? Most of them are in California and they're allowed to vote here.
This state will NEVER be anything but blue ever again.
This is so true. Even Marco would beat her. Kasich, def would. Jeb--eh probably not lol.
this election is the same as the last 6 elections
VERY similar so projecting the same results makes a lot of sense
remember all the hillary supporters who were pissed off that obama stole the nomination in 2008?
remember when a non politician broke the record for most votes in the primaries for the GOP?
I wish I was as well educated and as self aware as an user like you.
Very deductive and well thought out, I guess I didn't realize CA was a traditionally blue state when I made my post but thanks for setting me straight.
>It has been consistently blue since 1992
>thinking 24 years is a long time
I realise that that's longer than you've been alive, but please.
The Republicans just need to focus on not being complete assholes, the Democrats will fuck themselves up without the need of anny help or interference from republicans.
Kek wills it
Maybe spend the past four years exclusively shitting on white people.
Oh wait that's the left.
The right just has to sit back and let the left hang itself.
>to quote the great French Canadian Jew
USA, pls
k den.
If you aren't a shill you are a retard
>shillary isn't even guaranteed in CA
Unfortunately that's just not true. A lot of California is actually conservative but they are vastly overshadowed by the big cities like SF and LA. I live in Sacramento which isn't even that big of a city and I guarantee you that we're going to vote heavily to the left because everyone out here has bought into the "Donal Trump is Hitler" meme.
Even if California were split up into the 5 or 6 states that people sometimes talk about (but which would never happen), the new states that contain the largest populations (SF, LA, Silicon Valley) would all vote blue which would mean the 2 flyover states like central California and Northern California (Jefferson or whatever) might vote red but they wouldn't have enough electoral votes to make a dent in anything.
is there any way Johnson wins New Mexico?
By blocking this site:
Dumb Finnish Malware Data Mining Site.
Sorry, typo. I meant akshually.
MI and PA maybe
You think CA is going red. You are stupid.
Until they get deported of course
A few suicide bombings in California might tip the scales
I don't wana be blue guys :(
He's still right.
Why is this talking point repeated over and over on Right wing media? Yes the illegals can drive, but you still need to be a fucking citizen to vote. ffs
Michigan? LOL you are retarded.
you have to be especially retarded to believe that any of this shit is legit, americans get all shook up over their "teams", that's all politics is, a show to keep the morons entertained
It is entirely possible for it to flip if there is high turnout from non-voting ex-republicans who abandoned the party during its long romance with the religious right and warmongers during the 1990s and 2000s, similar to new york.
The obstacles to california going red are much larger than in new york, but the possibility remains.
At the very least the 20+ blue victory that Obama got will be impossible, California will look more like it did in 2004 when Democrats got something like 54 to 44
Why the flying fuck does america have an electoral college? Isn't it about time the red votes in blue states and the blue votes in red states had their own fucking voices? Millions of people technically live without democracy in the land of the free
if you don't understand the implications of immigration and the supreme court then you're a fucking idiot
>I saw a Trump sign in my neighborhood
>hurr durr that means trump is going to win my state
Sup Forums logic everyone
Because increases in voter turnout combined with overall increases in democratic turnout in california are impossible without at least a few hundred thousand illegals voting
This also ignores that illegals steal SS numbers and the precincts in democratic areas of big cities in california are staffed by democrats who can just get "confused" and "accidentally" let plenty of illegals with drivers licenses vote
You're a shill or a moron if you believe there aren't at least a hundred thousand illegals voting in california elections
Voter enthusiasm overall on a record low.
I wonder who might be hurt the most by it.
The USA is a federation, this is the best way to do things in a federation
Otherwise American elections would be dominated by both parties promising gibs to their supporters to get the rednecks and niggers to turnout and America would be as much of a garbage communist country as most latin and european nations
i know it hurts and it's much easier to just believe that your system is real and legit but you're just another cog in the wheel, american politics is WWE level shit except that there are psychologists who get paid a lot of money to keep you morons believing in "muh democracy!", "muh votes", "muh left/right wing is bad!"
Much better to have jews shove millions of dollaridoos up their respective asses while millions can't do jack shit about it because their opinions don't matter.
Yeah, no, fix your shit or break up.
>You're a shill or a moron if you believe there aren't at least a hundred thousand illegals voting in california elections
This is truth, and it isn't even about nihilism or not. People are presented with a choice between a pedophile and a war criminal and you're just supposed to fucking take it and pick one, that's nihilism
What is everyone's objective opinion on the possibility that he takes New York?
I mean all the big banks hate him, but his name is all over the fucking place and he's just a personality people would have become familiar with. People tend to side with things that are familiar.
nigga what
R-money got 38% of the vote in California to Obama's 60% in 2012
Perhaps it is a long shot but Romney was unlikable and Obama was a charismatic incumbent
Trump has charisma, Hillary is unlikable
The primary obstacle are anchor babies and legalized illegals, who are at least 20% of the population of California. Whites made up 60% of registered Californian voters in 2015, which is probably 58% or less by now given the high levels of registration by anchor babies to vote against Trump when compared to high levels of people in California who registered to vote for Trump. In 2012 only 52% of people who voted in California were white, meaning that California is unlike most other states in that whites are actually undervoting compared to other demographics. In most other states whites might make up 70% of registered voters but then 75-80% of people who actually bother to turnout and vote.
