How many parentheses do we meed for this?
Trump getting btfo'd as big dogs join the fight
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how skary... add that to the 800 million she already has / spent / will have.... meaningless!
you can run all the commercials you want, nothing will change the fact Shillary is just a bad candidate. nothing could be more clear.
200 million 20 million... 25 from Saudi etc... it's all useless the will of the PEOPLE
You'll be proven wrong because having a ground game is where it's at and Trump is an asshole.
Was he the billionaire leech who ran away to Singapore, where he now resides to use as a tax haven, because he refuses to allow the US government to tax him on those billions of dollars he has? Just think of how many of THOSE PROGRAMS that NEED MO MONEY could be funded if that jew didn't jew out to a foreign country to evade paying his taxes.
>people hate you because you take money from corporations
>hey, let's take some more money from corporations. That will help.
Brilliant move.
could of helped them homeless instead. Fucking libs just feed the rich.
Can someone photoshop my dick coming out of the popcorn and this faggot frog poster slurping on it?
>hey our hundreds of millions aren't doing anything and we're slipping behind a campaign that spends 1/4 the money we do
>I know, throw more money at it!
I must say that's a pretty American way of solving things.
At least Trump would've given you a MAGA hat for the donation though.
really makes you think
The more money they throw the deeper we dig our heels into the ground.
I thought he stole the idea for sole purpose of jewing everyone else out but himself.
This proves that nobody actually hates cronyism, they only virtue signal about it when convenient.
That name. Every fucking time.
Hmm what's worse? A corrupt politician that sells our country to the highest bidder, is careless with national security, gets Americans killed, causes instability in the Mid East with bad policy, and is caught lying CONSTANTLY, or a guy who says mean words?
It's the way the democrats "solve" everything. Look at how much we spend per student in our shitty schools.
I havent heard the libatrds talking about the homeless in years. There's epidemic levels of homelessness in central Florida because of economic decline in the rust belt.
Dustin Moskovitz needs to be added to the Coincidence Detector list if he hasn't been already.
>(((Dustin Moskovitz)))
And people say that the jews don't control the american political parties.
oy gevalt
And Hillary is a cunt with even less ground game. Also you realize hundreds of people are working for him and campaigning in various states, right? Smdh
Clever chuckles were had
Over 70% Of US Doctors Surveyed Say Hillary's Health Concerns Are "Serious, Possibly Disqualifying"
Clinton camp denies claims she wore earpiece at forum
New Hillary Clinton Lie: I Used Secure Server for Classified Email
*collects money from broke college kids*
Is bernie the biggest scumbag of this election?
How pissed are the jews that Hillary is the best they have at the moment?
I'm really surprised they didn't just let Bernie, a fellow tribalist, have a go.
He would have been harder for Trump to defeat.
Quality post friendo
Do doctors vote left or right?
Female Bernout friend hates Hillary utterly for hiding behind her sex from criticism but hates Trump more because he called Rosie fat. Does not remotely like Rosie.
Male Bernout friend #1 hates Hillary AND links me freakish conspiracy shit all the time about her and I say "why do you read this shit if you want to vote for her?" "Trump is going to take away my citizenship cuz I'm brown."
Male Bernout friend #2 loves Reagan, doesn't know what a liberal or conservative is, says Republicans are the Klu Klux Klan, loves guns, has a "YOU CAN TAKE MY GUNS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS" attitude, hates the NRA, hates Trump.
I don't know any ideologically coherent lefties.
There were a lot of scumbags this time around.
All terrible.
>Trump is an asshole.
Prove it.
IDK, which side thinks they have the right to a doctors services without paying?
He's also insane and unpredictable. Id giving anything to see the kikes getting ass blasted over Lauers grilling of hill
the audacity of this SPINELESS COMMIE KEK
Get them to vote for Jill
Kasich , Lindsey Graham, Carly... You're right
Anti socialist.. Why do I still feel they're majorly democrats?
$20 million?! Oh noes! This will surely be the end of Trump's campaign!
No. That's Eduardo Saverin, a (((Brazilian-American))).
Openly censoring Trump supporters on Facebook would probably be more effective. Dumb kike wastes money for no real reason.
Trump is making multiple stops around the country every day in his jet. Telemarketer banks will not win this election-- good old fashioned campaigning will.
And Hillary is utterly losing on the memetic warfare front.
why do these idiots go out of their way to upset 40+% of their users?
If the Sanders campaign spent 1/4 as much effort attacking Hillary as they did rioting at Trump rallies and throwing eggs at his supporters, maybe Sanders wouldn't have gotten annihilated.
Nice1 m8
>No. That's (((((((Eduardo Saverin))))))), a (((Brazilian-American))).
Coincidence Detector confirms.
Shillary sucked jew cock all her life, she is basically one of the tribe. Bernie was basically calling out the jews on their game while never naming them but with promises of stopping the rigged game. That is why they went for shilldog.
>Bernie was basically calling out the jews on their game
what do you fucking think fucking socialism is? moron
that's right another jew game
I feel old now though.
>mfw hillary outspent him 5:1 and he still took the lead
>thinking the Trump can be stumped
Liberals never learn.