Likewise we see that Trump gets something like 40% of the Asian vote. Asians are not important in too many states, but in the West Coast states they are in fact a voting block which can shift elections.
Likewise there hasn't been any good polling on the opinions of black Californians who are presumably more likely to hate illegals than most other groups of blacks simply because the blacks and illegals fight over turf. At the very least it will be more difficult to justify to blacks why they should turnout to vote Hillary when she supports illegals taking their shit.
On Sup Forums? 100% Trump victory. Outside of this bubble? Not very likely. Yes, Hill is a weak candidate, but she was a Senator from New York. She has deep rooted support there.
Thanks for demonstrating that you're a shill, and a new one at that. Protip: the best way to out yourself as someone to be ignored as a shill on Sup Forums is to start spouting "t-tinfoil! CTR is a right wing fiction!"
Earn that 5 cents, faggot
No, you're retarded.
>pedophile or war criminal
>trump is a pedophile
Wow thanks for letting me know I can ignore your posts.
It can't.
This is the average retard voting for Trump.
November 9 is going to be a really bitter day for you.
lulz CTR 4 lyfe pussy
If this isn't a shill, I have a question, how many times do we need to see "leaks" or news articles about paid shills manipulating opinion before people stop being retards about it
I guess it's never because people really don't want to believe in them
In 2012, Karl Rove looked like a babbling idiot in disbelief on Fox News. I can't wait for 2016's characters.
By taking the states on the gray/beige states on that map, something he is more then capable of doing.
In 2012 Romney would have needed 60% of the Upstate and 35% of the City to win. That was when minority turnout was highest in the City and the Upstate working class disliked Romney for obvious reasons.
In 2016 City turnout will be down and Upstate turnout will be up, people in the City know Trump because he's lived there his entire life and the margin of the vote he needs from the city will be lower. The Upstate will have higher turnout and will be in Trump's favor.
Taking New York or at least making Hillary sink time and resources into it to keep it (and thus making it harder for her to keep states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) is entirely doable in this election
Anyone saying otherwise is a fucking retard who just goes "WHOA IT HASN'T BEEN RED IN A LONG TIME SO IT GOING RED EVER IS UNPOSSIBLE"
>having a right to an opinion
i never said that but could not care less if you ignore my posts, i'm not a nihilist, i believe in many wonderful things, the united states federal government isn't one of those wonderful things, it's a rigged shitshow but who cares, i'm going to work to earn my bread, enjoy being just one of millions of morons on the internet
Sorry I have already earned my maximum allotted donations. I can not correct the record until my next shit begins.
>everything is rigged
>I'm going to work like a good goy for my tendies
The Australians have the perfect electoral system tbqh
This, its easier for a red state to go blue than vice versa. It might take a few more Muslim acts of peace to convince the blue states to give conservatives a try.
>polls switching over to LE HORSE RACE narrative, LOOK LIBERALS IF YOU DONT VOTE THE SCARY ORANGE MAN IS GOING TO NUKE US ALL to rally up more votes
>Trumplettes already demoralizing themselves from going out to vote, even their god emperor is telling them shit's rigged
>affinity on a creature with no colorless mana cost
>2/3 for 3 with a 1/1 so basically a 3/4 with hexproof for 3 is mythic
3/10 I'd draft removal over this and be disappointed as fuck when I pull a foil
Lel boy are you in for a surprise
Michigan is closer in the polls than PA.
It has been demonstrated that in states like PA and VA they tend to "weight" the polls in order to benefit Hillary. MI is closer because they didn't bother to mess with the polls because they assumed it would be an easy Hillary win, now we're seeing a bunch of blue states shift slightly in Trump's favor which means internal polling probably has them more strongly Republican leaving the Hillary camp in a panic.
Don't you mean Drumpfettes, retard?
Also the only people in this thread shouting "IT'S RIGGED" are shills and shitposters like you.
>How can The Republican Party make dents in The Blue Wall?
Stop being assholes.
>1 post by this ID over and over
Hi Billy welcome to class.
MI, WI, ME, and fucking RI are more red than Ohio and Virginia you doofus. At least use the current polls for your image.
>not catering to terrorists is "being an asshole"
This election is great proof that American democracy should be abolished and replaced with totalitarianism. You don't deserve freedom, you're too dumb to handle it.
>the same type of post
>"we're not shills, we just like hillary"
Okay, asshole.
Fuck off with that psychosis.
You need professional help.
>current polls
>nebraska "in play"
There aren't even polls for nebraska you retard
By stopping being such Pozzcuckolds. The only reason Trump is neck to neck with Hillary instead of landsliding her is because of his personal baggage, 0 experience, gaffes and poor debating skills.
>"s-seek help"
Please kill yourself
better pic
>t. jeff bezos
Is 90% of this thread shills?
quads confirm. yes.
I'm reading your posts and you're dumber than a rock. There are polls in Nebraska and you have no clue what you're talking about.
Suck my dick faggot.
>quoting a jew song as if it's some sort of argument
Better pic
Oh yea I'm so sad for the people that entered our country illegally.
loser spotted
quads confirm
banter the fuck out of all shills