Oh yeah but Bernie wasn't socialism not even meme "nordic socialism" but between "socialism" (or what Americans call socialism) and what they currently have where the jew gold is basically being horded by jews I would guess the kike masters don't want to even lose one once of their jew gold, they are kikes after all. Which is funny since if they let Bernie run against Trump, Trump would had a harder time taking Bernie down than Shilldog meanwhile the anti establishment vote now can consolidate behind Trump, he is basically disrupting this election and the kikes decided with the old "political book" that shilldog is following to the letter (Run liberal on the democratic primary and then run to the right on the general election, triangulation, that she has been campaigning with neocons), Trump only has to call her out on this shit and while he may not win liberal votes he could get liberals to vote Jill or just don't vote.
huh, so hildawg is the actual big money bought and paid for shill cannidate?
Tell your brown friend he's a fucking dumbass. Trump won't take away citizen ships. Where the fuck is he getting that from? He believes shillbitch's lies
its too late
the indy just ran a story trying to insinuate trump fucks his daughter with that screencap of him hugging her...all the comments are like
"i dont like trump but this is disgusting journalism!!!" etc
Fucking hypocrisy.
Theodore Schleifer? hmmmm
you cant polish shit into gold. Doesn't matter how much money you throw at Hillay, shes still one of the worst presidential candidates in history. She was investigated by the FBI for christ sake. Even without that, shes still a fucking cunt face.
Shillary already has billions at her disposal.
>1 post by this ID
>Implying a petty $20M will make a difference compared to the hundreds, if not thousands of millions already spent in trying to stump him.
personally i don't think trump is ever gonna get more than that 20-25% that will always vote for a dictator
the lefts problem is they don't see hillary as much better
bernie could have won
I opened a pickle jar in your name.
Why do they think more money is going to make people vote for her? I guarantee you that >95% of people who will vote in the general have already made up their minds, anyone who is undecided at this point is retarded and probably won't vote at all, or if they're somehow completely middle of the road, I think it's entirely possible that they'll think "well I don't like either of them, but we haven't had much luck with insider politicians, so let's try something new" and vote Trump. I'm not making shit up here either, I have actually met people who say they're voting Trump for that reason alone. They don't like either candidate, but they see how voting for what is essentially the same person with a different face, and a mildly different ideology doesn't actually change anything, so they're voting Trump because he's different and actually seems like a real person instead of just another politician who is essentially a cardboard cutout version of a person.
it's funny. just over 2 months away and the public still can't decide between a douche and turd sandwich
idiot, socialism destroys the middleclass whilst creating industry monopolies, what more could a jew want?
how will the people rebel when their only source of money and food is you?
didn't argentinas get fucked up by socialism?
Wait has she actually spent 800 million so far?
Holy fuck what a disaster.
didn't argentinas get fucked up by socialism?
probably more about planting the meme that it's still close, so when they cheat it's not so blatant
It creates a dependency on the government, yes. But doesn't really create a monopoly on anything for other than the government and their friends.
I am not defending socialism, you paki. But calling Sanders socialism is not understanding anything about what has been called historically socialism.
>kike with an agenda spends money from selling user data to push said agenda
CTR, commit suicide.
I wonder who's more dependent, capitalism ,monopolies would fail without government
Yeah she's doing worse than Jeb! on a per dollar basis I bet.
>other than the government and their friends
yes, you utter moran, their friends being wallmart, verizon, hewlett packard and the rest of the fortune 500
>But calling Sanders socialism is not understanding anything about what has been called historically socialism
well, you camp colossaly gay homosexual island stealing faggot, he claimed to be a "democratic socialist"
what does that mean to you?
Who gives a fuck? They can spend 100 billion and will still lose. LOSERS!
the capitalist need taxpayer subsidies, they need government for protection ,to bust unions and keep wages low and on and on
Increasingly nervous Jews
Because he was very obviously just there to get money from young people who are not supporting Hillary into the DNC coffers.
Motherfucker kept running when he was eliminated. And kept taking money.
He's a huge piece of shit.
Has no one considered that this 20 million is actually a Clinton foundation donation and not a campaign donation?
do we really need the government to redistribute tax money so big box stores and burger joints can pay their employees?
we can't lose with an egyptian deity on our side.
Kek will smite all his enemies, like the one bitch who thought they'd be smart sacrificing frogs to minerva.
Not posting anymore, is she?
everyone is just against him
it wouldn't be fair otherwise.
Hope Trump wins so they can all cry.
>the capitalist need taxpayer subsidies, they need government for protection
no, they don't
in capitalism companies succeed by producing items or services that others want to buy
what you are talking about is crony capitalism
bad companies should die, it's healthy
nice fairytale
but bad companies don't die
Whats the matter Paki? You sound upset.
Great there is going to be more of them.
>trump is losing the ground game
>trump is making mulitple stops a week
>hillary opened a jar of pickles and had a 200 day gap of nothing
>because some walmart employees use welfare, walmart uses welfare
Leafs can't into logic
>what you are talking about is crony capitalism
paki? twice in a row?
put some effort in, or turn in your shitposting licence
abo-tier niglet
She's spent hundreds of millions more than Trump has in the battleground states, and she's just barely beating him in most of them.
I don't think spending more money is going to have much of an effect for her.
Another reason to dump facebook if you use it
Spying on you - check
Using ad revenues to destroy the US - check
that's the think, it's not just big box stores and burger joints, it's Everything!
the capitalism we have to today is nothing but a giant welfare program for crony capitalism.
the serfs pay for their own enslavement to it